Did Jesus quote the Book of Enoch?

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  • #98874

    God didn't admit killing… He Declared it and he will do it to not mere millions but Billions.
    A mere 32 million Is that all you have to accuse him of.
    Evolution loving God hating Mao did better than that as did Hitler whose philosophy leaned exclusively on HAte of the Bible and Evolution in teh darwinian form.
    In fact get rid of Darwin and World war 2 Could not have even happened based on Hitlers master race retoric.

    And as if God gives the slightest about your accusations.
    Do you make yourself God that you accuse him?

    Only guilty people admit stuff.

    God aint on trial here You are!

    He destroyed folk because he put them on trial not the other way around.
    For those folk he just dealt with them in their lives rather than after. That was merciful!
    And if you don't believe their is a spiritual realm then go away because your preaching to imbissiles in a looney bin! Right?? Dawkins Junior apprentice trying to change the worlds perspective of the most intelligent religious order to exist.
    The religion that has bred endless world changing scientists once freed from Roman domination.

    And arguing here as discussed before proves you to be the fool. doesn't it. Or am I not so stupid that arguing with me makes you foolish.

    By the way did you see my post.. I do believe in Santa Claus?

    And don't link me to the Pope that inheritor of the corrupted Roman empire that hijacked and perverted the Pure Church they first tried to beat kill and destroy and then hijacked it and corrupted it. Notably they tossed out and destroyed the Book of Enoch well accepted until then too.

    What religion have you seen in history that after an empire killing its simple and humble adherants for a few hundred years then gives the empire over to these scum of yesteryear. The Biggest empire in the world to that time and relatively, probably to date.

    Of course the church corrupted, but I am of the group that shed their blood escaping the Catholic corruption.
    Don't again accuse as you never cease doing with Prejudice that my views and responsibilities = those of a politically high jacked Church. And as for linking Hitler to christianity that is less than desperate. You wouldn't bet on him having a faith if he was holding the gun to your head. If he respected that faith, do you think he would save you for that.
    Have you not noticed USA or any nation just about in history, Politicians clamber all over religion to use it. The purest forms of a religion are when they gain nothing from it in power or image.
    Exactly how Christianity spread under threat of life.

    You mock us using scripture again Slamming the door on truth and wisdom prejudging again that it is a myth without actually proving it inaccurate.
    It's accuracy has mocked repeatedly the false claims of archaeologists who wanted to prove it wrong.
    They have had to eat their arrogant words a number of times. Heard of the Hittites that never existed?
    And the bibles continued record of pulling out stuff that none but a God could have known in advance is the reason us imbissiles treat it as credible. Stupid Eh?
    An Idol is a item of Worship made by a Human. I'm sure you are not out chasing true idol worshipping religions who must be judged far more stupid than us.
    The Bible is a very reliable sound document. The only stuff it can't be tested on is the really old stuff and the spiritual realm. It is its unparralled credibility that makes us take it seriously.
    But you only chase down the true religion.(Arrogant eh but I am post not pre judging after having investigated much.)
    I sit here where down the road is a Shinto shrine that to this day celebrates the Sacrifice of almost Issac. This has been going on here for 2500 years since Jews from Babylon turned up here.
    They have Penis festivals here and all over Japan based on the ancient fertility rituals that God was criticising the Jews for in the Bible. They have poles the word here is the same as in the Bible for the poles that represented penises in the Bible “asherah”. look that one up. Gods here are counted in ashera.
    The promises of God that he would toss even his own people out of favour to the ends of the earth are so true here with this religious rites of 3000 + years ago still going up and down the streets here.
    Their shrines have the basic layout of the Jewish temple.
    They have a sacred mirror with Hebrew writing on it quoting in Hebrew from the bible which was carried here when Japanese first arrived 2500 odd years ago. They have many words that have the same meaning in Hebrew and charachters with the same sound their number system is from a Hebrew poem.
    In fact a high level Rabbi was stunneded as he watched the routines at the top shrine here were identical to Jewish ones in timing etc.
    They have the same features on priestly dress and head pieces. I didn't make that up.
    They have a Gion festival every year that has the same timings as the equivalent Jewish festival at that time. Admittedly the G in Gion has change to a Z but well over time i guess that could be forgiven even by a sceptic.
    Well God will be true even if every man is a liar I am quite happy with the Bibles accuracy.

