If Jesus is divine, does that make him God?

God’s nature is divine his essence is spirit

God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.

Divine nature pertaining to Jesus Christ and the children of God

But scripture says that we can share in God’s nature so all the more Jesus Christ who after all has a body now, that we will eventually have. It is written that we will be like him. If Jesus Christ is God because he has divine nature, then why aren’t we God by reason of participating in the same divine nature?

For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form,

Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.

Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

Connecting the dots, most will agree that we are not God and never will we be God. So divine nature doesn’t qualify you as being God himself.

Was Jesus God or a man?

Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

Jesus existing in the form of God doesn’t make him God, rather that his nature is from God. A good explanation of a son of God. We also read that Jesus emptied himself, but of what did he empty himself? Many think it was his foreknowledge and divine nature because he took on flesh or human nature and became a man being born like us. He started life as a baby, grew to a child, then an adult. We do know right now that Jesus is at the right-hand of God in the glory he had with him even before creation itself. So it seems he was with God, came to Earth in an empty state, and is back with God in the glory he had with him before the universe existed.

And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.


Divine nature doesn’t make you God just as having a spirit doesn’t make you God. Yes God is divine, and He is spirit. But angels are spirits and they are not God and we can share in divine nature and we are not God. What we do know is this:

Jesus Christ existed with God before the world began as the Word. While he shared in divine nature with God, he emptied himself and became a man, even a baby who had to learn how to walk and talk like the rest of us. Providing the perfect sacrifice for our sins through his death, he is now with God at his righthand side in the glory he had with him before the world began. Now we who are in the flesh can be born of the Spirit and participate in this divine nature because Christ died for us.

We need to understand that there is a difference between being God who has divine nature and being a son who shares or inherits divine nature. Receiving the divine nature of God is a good description of being a son and chief among the sons of God is the Son of God himself. He reflects the fullness of God’s nature and glory in visible form from the invisible God.

The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.


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  • #799469


    John did not enter the new covenant as that would not be established before Jesus ascended to heaven to mediate it. The kingdom of heaven is the words testifying of its coming as well as the new covenant itself.

    John stated he need to be immersed by Jesus before you claim he received the Holy Spirit in its role of Councilor.

    Why do you think he did?


    Hi KW,

    John was a prophet so in him already was the Spirit of Christ[1 peter 1]

    But the Spirit was given without measure to Jesus Christ.



    You did not address my point.

    John said that even before Jesus was immersed and had the Spirit alight on him in the form of a dove that he should be immersed by Jesus and not the other way around. Why did he say that?

    A good point about John having the Spirit in such a way as he was not part of the new covenant.


    Hi KW,

    He acknowledged that the way of Christ was greater than the way of the Law he was under.

    But it was not of the will of God for him



    Hi davidl,

    Indeed all who met and heard Jesus Christ met and heard the Father in him.

    Only if they were of the Spirit of course.




    If we are not to take these words of Jesus in a very literal sense (as I believe the Spirit would show us), but instead delegate some lesser meaning to them to suit your own ideas… then I would challenge you to show me any other man in the history of the Church who could say, or even dare to say, these very same words of Christ – “I and the Father are One.”


    Scripture teaches us that Jesus Christ being in the form of God did not see being equal to God as plunder but instead humbled himself and took on the form of a servant, a servant God prophesied about by saying My Servant …” Though he posses the form of the one true God he clearly is not the one true God as he is instead the Servant of the one true God.

    If we look at what Scripture reveals about the incarnation of Christ we see that He came from a place of being equal to God (One with God),

    John puts it, “..was with God..” (Two), “..and was God.” (One)

    again highlighting the words of Jesus – “I and the Father (Two) are One.”

    with our natural perception we see Two – Father and Son..

    but with the eyes of our heart we see ONE – (the Father through the Son by the Spirit – what Scripture calls ‘the Godhead’)

    We cannot have the Father without the Son or the Spirit

    We cannot have the Son without the Father and the Spirit

    We cannot have the Spirit without the Son and the Father

    A verse that has been left out of modern translations (because of their reliance on corrupted manuscripts from Alexandria – the seat of Gnostic teaching), states very clearly in the KJV –

    “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” – 1 John 5:7

    Jesus before His birth was not ‘a god’ – but truly as the Word declares, He was and is One with GOD.

    “I and the Father are One.” –  “The LORD our God is one LORD.”


    Hi davidl,

    If you choose to be confused scripture will not stop you.


    Hi davidl,

    No men use the word GODHEAD in the kjv to suit their dogmas.

    Scriptural use is quite different.


    No confusion if you trust the Spirit to guide you..

    Can’t you see that the Father, Son and Spirit are a Unit – you cannot have just One on it’s own.


    Hi davidl,

    The Spirit that reminds us of the words of Jesus.

    But you spout the teachings of men.



    Is it as funny as denying the Binity and the Quadrinity?

    The Holy Spirit was added to the Binity to complete the Trinity Doctrine. Some have added in redeemed man who can also be one with God and Jesus. Thus a Quadrinity or Polyinity. Anything so long as God is not one. Anything but the one true God the Father who is above all and in all…

    I will be honest and say that I don’t think any of them are funny. Definately weird though. It says a lot about the nature of man who is trying to create a God from his own imagination. This sort of thing is why idols are so prolific.

    The one true God has revealed himself to man through his son. But it seems that this pearl gets trampled into the mud at every opportunity.



    Upon what rock did Jesus build his Church on?


    What is so ludicrously funny is that, in your desperation to deny the trinity – you actually keep confirming it…

    listen to what Nick said:

    Hi davidl,

    Indeed all who met and heard Jesus Christ met and heard the Father in him.

    Only if they were of the Spirit of course.

    Remember – the Three are One Unit..you cannot have the Father without the Son or the Spirit…!!!

    You are caught in the blindness of unbelief – trusting your own reason instead of trusting God.


    Hi davidl,

    When you see the Father and the Son spoken of as

    being united with the believers in the one spirit

    does you mind immediately see a trinity?


    Are you part of this fabrication as well?



    Upon what rock did Jesus build his Church on?

    Have you forgotten..??

    The REVELATION of Jesus Christ – which you continually deny..!!!

    Proving that you have turned from the true faith..

    to the doctrines of carnal men.



    Revelation is not the rock upon which Jesus built his church. It was not Peter either. Humble yourself and list to the Lord and then try again.




    If we are not to take these words of Jesus in a very literal sense (as I believe the Spirit would show us), but instead delegate some lesser meaning to them to suit your own ideas… then I would challenge you to show me any other man in the history of the Church who could say, or even dare to say, these very same words of Christ – “I and the Father are One.”

    Jesus say “that they may be one, even as we are one” so in anyway he means God and him are one so are believers one.

    And just in case we misunderstand him he further states ” I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one”

    He is speaking the unity of the Spirit.


    Hi davidl,

    Jesus Christ was anointed with the Holy Spirit and power.

    Was one member of your trinity anointing another member?


    Have you forgotten..??

    The REVELATION of Jesus Christ – which you continually deny..!!!

    And what is that revelation? One or two sentences please.

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