1 Peter 2: 6-8

1 Peter 2
6 For in Scripture it says: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame.”
7 Now to you who believe, this stone is precious. But to those who do not believe, The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone,”
8 and,“A stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall.”

The argument made here is that this text read with Isaiah 8:12-15 shows that Jesus is God. So let’s look at that scripture:

Isaiah 8:12-15
11 For Jehovah spake thus to me with a strong hand, and instructed me not to walk in the way of this people, saying,
12 Say ye not, A conspiracy, concerning all whereof this people shall say, A conspiracy; neither fear ye their fear, nor be in dread thereof .
13 Jehovah of hosts, him shall ye sanctify; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.
14 And he shall be for a sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel, for a gin and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
15 And many shall stumble thereon, and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken.

Okay so the argument is made that Jesus is called a stone and so is God.

The first obvious thing to point out is that when God decides to become something such as a rock of offense, he personally doesn’t turn up as that rock, but sends a messenger. We see in other scriptures that God is light, yet he sends Jesus into the world and Jesus proclaims that “he is the light of the world”. When Jesus is about to leave this world he passes on this mantle to us, (the Church) when he proclaimed, “You are the light of the world” in Matthew 5:14.

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; 15nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.…

So when God sent light into this dark world, he sent a messenger. If we conclude that God is light and Jesus is the light means that Jesus is God, then you also have to believe that we (the Church) are God. Thus if God refers to himself as a stone and sends Jesus who is identified as the stone, then that is not a valid proof that the verse means that Jesusis God.

Further, there is another main point that needs to be understood here. When you look at Isaiah 8:12-15, it becomes very clear that YHWH is actually talking about another as the rock and not himself. Read closely.

“See, I lay a stone in Zion,
a chosen and precious cornerstone,
and the one who trusts in him
will never be put to shame.”

Notice the words, “I lay a stone”. I guess that Trinitarians just read it as “I am this stone”. But it does not say that or refer to that.
Now notice the words “a chosen and precious cornerstone”. If God is the stone, then ask yourself who is the one who CHOSE the stone?

Again this so-called Trinity proof verse is easily exposed when you decide to read the text carefully and without bias. Obviously, our brother Peter doesn’t support the view that Jesus is God when he talks about Jesus being the stone that causes people to stumble.

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  • #780665

    you said:

    Jesus was not adopted.

    Nevertheless consider that Isaac who was Abraham’s second child is called Abraham’s one and only child in Scripture despite the fact that Ismael is also Abraham’s child. Scripture chooses the call Isaac the one and only child because Isaac is the child of the promise and Ismael, though his brother, is not.

    Jesus is the Son of the promise made to David.

    Are you saying that the person of Jesus was God’s second child but only chosen one of the promise?



    I am saying Jesus is the one and only child of God that is by the promise he made to David. None of God’s other children are the child of that promise just like Ismael was not the child of the promise made to Abraham.

    As God is not a creature his children are not the children of his body but they are the children of his spirit.

    Just as God is love so are his children, even those that are adopted when they reach full maturity. I believe you quoted from John where he states perfect love drives out fear.



    If Jesus was just a man yet receives the same honor and glory that the Father is given, that seems to contradict what the Jehovah of the OT has said.

    Revelation 5:13New American Standard Bible (NASB)

    13 And every created thing which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all things in them, I heard saying,

    “To Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever.”

    Is this the passage you are going by? Your reasoning would be that if you “wish” glory and honor and glory to two different individuals then you are “wishing” it in the same degree to both. That may be true but Scripture makes it clear God has dominion over Jesus as God is the one that made him King of all things in heaven and on earth.

    According to Scripture all things have not yet been put under Jesus’ feet and when they are Jesus will surrender his kingdom to God so that God will be all in all. It literally states that “then the Son Himself will be subjected to the One who subjected all things”. Scripture call that one the God and Father and Jesus called spoke of his Father and his God who he implied was also the Father and God of his disciples.

    1 Corinthians 15:23-28New American Standard Bible (NASB)

    23 But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, after that those who are Christ’s at His coming, 24 then comes the end, when He hands over the kingdom to the God and Father, when He has abolished all rule and all authority and power. 25 For He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet. 26 The last enemy that will be abolished is death. 27 For He has put all things in subjection under His feet. But when He says, “All things are put in subjection,” it is evident that He is excepted who put all things in subjection to Him. 28 When all things are subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also will be subjected to the One who subjected all things to Him, so that God may be all in all.


    If he looks like a divine person, acts like a diving person, he is a divine person. The divine person took on flesh and was called Emmanuel, meaning God with us.