    Even scientists are not happy with Darwin brain wave. Darwins own birds that he based his first thinking on showed in no time his theory was unsupported as they contradicted him in a few decades. (It really is embarrasing you claiming to be up to date on evolution and still talking Darwin, the man the Evolutionists even steer clear of now.)

    The almost universal story of Noahs flood whether it be elements of it in Maori myth or the Aborigines who have a stone set up to watch God never floods the world again and stories of how they came to Aussie or all through out south east asia the American indians the hawaians with stories of the great spirit putting No on a raft with the animals because he was angry etc. Literally a thousand realted stories of the flood on record not just the Bible.
    It all adds up if we all come from Noah doesn't it that we all have stories of that in our history.
    But to you only proof against God is admissible.
    That is why we have no proof and a myth book according to you and Big Daddy Dawkins ane such.
    Man you live in a small closed room reading your dreamers of lies like Dawkins in your desperate rage against the truth.
    You flit from forumn to forumn raising hell but making almost not real points.
    Never bringing logic only Gasoline and a match.

    And your sadly out of Context Judge not verse now you have decided to use our Book of myths at your convenience is a mile out of context.
    It is not as you make out a call not to criticise.

    Go back and read it and tell me what the people were about to do…..
    They were not telling the chick to quit screwing around.
    Nor was Jesus saying it was wrong for her to be stoned to death for what she had done wrong.

    Why did the crowd walk away?

    Because they took a look at their own faulty corrupt lives like yours and mine.

    I would sign no petition against my Maker. I wouldn't dare you to either.

    See Stu you are like a toy car that the maker puts together and he especially gave the car the freedom to like or not like its maker.
    Now not only do you use that freedom to not like your maker but you persistantly rams him at full speed just to pee him off.

    Well God killing Humans is just like the Maker saying Dang I'm had it with this Car I am gonna trash it.
    The Car makes one final complaint that the maker gave it a will to reject him and it wasn't its fault and then proceeds to blame him as it dileberately keeps ramming the maker. You should have made me better!
    And the maker replies well you used your will badly and clearly have had no respect for the fact I made you. I wanted you to use your will intellegently not in a stupid act of defiance against me.

    And God-the cars maker slams the Hammer on top of it smashing it to pieces. The toy is an ass, why should he bear with its stupid attitude. His fault maybe. Is he guilty for smashing his creation Nope!
    It is his toy its his choice. Good toy or Bad toy.

    God does what he like get over it.

    And as for Darwin and evidence…. Well that is still a big blank space.
    You claim there is some evidence to fit his theory!
    Well I'll be damned please show me because right now at Altenburg 16 a whole group of sienctists don't believe you and they are avid evolutionists. They are trying their hardest to reinvent another explanation for evolution.
    Dendrochronology relies on C14 and until you find a tree with 7-8000 rings on it you can not deny that.
    And C14 levels are also relative to solar energy etc.
    Also they would increase over time even with their half life of 5+ thousand years so hopelessly distorting apparent age of specimens to appear hideously old. Now if the earth were 1000 yuears old it would make C14 a hideously inaccurate idea. Or as some think an ice shell surrounded the earth once or even heavy clouds or less atmospheric CO2.
    And as for the millions of years thing C14 has not even a look in.
    As I said earlier everything starts getting very hazy on earth 3500-4000 years ago in science and history.
    And you have shown me nothing to prove otherwise. as I requested earlier.
    Evolution is nothing more than an idea.

    Now can you blame anything better than Hitler Bush and the Pope for why you engage with a imbissile who doesn't accept either. Still looking for your motivations here.


