For many Christian denominations, the foundation of their faith is usually a version of the Trinity Doctrine in some form. But is this doctrine really the true foundation of the Church? Let’s take a look at the actual foundation that Jesus Christ built his Church on. Matthew 16:13-18 13 Jesus came into the country...
Is the Trinity Doctrine a biblical doctrine or a theory? Was it invented to change Jesus into God? Did Jesus claim to be God? How can three persons be a single being? If Jesus is God, then is he his own son? What does scripture say?
The Trinity Doctrine is so preposterous that it contradicts the most basic and simple truths in scripture and causes much confusion and unnecessary division. For example, the Holy Spirit came to Mary instead of Mary’s husband Joseph. Thus is the Holy Spirit the Father of Jesus, or is the Father? Explain that one w...
The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block
, , Bible Doctrine, Jews, Trinity, Video, 907In scripture we never read about people preaching the Trinity or insisting that people believe it in order to have true faith in God. Over the centuries many Christians have diverged and insisted that people believe in the Trinity as the foundation of true faith in God. While this belief indeed is the Roman Catholic Faith...
We are taught in scripture that the one who denies that Jesus is the son of God is of the Antichrist spirit. 1 John 2:22 Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist–denying the Father and the Son. You see, if you deny the son, then you have to deny that God is a Fa...
The image of God
, , Bible Doctrine, Jesus, Trinity, 92If my son is the spitting image of me, then no one is going to think my son is me right? Why is it that the one who is called image of God, who is the son of God, and the firstborn of all creation, is considered God as well? Surely being the image of God means you are another, but like God right? Man was made in the image...
Awesome Feedback It was after listening to a debate on the Trinity I decided to study it out.I was trinitarian myself but after hearing the debate which was with a modalist,I felt somehow that neither were correct.It was then,at the end of June that I found this article”Testing the Trinity”on the old website after doi...
Scripture says that the Word existed with God in the beginning. In Genesis 1, the beginning means the point of creation. In other words the Word that was with God existed at least as far back as the point of creation and we are also told elsewhere that this Word became flesh and that God made all things through his Word....
The Trinity Doctrine states that the Father is God, Jesus is God, and the Spirit is God. That is, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. But have you heard the words, “the Son of God” or “the Spirit of God”? Sure you have, but now ask yourself, have you heard the term “The Father o...
Of God
, , Bible Doctrine, Trinity, 7The Spirit is the ‘Spirit OF God’. Yeshua is the ‘Son OF God’. So is the Father, the ‘Father OF God’? No, he is God HIMSELF. He is not OF anyone. Even Paul stated this when he said, “for us there is one God the Father“. Have we forgotten what “OF” means? Today...
Here is something really obvious, yet many do not understand it. If you soak a sponge in vinegar, then you can extract vinegar from a sponge. But if you do not soak vinegar in a sponge, then you will extract that which is originally in the sponge. Likewise, if you start with your mind being convinced of a doctrine, then n...
Not many are aware that the father of Physics and arguably the greatest scientist of all time – Sir Isaac Newton, was a zealous believer in God. He spent more time studying scripture than he did science and math. After intense study of the scriptures, Newton concluded that the Trinity was a false doctrine and he bel...
Many confess that Jesus Christ is God and part of the Trinity. Q: So who in scripture also confessed that? A: No one. Ancient diagram of the Trinity Instead: Peter confessed that Jesus Christ was the son of God and the messiah. Paul confessed that there was one God the Father and one Lord, the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus con...
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