George Orwell ‘The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.’ Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two equals four. If that is granted, all else follows.’ Amos “They hate him who reproves in the gate, and they abhor him who speaks the truth” (Amos 5:10...
Is there a such thing as objective truth. Is truth a matter of opinion or perspective. Is the opposite of truth always a lie. This topic talks about the importance of truth and the consequences of ignoring it.
Matthew 5:37 All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one. Have heard the saying that “the devil is in the detail“? People who are not honest have difficulty answering simple and direct questions with a yes or no. In a courtroom for example, a guilty defenda...
The War On Truth
, , Viewpoints, Politics, Truth, Video, 0The War On Truth is a video series exploring the Postmodern Age from a Christian perspective. To get started I will post this video about Liberals or Conservatives. I will be posting a new video in the series when I am ready to watch them. I hope you find these useful if you come across them. Liberals v Conservatives
J. Reuben Clark quote
, , Quotes, Truth, 1J. Reuben Clark is a prominent leader in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. While we disagree with Mormon theology and even Church denominations themselves, I feel at liberty to quote anybody, if they utter the truth. Even if they do not apply the truth. J. Reuben Clark in my view uttered the truth in this p...
Question: Why is God’s way the narrow way? Answer: Because there is only one truth. While lies are plenty, there can only be one truth. e.g., 1+1 = 2. (Narrow path) 1+1=3 (Wide path) 1+1=4 (Wide path) 1+1=5 (Wide path) and so on… This is a simplistic answer of course. A car for example could be both red and bl...
Dresden James
, , Quotes, Truth, 3“The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves.” ~ Dresden James “A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn’...
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