    Some bad grammar tonight no spell checking n all.
    The one thing you need right is the “1000 years” was meant to read “if the earth was 10,000 years old”, I'll just apologise for the other mistakes you should be able to get around them. And my boss (wife) wants the PC now so you know…. :D :p


    Quote (theodorej @ July 25 2008,01:04)
    Greetings Stu…..The God of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob….Is the giver of life as he sees fit….He is a respecter of no man…HE IS GOD !!! the supreme being,the creator of all things….When you come to understand and comprehend the awesome power of God…you will cease to think that there is any meaning to the massive amount of death that you keep elluding to….Life is important to men..Not to God…He grants life so we may come to know him and in doing so he blesses us with a meaningfull existance that will result in the gift of eternal life….He loves us all…If we follow his plan the fear of death is no longer an issue…If we choose to mock him…then he will leave us to our own devices….and that is what gives us the kind of brutality you reference in your indictment of God…God uses war to enact judgement as well as weather,and desease….

    You tell me these things like they are facts, yet you cannot justify the actions of your god in terms that humans can understand. How does such obscurity arise from this initial preening confidence? Is it a Pauline confidence trick? It certainly appears that way.



    Hi again V ad C (1)

    God didn't admit killing… He Declared it and he will do it to not mere millions but Billions.
    A mere 32 million Is that all you have to accuse him of.

    OK. I didn’t expect you to agree so strongly!

    Evolution loving God hating Mao did better than that as did Hitler whose philosophy leaned exclusively on HAte of the Bible and Evolution in teh darwinian form.

    Just a side point here, that Hitler’s campaign of mass murder was his attempt to bring about what he saw as god’s plan, by artificial selection, not Darwinian natural selection.

    In fact get rid of Darwin and World war 2 Could not have even happened based on Hitlers master race retoric. And as if God gives the slightest about your accusations. Do you make yourself God that you accuse him? Only guilty people admit stuff. God aint on trial here You are!
    He destroyed folk because he put them on trial not the other way around.

    Yes I think that your bullying genocidal celestial dictator is on trial culturally – all these years since Nietsche declared him dead, like a ham actor he is drawing out his death scene, and in the minds of some he is as strong as ever, but also he should be accountable to his ‘creation’. Him destroying people does not make his murder of the innocent justified. I rather think you feeble not to at least question it instead of cowering in fear. So what if ‘he is the creator’? Get a spine!

    For those folk he just dealt with them in their lives rather than after. That was merciful!

    Sure. Hitler probably thought he was doing the Jews a favour too. How sick can it be?

    And if you don't believe their is a spiritual realm then go away because your preaching to imbissiles in a looney bin!

    Your words, not mine! You seem to claim access to special understanding of which I am incapable, yet you can’t tell me what it is, so you must see that it looks like you are bluffing.

    Dawkins Junior apprentice trying to change the worlds perspective of the most intelligent religious order to exist. The religion that has bred endless world changing scientists once freed from Roman domination.

    Dawkins is smarter by half than either of us. ‘Modern’ science didn’t properly start until about 200 years ago. You could look further back to say, Newton, Brahe and Copernicus. You give christianity the credit for liberating science from Roman decadence? What about ancient Greece? I know that “Greek” and “philosophy” are offensive words here but I think you have forgotten them, and a long-held anti-science attitude on the part of the Catholic church.

    And arguing here as discussed before proves you to be the fool. doesn't it. Or am I not so stupid that arguing with me makes you foolish.

    I am over the whole ‘fool’ thing. What is this obsession with name-calling? I am not interested in ad hominem mudslinging.

    By the way did you see my post.. I do believe in Santa Claus?

    Yes. I matched your Santa and raised you a Jesus.

    And don't link me to the Pope that inheritor of the corrupted Roman empire that hijacked and perverted the Pure Church they first tried to beat kill and destroy and then hijacked it and corrupted it. Notably they tossed out and destroyed the Book of Enoch well accepted until then too.

    OK. Sorry about the insult. He does have more in common with you than me philosophically, though!
    (SNIPPED your passionate and entertaining condemnation of Catholicism, which for the most part I applaud).

