Did Jesus quote the Book of Enoch?

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    Hello again Nick,
     We are in agreement about the prophetic importance of Israel's feast and festivals. A study of each feast brings deeper understanding of Yahweh's plan for the world, that Christianity has no idea of.

     However on the Sabbath and Yahweh's Torah, we see things quite different. I was originally taught as a Christian and concidered myself to be one. I was a member of a few denomations, over that time, trying to find the Truth. Over the past 21 years I slowly came to my present understanding and am still open to be lead by the Spirit of Yahshua.

     You say that the Sabbath is part of the law, and that the law is not still in force under the New Covenant.  The Sabbath is part of the law, this is true. The Sabbath command is in the 4th commandment. If we are no longer required to observe Yahweh's Law, including the 4th,”Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy;” then we must not be required to keep the other 9 either.

    5. Honor your father and mother.
    6. You shall not murder.
    7. You shall not commit adultery.
    8. You shall not steal.
    9. You shall not give false witness against your neighbor.
    10.You shall not covet your neighbor's possessions.

    If we observe these will we also put ourselves under the Law?

     These last six commandments are instructions about how we should treat our fellow man.
    The first four are how we are to respect Elohim.

     In Gal. the main issue is that certain people were causing confusion among the new Galation believers, teaching that they must be circumcised to be saved. That was the problem, that they must gain salvation through a work, (circumcision). The only way of salvation is through the blood of Yahshua the Messiah. There is no other way.
     By the Galations trying to gain salvation by a work, they have thrown Yahshua's sacrifice back into His face. They have rejected what Yahshua has done for them, putting them back under the curse of the Law.
    The Torah was never meant to save anyone, that was not it's purpose. The Law was put in charge to lead us to Messiah by revealing the sin that is within us, we then turn to the only One who can save.

     Romans 7:7 Indeed I would not have known what sin was except through the Law. For I would not have known what coveting really was if the Law had not said,”do not covet”.
     12. “So the Law is holy, and the commandment is holy righteous and good.”

    Before we knew Yahshua we were all once under the curse of the Law, held there by living a life of unforgiven sin. The Law showed us how sinfull we were and directed us to Yahshua's forgiveness since the Law provided none.

     1st John 3:4 “Everyone who SINS breaks the Law; in fact, SIN is LAWLESSNESS.”  
    Sin is (less-the-law.)    Sin = less the law.

     If keeping the Sabbath puts a person under the Law, then that must be true for all old covenant Lawkeeping.

     Acts 15:29 “You are to abstain from all food sacrificed to idols, from blood,” (from Lev. 17:10) “from meat of strangled animals,” (from Lev. 17:13) “and from sexual immorality.” (from Lev. 18:6-23 contains the sexual laws.)
     All these were old covenant laws that these new covenant gentiles were told they should keep. Were they putting themselves under the Law?

      After the crucifiction, when He was removed from the stake; Luke 23:56 “Then they went home and prepared spices and perfumes. But rested on the Sabbath in OBEDIENCE TO THE COMMANDMENT.”

     Acts 21:19 “Paul greeted them and reported in detail what Elohim has done among the gentiles through his ministry.
     When they heard of this they praised Elohim. You see, Paul, how many thousands of Jews have believed, and all of them zealous for the Law. But they have been informed that you teach all the Jews who live among the gentiles to turn away from Moses, telling them not to circumcise their children or to live according to our customs. What shall we do? They will certainly hear that you have come, so do what we tell you. There are four men with us who have made a vow.
     Take these men, join in their purification rites and pay their expenses, so that they can have their heads shaved.”(Num. 6 Nazarite Vow) ” Then everybody will know THERE IS NO TRUTH IN THESE REPORTS ABOUT YOU, BUT THAT YOU YOURSELF ARE LIVING IN OBEDIENCE TO THE LAW.”
    26. “The next day Paul took the men and purifided himself along with them.”

    Did James and the elders put Paul under the Law?