    Did you not know that we can participate in divine nature and escape the corruption that is in the world. Further as he is we shall be also. Our lowly bodies will be transformed into a body like his. As he was the light when he was here, so he has called us the light. We are to be like him.

    So let’s say 4 billion people belong to God, now we have a doctrine called the 4 billionity and two according to you.

    The errors never stop ceasing when the foundation is false.


    You deserve a trophy for taking things out of context and twisting the intention of the author…congratulations! I wouldn’t go around bragging about it though.


    You are speaking of the “Son of Man” who is the promised heir to David’s throne. I am speaking of the Son of God. He is both!


    You speculate that Jesus is handing over the kingdom of Light to His Father. I don’t believe that is what is being talked about. Instead it is the Kingdom of Darkness that Jesus has abolished and handed over to the Father. The kingdom of Light already acknowledges the Father as God and ‘head’ of the Son. Christians in general do not dispute that there is the Father as head over the Son as it should be in a father/son relationship. No Christian that I know has the Son as the head over the Father or both without an authoritative head over them.

    Nevertheless, they both are called theos in scripture and both are given the dominion over all creation for ever and ever. The Son is the direct head over the church, the Father is indirectly head over the church as He is the head of Christ.



    I am speaking of both as God promised David that one of David’s sons would also be the Son of God. Scripture teaches use that Jesus was made of the Seed of David, as of his flesh but as for his spirit he is the Son of God. He has to both to fulfill God’s promise to David for one that falls short of God’s glory would not as can be see of those kings who though being sons of David fell short of God’s glory and despite how righteous they were did not qualify as the child promised to David. Only Jesus who us the Son of Man as of the flesh and the Son of God as for the Spirit qualifies.



    You deserve a trophy for taking things out of context and twisting the intention of the author…congratulations! I wouldn’t go around bragging about it though.

    i love your comment specially the remark :”TWISTING THE INTENTION OF THE AUTHOR ” OF COURSE BEING YOU, unbelievable how you can make the scriptures turning around your finger ;and then try to make it a scriptural truth , ??????



    What does that post accomplish?



    I tend to believe is dodging T8’s point if that is what you are trying to get at.



    not at all i just have to smile at it , and find compulsed to say something ,but i could have not say anything ,in fact i could go and never answer anyone , i do never use dodging in my language for if you feel you are molested by a quote you have a bigger problem than you may think ,

    i am sure T8 has not been damaged in anyway, i am sure he does not mind ,i surely don’t when someone respond quicker than i can ,he is welcome for it means i am not the only one that can see what i see ,same spirited mind will see the same things ,




    What does that post accomplish?

    i would not ask that questions in the background of the quotes i see here


    The Son of God existed before the cosmos was created. He became the Son of Man also. All things were created through Him and for Him.

    Btw, t8 did not make a point except that he can take things written out of context and twist them to try to discredit others. I’m not dodging a worthy challenge because I see none.


    i am not the only one that can see what i see ,same spirited mind will see the same things ,

    Exactly! Test the spirits and choose the one that is from God. It is no prize to be joined in spirit with the wrong spirit.


    It is no prize to be joined in spirit with the wrong spirit.

    that is the question “what is the true Godly spirit ?” is it something someone make up ?



    The Son of God existed before the cosmos was created. He became the Son of Man also. All things were created through Him and for Him.

    That is where your idea of what the title means and mine differ. A son of God is one who is righteous and holy as God is holy or one that is credited as being so. A son of the Devil is one that falls short of the glory of God and is content to fall short of God’s glory.

    You on the other hand see God as reproducing like his creations and so believe Jesus the same kind as he is even as a human child is the same kind as his parents. It is a special rule you apply to Jesus as you know God also calls other human beings in Scripture his children. I think you come to that belief because you assume that when Scripture speaks of an only begotten that it is speaking of God which I am not even sure of because Jews have weird ways of expressing ideas and John was the only author to speak of the only begotten in a context that might mean Jesus.



    Are you just now realizing that I am saying that the Son of God is a special, authentic offspring of God and the only son of God in this manner?



    There is no evidence in Scripture that God reproduces after his kind. That is something the creatures of earth do. There is only one way God reproduces and that after the Spirit as spirit is born of Spirit.



    There is no evidence in Scripture that God reproduces after his kind

    The Son is the exact reproduction of the Father.

    Heb 1:3
    And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation (charaktér) of His nature…
    Strong’s #5481-charaktér: a tool for engraving
    Original Word: χαρακτήρ, ῆρος, ὁ
    Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
    Transliteration: charaktér
    Phonetic Spelling: (khar-ak-tare’)
    Short Definition: an exact reproduction
    Definition: an impression, representation, exact reproduction; a graving-tool.

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