    You mock us using scripture again Slamming the door on truth and wisdom prejudging again that it is a myth without actually proving it inaccurate.

    Have you read the Too Hard Basket thread yet? Five literal biblical claims are disproved. You are welcome to find fault with the science if you can, but it will be easier for you simply to shift the goal posts and move those literal claims to the ‘allegorical’ pile.

    It's accuracy has mocked repeatedly the false claims of archaeologists who wanted to prove it wrong.
    They have had to eat their arrogant words a number of times. Heard of the Hittites that never existed?

    Not sure what point you are making about the Hittites. Your slur on archaeology says much more about you than about archeology.

    And the bibles continued record of pulling out stuff that none but a God could have known in advance is the reason us imbissiles treat it as credible. Stupid Eh?

    But it doesn’t know anything that was not either ancient technology or ancient mythology. It is an age-old trick that psychics pull, to appear know more because actually they were told more than anyone kept track of. The bible does it in reverse by knowing that there will always be a rabbi or priest or pastor to read into it a modern interpretation that includes contemporary knowledge. Isaiah’s prophecies really could mean anything. Just about any person could fit the prophecies of the messiah, you just have to be a little bit liberal in your analysis and include the powerful concept of self-fulfilment in an age when scientific skepticism was not common. What do you know to be unquestionably true about Jesus, something that just about everyone could agree on? The answer actually must be nothing at all, in which case, whence prophecy or provenance? With astronomy you have predictions that work, to the nearest minute. That’s prophecy!



    V ad C (2)

    An Idol is a item of Worship made by a Human. I'm sure you are not out chasing true idol worshipping religions who must be judged far more stupid than us.

    The bible is prima facie an item of worship made by humans. What god might or might not be saying now is less important what what the bible claims he said. Just ask Nick. I don’t think you are stupid, clearly you are not. I do think you are deluded, or more kindly, have been deceived.

    The Bible is a very reliable sound document. The only stuff it can't be tested on is the really old stuff and the spiritual realm. It is its unparralled credibility that makes us take it seriously.

    I don’t think you know it then.

    But you only chase down the true religion.(Arrogant eh but I am post not pre judging after having investigated much.)

    See? You are less and less convincing the more you assert that yours is the only way.

    I sit here where down the road is a Shinto shrine that to this day celebrates the Sacrifice of almost Issac. This has been going on here for 2500 years since Jews from Babylon turned up here.
    They have Penis festivals here and all over Japan based on the ancient fertility rituals that God was criticising the Jews for in the Bible. They have poles the word here is the same as in the Bible for the poles that represented penises in the Bible “asherah”. look that one up. Gods here are counted in ashera.
    The promises of God that he would toss even his own people out of favour to the ends of the earth are so true here with this religious rites of 3000 + years ago still going up and down the streets here.
    Their shrines have the basic layout of the Jewish temple.
    They have a sacred mirror with Hebrew writing on it quoting in Hebrew from the bible which was carried here when Japanese first arrived 2500 odd years ago. They have many words that have the same meaning in Hebrew and charachters with the same sound their number system is from a Hebrew poem.
    In fact a high level Rabbi was stunneded as he watched the routines at the top shrine here were identical to Jewish ones in timing etc.
    They have the same features on priestly dress and head pieces. I didn't make that up.

    I believe you!

    They have a Gion festival every year that has the same timings as the equivalent Jewish festival at that time. Admittedly the G in Gion has change to a Z but well over time i guess that could be forgiven even by a sceptic. Well God will be true even if every man is a liar I am quite happy with the Bibles accuracy.

    I am used to high standards of probity and I remain unconvinced by your homily.

    Even scientists are not happy with Darwin brain wave. Darwins own birds that he based his first thinking on showed in no time his theory was unsupported as they contradicted him in a few decades. (It really is embarrasing you claiming to be up to date on evolution and still talking Darwin, the man the Evolutionists even steer clear of now.)