    (1st John 3:4 Everyone who SINS breaks the Law; in fact SIN is lawlessness.) Romans 2:17 ” All who SIN apart from the Law will also perish apart from the Law. All who SIN under the Law will be judged by the Law.  
     For it is not those who hear the Law who are righteous in Elohim's sight, but those who obey the Law who will be declared righteous. Indeed when gentiles who do not have the Law, do by nature things requried by the Law, they are a Law unto themselves, even though they do not have the Law, since they show that the requirements of the Law are written on their hearts;'
     1st Corinth. 5:7 “for Messiah, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed. Therefore let us KEEP THE FESTIVAL, not with the old yeast, the yeast of malice and wickedness but with bread without yeast the bread of sincerity and truth.”  

     They were keeping the Feast of Uleavened Bread with a new understanding of what it means in fulfillment through Messiah Yahshua.

     Ephe. 4: “In your anger do not SIN.” (1st John 3:4 Break the Law)  “He who has been stealing must steal no longer;”

     But would stealing no longer put him under the law?

     Ephe. 6:1 “Children, obey your parents in Adonai, for this is right. Honor your father and your mother, which is the first commanment with a promise, that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.”

     1st John 3:4 “Everyone who SINS breaks the Law; in fact SIN is LAWLESSNESS.”

     2 Thess. 2:3-” Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until a rebellion occurs and the man of LAWLESSNESS is revealed, the man doomed for destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called Elohim or is worshipped, so that he sets himself up in Elohim's temple,  proclaiming himself to be Elohim.
     7. For the secret power of LAWLESSNESS is already at work; but the one who holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the LAWLESS one will be revealed, whom Yahshua will overthrow with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the splendor of His coming. The coming of the LAWLESS one will be in accordance with the work of satan, displayed in all kind of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders and every sort of evil that deceives those that are perishing. They perish because they refuse to love the truth and be saved. For this reason Elohim sends them a powerfull delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemed who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”

     2 Peter 3:15 “Paul also wrote with wisdom that Elohim gave him. He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do other scriptures, to their own destruction.
     Therefore my dear friends since you already know this, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of LAWLESS men and fall from your secure position.”

     My belief is that I was at one time a slave to sin. Held under the Law as a lawbreaker, a sinner. The Law condemmed me because it provided no forgiveness. It only pointed out my sins, of which I was guilty. I was sentenced to death. Then I found that Yahshua had paid the price for my sin and through faith in His sacrifice I had been forgiven. Now that He has freely done this for me I want to obey Him.


    Hi shakai 7
    I have answered in “law and grace”forum


    concerning the fall out of the Book of Enoch, and why we do not see it in the present form of the Bible, nor is it ready by a majority of the 'christian' population, there are severl factors that could have been the cause of its remoteness. Firstly, early on (first 600 years) in the church, they were under much persecution, the tyrannical Roman leaders. As a result, many christians were killed, their properties seized, and even more notably, their religious texts burned. Therefore, they were forced to choose between what was essential to the continuation of christianity. This would have resulted in many less essential, perhaps more 'redundant', books associated with the Bible to be lost in the terror of persecution. Finally, as the persecutions became less, we would be presented with the present form of the Bible that we have today. However, as i believe may have already been mentioned in some previous postings, the authorities of the church, throughout the middle ages, and up until the more recent reformations, could have been responsible to the loss of certain earlier christian texts. as the church became ever the more corrupt in its ways, it was possible that these earlier beliefs, including the Book of Enoch, could have been stomped out, in an attempt to erradicate it from christianity at the time. now, could this not explain the disappeance or certain texts associated with christianity? it is possible to say that God's truth all lies within the Bible presently, for he would not allow false teachings into it. but perhaps this means that certain texts, such as the Book of Enoch, was/is not necessary/essential to our belief and faith in God. therefore, it is, of course, not that such documents are false and heretical, but that they are merely 'not necessary' for us to have. not that we should blindly accept all things that are labeled as associated with christianity, but it would be folly and pure ignorance for us to turn a blind eye to these things.


    Good points WWB,
    Or could it be that God allowed these texts to disappear and then be found when they would be more necessary for believers?


    Hi Dora,
    Have you read the Shepherd of Hermas and the book of Enoch?i think one of those books specifed a judgement on Asia and wonder if it could relate to the tsunami. Maybe someone will know?


    Hi ,
    I love Enoch. Does anyone else? Are there any concordances available for books like this?


    Quote (Guest @ May 17 2004,17:49)
    The prophets in the bible saw angels with wings only in dreams or visions, and used the word wings parabolically. If a person sees a person with wings than their having a dreamvision. People do not literally have wings. God said let us make man in our image.

