Exciting evidence which points to the validity of the Biblical story of Joseph.
We are in one of the worst, if not the worst time for persecution against Christians. Once the Middle East was populated by Christians, but today Muslims form the majority. What happened? History testifies that Christians have been slaughtered or forced to convert to Islam. The Ottoman Empire and Turkey is guilty of genoc...
This video teaches that there is no secret rapture and makes one of the better arguments for that stance. Instead it says that the Lord will return once, and both the living and the dead will be resurrected to face Judgement Day in the same hour or day. While I may or may not agree with every single point in the video, I ...
In a topic in one of our forums, some discussing Islam and/or ISIS did not see any significance in Bible prophecy. They think that ISIS are just a bunch of thugs that won’t last very long and Islam is irrelevant to how prophetic events will unfold. However, I believe that the rise of Islam and ISIS are significa...
Is Islam mentioned in the Bible?
, , Questions & Answers, Antichrist, End Times, Religions, Tribulation, 0Have you ever wondered if Islam is mentioned in Bible prophecy. For a religion with about 1.5 billion followers and with its opposition to Israel, the Jews, Christians, and the West, you would think Bible prophecy would have something to say. End-time eschatology as a whole has a number of theories as to how the end-times...
The joy of the YHWH is our strength. While happiness comes from good things that happen to us, the joy of YHWH can be with us in good times and tribulation. Do not lose heart, while there may not be much happening now to make us happy, think of what lies ahead for those that love YHWH. For it is written that Yeshua hims...
Q: What is the tribulation or tribulations? A: They are times of trial for believers, a time of persecution where we are threatened with death, violence, prison, etc. Tribulations are not to be confused with God’s wrath. We are guaranteed tribulation, but spared from God’s wrath. God’s wrath usually foll...
Are Christians the most persecuted people on Earth?
, , Prophetic News, Persecution, Tribulation, Video, 1Are followers of Christ the most persecuted people of any faith? According to this video the answer is yes. Many of our brothers and sisters are in tribulation now and need our prayers. Pray not that we would be spared tribulation, but pray that we would be over-comers because Jesus overcame the world. Please pray for our...
Pre-Trib Hear both sides of the argument. Pre-tribulation rapture or post-tribulation rapture? Post-Trib
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