    You can speak of neo-Darwinian evolution under the name of Darwin and still be fundamentally right. Darwin got a few minor details wrong through lack of evidence. His work (and that of his colleagues) is still so overwhelmingly brilliant and predictive that he gets naming credit. Who is “steering clear”?

    The almost universal story of Noahs flood whether it be elements of it in Maori myth or the Aborigines who have a stone set up to watch God never floods the world again and stories of how they came to Aussie or all through out south east asia the American indians the hawaians with stories of the great spirit putting No on a raft with the animals because he was angry etc. Literally a thousand realted stories of the flood on record not just the Bible.
    It all adds up if we all come from Noah doesn't it that we all have stories of that in our history.

    But flooding is common and those stories are so different in so many critical details that you can’t call that evidence. Are these the same Aboriginals that would have been drowned then re-migrated from the middle east and re-evolved the same characteristics as they had for over 35,000 years previously?

    But to you only proof against God is admissible.

    Even a scrap of reliable evidence for your god would be a start, however there is none.

    That is why we have no proof and a myth book according to you and Big Daddy Dawkins ane such. Man you live in a small closed room reading your dreamers of lies like Dawkins in your desperate rage against the truth.

    It is evidently not me who is struggling against reality. You have a myth book and no evidence. Those are the facts. It would be a mockery of the word fact to say otherwise.

    You flit from forumn to forumn raising hell but making almost not real points.
    Never bringing logic only Gasoline and a match.

    What are ‘almost not real points’? You’d have to admit that petrol and firestarters are not much of a threat to castles in the air. You sound quite worked up but they say don’t get mad get even. But then the latter is not an option because actually it is christians who have no answers to difficult questions. Or some quite simple ones.



    V ad C (3)

    And your sadly out of Context Judge not verse now you have decided to use our Book of myths at your convenience is a mile out of context. It is not as you make out a call not to criticise.

    Sorry, I was just reading what it actually says. You judged.

    Go back and read it and tell me what the people were about to do…..They were not telling the chick to quit screwing around. Nor was Jesus saying it was wrong for her to be stoned to death for what she had done wrong.

    No, he was equivocating.

    Why did the crowd walk away? Because they took a look at their own faulty corrupt lives like yours and mine.

    Speak for yourself.

    I would sign no petition against my Maker. I wouldn't dare you to either.

    In the less than billionth of a billionth percent of a chance that there is a kangaroo court to face after death, I will reserve whatever capacity I have for demanding answers on behalf of the innocents, the women, children and animals slaughtered in cold blood by this despicable maniac, and the human lives lived in fear under his incompetent and petulant reign.

    See Stu you are like a toy car that the maker puts together and he especially gave the car the freedom to like or not like its maker.Now not only do you use that freedom to not like your maker but you persistantly rams him at full speed just to pee him off.

    The good news is that none of it is true. God is not dead, he has always been a figment of the imagination.

    Well God killing Humans is just like the Maker saying Dang I'm had it with this Car I am gonna trash it.
    The Car makes one final complaint that the maker gave it a will to reject him and it wasn't its fault and then proceeds to blame him as it dileberately keeps ramming the maker. You should have made me better!
    And the maker replies well you used your will badly and clearly have had no respect for the fact I made you. I wanted you to use your will intellegently not in a stupid act of defiance against me.
    And God-the cars maker slams the Hammer on top of it smashing it to pieces. The toy is an ass, why should he bear with its stupid attitude. His fault maybe. Is he guilty for smashing his creation Nope!
    It is his toy its his choice. Good toy or Bad toy. God does what he like get over it.

    Should I ‘get over’ parents who murder their children? This homily is a poorer analogy than the last one.

    And as for Darwin and evidence…. Well that is still a big blank space.
    You claim there is some evidence to fit his theory!

    No, I claim that the evidence for the fact of evolution is explained by the theory of natural selection.
    Read and learn. Start at the third question in the FAQs:

    Well I'll be damned please show me because right now at Altenburg 16 a whole group of sienctists don't believe you and they are avid evolutionists. They are trying their hardest to reinvent another explanation for evolution.

