According to the message in the billboard above, do you sound like a Nazi?
If the answer is NO, then ask yourself the following question below.
Q: “Replace the word Muslim with Nazism and ask yourself if you now sound like a Nazi sympathizer.”
If you honestly answered no to the first question, then there is a good chance you answered yes to the next question which makes you a Nazi sympathizer.
What is the moral of the story then? We shouldn’t judge people as being the same if they are Muslim just the same as we shouldn’t judge them just for being Black, White, or Asian. What we can do however, is judge ideologies and cultural expectations like Islam, Nazism, and Judaism. We can for example judge Nazism as bad because of its ideas and actions. Likewise we can judge Islam if we disagree with woman being treated as second-class citizens and the murder of so-called infidels. Yes we can judge ideologies, but shouldn’t judge a person because of their label. There is good and bad in every group and Christ died for all.