Who owns the world?

Who are the monopolists that own the world?

This brilliant documentary by Tim Gielen reveals how a small group of super rich people are buying virtually everything on earth, until they own it all. From media, health care, travel, food industry, even governments.

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    Collusion Scandal that Weaponized Agencies [Part 2/2]

    This is part 2 of Spygate where we talk about how America’s most powerful agencies were weaponized against President Donald Trump in a #collusion #scandal perpetrated by top officials in the Obama administration. In this episode of Declassified we explain the politics of the SpyGate scandal and those involved.


    Hi t8,

    You are of the world and politics is your thing.

    Your only interest in the things of God seems to be intellectual.

    Dig deeper.


    Please stick to the topic, you know the rules. Feel free to setup a topic called ‘Accusations’, in the meantime we can pray for our leaders.

    And you must be born again Nick. The fruit of this new birth is love.

    God is love.

    No love, no God. Know love, know God.

    At least consider it.

    Now back to the topic at hand.


    Hi T8

    Good video they seem to have the information right. IlI’ watch part 2next. Thank for the effort made

    God bless




    Many Christians today believe that God called the current president to the White House. If true, why? Well I believe it is to weed out corruption in high places and to build a wall of protection around the nation. I believe this because America has a special part to play in God’s plan and God’s people have been praying about the evil that has been ever increasing in that nation.

    President Trump is the only president I know of that actually tried / tries to fulfill his campaign promises. I do admit to being ignorant of American politics pre-Trump era, but it is at least novel to see a political leader actually fulfill campaign promises. While he has suffered much opposition to building a wall at the southern border, it is perhaps because of his “Drain the Swamp” plan that he has felt the full force of the Deep State. What do I mean by Deep State? The financial elites of the world, bureaus of investigation at the highest level, political elites, mainstream media, social media platforms, and other elite people and organisations who work together at the highest level of society to affect laws and bring about the kind of world they want to see which is a New World Order. If anything, it was dubious that there was a Deep State group trying to bring about a new world, but since the Trump Administration, they have basically come out in the open and attacked Trump, his associates, and this has even led to many who voted for Trump being persecuted in public places.

    Now that the Mueller Report is complete and has been released in redacted format, the clear conclusion reached is there are no more criminal charges to lay because there was no Russian collusion or even blatant obstruction. Sometimes called ‘Russia Gate’ or the ‘Collusion Delusion’, it seems that now is the perfect time to investigate the investigation and investigators. And while this may seem like wishful thinking, it appears to be a reality. Due to the swamp being drained to some degree, there are enough people in the right places to find out more about the largely phony investigation.

    Questions that need to answered now include who started this and what was the initial evidence. Was the Trump Campaign and the US public illegally spied on. Does this conspiracy go all the way to the top and include the Clintons and Obama. It’s time to buckle up your seat-belts because we are not in Kansas anymore people and this is going to get real interesting. We could well witness the the flushing out of wickedness in high places in the nation of America.

    Please pray for America!

    …We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.



    Recently I have been looking into Q and his or their posts on 8chan. Although, I do not go there directly as that site has been banned in NZ, but there are many videos that publish these posts.

    I don’t know what to think about it all at this stage, but it is certainly an interesting phenomena.

    Ed J


    The swamp is being drained


    Hi T8

    The satanic deep state is trying to get trump off the 2020 presidential ballot–unbelievable.




    The Left is crazy.


    What Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller didn’t say in his testimony to the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees takes center stage

    Special counsel Robert Mueller testified before two House committees Wednesday, and his performance requires us to look at his investigation and report in a new light. We’ve been told it was solely about Russian electoral interference and obstruction of justice. It’s now clear it was equally about protecting the actual miscreants behind the Russia-collusion hoax.

    The most notable aspect of the Mueller report was always what it omitted: the origins of this mess. Christopher Steele’s dossier was central to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s probe, the basis of many of the claims of conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia. Yet the Mueller authors studiously wrote around the dossier, mentioning it only in perfunctory terms. The report ignored Mr. Steele’s paymaster, Fusion GPS, and its own ties to Russians. It also ignored Fusion’s paymaster, the Clinton campaign, and the ugly politics behind the dossier hit job.



    The illegal treasonous attempted coup is uncovered but the Democrats want to impeach Trump before justice can be served.


    There will be arrests from those involved in the Russian Delusion


    Why Spygate is Bigger Than Watergate

    In the present day Spygate scandal, government officials didn’t merely talk about using the great powers of federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies against political opponents. Evidence points to their having actually done it. That’s why it can accurately be stated that the Spygate scandal is truly the biggest and most serious political scandal in U.S. history, one that dwarfs Watergate.


    So Russiagate was a nothing burger and Ukrainegate is no better.

    What you won’t see on the MSM is news regarding the investigation of the investigation.

    Ed J


    Recently I have been looking into Q and his or their posts on 8chan. Although, I do not go there directly as that site has been banned in NZ, but there are many videos that publish these posts.

    I don’t know what to think about it all at this stage, but it is certainly an interesting phenomena.

    Hi T8,

    It’s good that you now know about Q!

    Darkness has no-where to hide

    Your brother
    in Christ
    Ed J


    The Swamp runs deep

    Go Trump

    This is awesome.


    Indictments could be coming


    Is this why they spied on Trump?


    General Flynn investigation ‘has tarnished Obama’s legacy’

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