    And it would be great if they can show that there is more to it than the standard Darwinian construct. Groups of politically motivated malcontents can make breakthroughs too, they just have to subject their ideas to experimentation as anyone does. They need to be serious about trying to disprove their ideas, in fact. That honest concept is foreign to creationists.



    V ad C (um…4)

    Dendrochronology relies on C14 and until you find a tree with 7-8000 rings on it you can not deny that.

    I’ll type this slowly. You take trees that have up to 5,000 rings:

    Then you match the patterns of ring thicknesses between trees that shared some lifetime, and find overlaps backwards in time. Then you count years and use that to calibrate 14C dating. The dating is confirmed by the tree rings, not the other way round:

    If there was a global flood, by this technique we would know exactly what year it happened. It didn’t though.

    And C14 levels are also relative to solar energy etc.

    Are you saying the sun has fluctuated over the past ten thousand years?

    Also they would increase over time even with their half life of 5+ thousand years so hopelessly distorting apparent age of specimens to appear hideously old. Now if the earth were 1000 yuears old it would make C14 a hideously inaccurate idea. Or as some think an ice shell surrounded the earth once or even heavy clouds or less atmospheric CO2.

    Postulate several equally absurd conjectures to back up your first one, why don’t you?

    And as for the millions of years thing C14 has not even a look in.

    Of course not. Why do you mention it? We are dealing with events that Genesis might say happened 2500BCE, depending on where the apologists shift the goal posts to next. That period of time is covered by dendrochronogically calibrated 14C dating, a technique you have smeared but not discredited.

    As I said earlier everything starts getting very hazy on earth 3500-4000 years ago in science and history.
    And you have shown me nothing to prove otherwise. as I requested earlier.

    Oh, sorry. Is it my job to disprove yet another of your hazy special pleadings? How about providing some evidence yourself?

    Evolution is nothing more than an idea.

    It’s one of the most dangerous ideas of all time. Christianity is an idea too. Christianity is a poor model of the universe because it does not explain anything about human nature or the physical world. It just asserts things blindly. The ‘just a idea’ that Darwin had is a model that fits almost perfectly. Maybe the Altenberg mob will refine it further, maybe they won’t.

    Interesting talking with you.



    Quote (Veritas ad Caritas @ July 25 2008,03:41)
    Some bad grammar tonight no spell checking n all.
    The one thing you need right is the “1000 years” was meant to read “if the earth was 10,000 years old”, I'll just apologise for the other mistakes you should be able to get around them. And my boss (wife) wants the PC now so you know…. :D  :p

    That fool has no intention of repenting, and you are wasting your breath.
    “Do not throw your pearls before swine.”; let him go.

    Remember that in Israel, there were those who were acceptable and those who were not; those who were not acceptable killed the ones who were holy; this man will be one of the men who will kill us in the future (if he doesn't repent): and for this very reason he was created:

    “But these men revile the things which they do not understand; and the things which they know by instinct, like unreasoning animals, by these things they are destroyed.”
    Jude v10

    “But these, like unreasoning animals, born as creatures of instinct to be captured and killed, reviling where they have no knowledge, will in the destruction of those creatures also be destroyed,”
    1 Pet 2:12


    Hi RS,
    From the book of Enoch which is accessible on the front page of this site under writings.
    The book is quoted in Jude.
    And Azâzêl taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all
    colouring tinctures. And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they
    were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjâzâ taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, 'Armârôs the resolving of enchantments, Barâqîjâl (taught) astrology, Kôkabêl the constellations, Êzêqêêl the knowledge of the clouds, Araqiêl the signs of the earth, Shamsiêl the signs of the sun, and Sariêl the course of the moon. And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven…


    I've never read Enoch. Can someone tell me in a nutshell why Nick and other's are fans of this book? And why some believe it should be a part of the canon?



    I'm going to bump this again.

    It sure got cleared from the board quickly?

    Does anyone know anything about this book?




