Sin is a river that sweeps you away, but God makes it possible for you to resist. No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure...
What is sin exactly and why do we sin. What is the price we pay for sin and what is the remedy. How can we be cleansed of all sin. Will there come a time when we will never sin again.
It’s not about saying “God!” It’s about doing evil in God’s name.
A woman went to her gynecologist. – Doctor, I have a very serious problem and I need your help desperately! My baby’s not yet a year old and I’m pregnant again. I don’t want another son. The doctor said: – What exactly do you want me to help you with? The woman replied: – I want an abor...
A pastor of a large church denomination in New York, refused to label killing the unborn a sin on a televised talk show. A Hillsong pastor was recently invited to speak on a talk show. When the conversation turned to the controversial subject of abortion, the pastor seemed hesitant in replying. His answer was not to conde...
Ben Shapiro makes this video in response to actress Olivia Wilde proclaiming her support for abortion while she is pregnant. In her own words she is: “literally about to have a baby,” Shapiro calls abortion what it really is rather than the desceptive title of ‘woman’s choice’.
This video can be likened to person who clings to his sin. Does such a person realize that unrepentant sin eventually brings death to his soul. Repentance means we are sorry for our sin and consciously give it up. Of course, we slip up because we struggle with our carnal nature, but as long as we repent and ask for for...
Is it okay for Christians to swear? This video provides an answer. What is your view?
Marissa Semkiw of spoke to a male pro-abortion activist at Ottawa’s March For Life. Later he sent her an email asking her not to air their conversation.
As time goes by, I see more and more people doubting, questioning, and accusing God of hypocrisy and evil. After all according to the Bible God has had people killed and enslaved and both are not good, right? I hear things like: ‘God says that we shall not kill, yet commands certain people in history to do just that...
Baal worship, then and now

The following excellent piece was written by Matt Barber and was found on WorldNetDaily What is the connection between modern liberalism Baal worship. Is there even a connection? Modern-day liberals – or “progressives” as they more discreetly prefer – labor under an awkward misconception; namely, that there is any...
Statement: Atheist is a weird word. It’s a word that basically means: a person that doesn’t believe in God. But, almost everyone is an Atheist. There have been 10,000 gods throughout history. Since everyone doesn’t believe in 99.99% of these, everyone is an Atheist to a large extent. Rebuttal: Be...
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