Steven Fry recently gave his reasons why he doesn’t believe in God. He also says that if there were a God, then God must be evil and he would not accept God on his terms. Of course he doesn’t realise that God made everything good in the beginning, and it was angels and men that ruined it. But there is also ano...
All posts here feature a video for discussion. Most are testimonies or teachings related to God in some way.
NDE – Introduced To God
, , Sermons, Video, 6Watch a video about a man called Ray, who had a Near Death Experience (NDE). It is estimated that millions of Americans have experienced a NDE. Is this because of advances in technology and medical science or that God is just revealing more about what happens when a person dies? Regardless, there are a ton of testimonies ...
Theory of Everything: GOD, Devils, Dimensions, Dragons, Illusion & Reality… A unique look at reality and the universe with intelligent questions and observations.
Jerusalem, a mosaic of different peoples, faiths, and nationalities. Nevertheless, despite this diversity, under the sovereignty of Israel, Jerusalem is a city that works. But has it always been this way?
Netanyahu’s Speech at the United Nations General Assembly on September 29, 2014. Netanyahu says that ISIS and Hamas are part of the same ‘poisonous tree’. He also gives this quote: “Israel was using missiles to protect its children, Hamas was using its children to protect its missiles”. Later he ...
A simple and easy to understand overview about the conflict in the Middle East. What are your views on this?
A report on the rise of ISIS. Includes the history of its rise and the aims of this movement. Pictured below is their five year goal for their caliphate. Visit the forum for updates on ISIS → Read: Is Islam the Beast? →
Debate between Jim Staley and. Chris Rosebrough on whether Believers should keep the Sabbath.
Is this the fastest way to get through a border patrol? Preaching the gospel and being in possession of a Bible can have strange effects on people as the video will attest. Also read below for a similar experience I had when crossing the border between England and France. My Experience of Crossing the Border Between Engla...
The Gog Magog War
, , Bible Prophecy, Magog, Video, 187A well researched video about the Gog Magog War and when it is likely to take place. It looks at the different views and compares their strengths and weaknesses with scripture.
Richard Dawkins says: “Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is the belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence.” Of course that definition is more suitable for blind faith because real faith is the evidence of things not seen...
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- DesireTruth on Daily Devotions
- Berean on Daily Devotions
- DesireTruth on Daily Devotions
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