    I know a little about it.  It backs up a particular ideal that certain people have that angels and human beings cross bred before the flood.  It is an idea that contradicts the idea that angels do not marry nor are they given in marriage but for some reason certain people still cleave to it.


    I was reading Jude last night and the author does quote from Enoch.  The problem I have is that some parts of the Book of Enoch contradict scripture such as Jesus' assurance that the angels in heaven do not marry not are they given in marriage or that it was Tubal-Cain that forged tools from bronze and iron.  The later may not be the contradiction I think it is since I can see a way around that contradiction but not one around what Jesus said.  Still the book of Enoch is composed of fragments and some of those fragments may not legitimately belong with it.


    Hi Kerwin,

    Hmm? Interesting. Thanks for the information, I'll keep it in mind when I read it.

    Thank you!


    Quote (kerwin @ Mar. 13 2009,09:46)
    I was reading Jude last night and the author does quote from Enoch.  The problem I have is that some parts of the Book of Enoch contradict scripture such as Jesus' assurance that the angels in heaven do not marry not are they given in marriage or that it was Tubal-Cain that forged tools from bronze and iron.  The later may not be the contradiction I think it is since I can see a way around that contradiction but not one around what Jesus said.  Still the book of Enoch is composed of fragments and some of those fragments may not legitimately belong with it.

    Greetings Kerwin…….Why would the angels conform to the statutes of marriage if they are neither male nor female by discription….Not to mention the fact that they are also spirit beings that existed long before the existance of man….The scripture that speaks of inter relations with the daughters of men has its roots in symbolism….with an emphasis on the early geneology of Seth and his brother Cain….IMO


    TheodoreJ wrote


    Why would the angels conform to the statutes of marriage if they are neither male nor female by description.

    Are you suggesting that the Jews and resurrected saints can have sex outside the bounds of marriage?

    TheodoreJ wrote


    The scripture that speaks of inter relations with the daughters of men has its roots in symbolism….

    That is an interesting hypothesis but I see no evidence that part of scripture is symbolic instead of a historic account of the people of God mixing with those people who rebellion against God.   God is very clear about banning such mixtures even to the point of asking what do the “godly and ungodly have in common”.


    Quote (kerwin @ Mar. 17 2009,04:37)
    TheodoreJ wrote


    Why would the angels conform to the statutes of marriage if they are neither male nor female by description.

    Are you suggesting that the Jews and resurrected saints can have sex outside the bounds of marriage?

    TheodoreJ wrote


    The scripture that speaks of inter relations with the daughters of men has its roots in symbolism….

    That is an interesting hypothesis but I see no evidence that part of scripture is symbolic instead of a historic account of the people of God mixing with those people who rebellion against God.   God is very clear about banning such mixtures even to the point of asking what do the “godly and ungodly have in common”.

    Greetings Kerwin……The fact that the angels are sexless and indentified as neither male nor female….In such a case I would think that sex would be non existent…..


    Hi TJ,
    Man also was sexless till God took woman from his side.


    TheodoreJ wrote:


    Greetings Kerwin……The fact that the angels are sexless and  identified as neither male nor female….In such a case I would think that sex would be non existent..…

    I tend to agree with your speculation based only on  Jesus’ teaching that “angels neither marry nor are given in marriage” but I have no scripture to actually back it up.

    Nick Hassan wrote:


    Man also was sexless till God took woman from his side.

    I have no idea since I have even less evidence to base such speculation on in scripture than I do that angels are neither male nor female.   On what are you basing your conclusion?

    I have heard of a teacher of law who taught that Adam was originally a hermaphrodite as scripture states “God created man in His own image man and female He created them.”  That seemed quite a stretch to come to that conclusion based on so little evidence.

    Still you point brings up a question in my mine.  Do you think God gave the Watchers sex organs and sinful thoughts just so they would crossbreed with humans?  Is that what you teach?


    Hi KW,
    Why should angelic servant messengers of God need to reproduce?
    The thoughts seem to have come from within themselves.
    But angels can seem to be as men.

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