    Correction: The words (let us) is not in the original scripture. That scripture should read.”man is made in our image.”


    Hi M,
    I do not understand
    Gen 1.26″ Then God said 'Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness'”

    Some take it that God saying this means that God is a plural being . But if that was the case why would He talk to Himself?


    Hello Nick. According to the N.I.V. Concordence, the words (let us) were added to scripture. Perhaps it was to affirm that trinitarism is a biblical truth. I have found that every place in our bibles that affirm a trinity are late additions to the original scripture. The good news is that these things are not beyond finding out. I have been working hard for more than ten years to restore the word of God. Because I have no support it will take a lot more time to finnish. I can only hope that I will be finnished before I die. Please pray for my success.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 15 2005,22:23)
    Hi ,
    I love Enoch. Does anyone else? Are there any concordances available for books like this?

    I also like the book of Enoch, but be careful, there are some corruptions. For anyone who wants to say, hi. My address is [email protected]


    Hi MichaelTheeArchAngel,

    Are you writing a book about it, or translating certain scriptures to their true meaning?

    Or what?



    Quote (t8 @ Aug. 09 2005,09:26)
    Hi MichaelTheeArchAngel,

    Are you writing a book about it, or translating certain scriptures to their true meaning?

    Or what?


    Yes I am writting a book, but no I dont have time to work on the Book of Enoch. In my book I am going to reveil Gods name, and also Jesus hidden name of who he was called, before being born into to this world.


    on oct. 27, 2004 i posted a message in this topic about having read about the wrong things in the book of enoch. another person suggested i post the link or something which i did not have. recently, i think i have found the link i was talking about!!!!!


    read it and tell me what you think. i think i read somewhere that the second critical statement is wrong because there were seasons before the flood, but the other statements show that the book of enoch does not belong in the bible.


    Quote (BrandonIke @ Sep. 05 2005,11:11)
    on oct. 27, 2004 i posted a message in this topic about having read about the wrong things in the book of enoch. another person suggested i post the link or something which i did not have. recently, i think i have found the link i was talking about!!!!!


    read it and tell me what you think. i think i read somewhere that the second critical statement is wrong because there were seasons before the flood, but the other statements show that the book of enoch does not belong in the bible.

    I have never said that the Book of Enoch should be included in the bible. I think everyone knows that there are some corruptions in that book. A person needs to remember that the book is full of parables. As for the word “season-s,” That could be reffering to a time or times. Example: In a little season Jesus will return. When reading a parable a person should not be to literal.


    The book of enoch is not a Jewish book! What corruptions? It`s over 4000yrs old, and not 300B.C-100B.C. I believe it should have been included in the canon and it came close, very close. Jude verified the book as scripture! anyone who says otherwise is a magician! and a bad one at that, i don`t care how many degrees you may have. The early church fathers considered it as scripture and quoted as scripture! If anybody knew, they did. What were smarter , no we`re not! They had documents which we apperantley do not have, or so we`re led to believe. Just what is rome hiding?


    Welcome soxan,
    I love it too and feel it adds very valuable insights. Was it excluded by Rome?


    We would all like to know, and why do they have the world`s biggest observatory? Anyway, what are your views on the book? do you think it is only 300YRS.B.C. old? Yes its a leading question.


    Hi s,
    Have you read the introduction accessible through the writings section of the main page of this site?


    No! Nick i haven`t. I can tell you that i am convinced that Enoch wrote the book, at least major portions. The book states that Noah also wrote a portion as well. There is no evidence to suggest that someone who feared death wrote said book under a pseudnym. Thats quite a stretch, i wonder who came up with that one? Think about that for a minute?


    Quote (BrandonIke @ Sep. 05 2005,11:11)
    on oct. 27, 2004 i posted a message in this topic about having read about the wrong things in the book of enoch. another person suggested i post the link or something which i did not have. recently, i think i have found the link i was talking about!!!!!


    read it and tell me what you think. i think i read somewhere that the second critical statement is wrong because there were seasons before the flood, but the other statements show that the book of enoch does not belong in the bible.

    It is worth reading brandonike's site too to get a balance though I am sure the questions raised can be answered.

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