Strange things have happened since the blood moons, no one can argue that! Read more
Did Jesus reveal the first 3 seals of Revelation to his disciples?

Did Jesus tell his disciples of the first three seals that was later written in the Book of Revelation? It appears so. Matthew 24:3 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end o...
There Were Signs in the heavens when Jesus was born

There were major signs in the heavens when Jesus was conceived, born, and died according to scripture and astronomical data. Can the stars tell us of things to come? Do they testify to history? If so, then today we have astronomical software that accurately predicts the night sky each day in history and the future. But is...
I watched the Passover 4/4/2015 Blood Moon here in New Zealand. The sky was mostly clear and view unobstructed. No that is not my photo above, but I have learned why the moon goes red. Apparently every sunrise and every sunset in the world during the Blood Moon is cast onto the moon and transforms it into a great red o...
Four Blood Moons

Will 2014-2015 be a significant period of time in God’s calendar? The last time there were four blood moons was apparently the six day war and the previous time, Israel had just become a nation. Here are a couple of videos to provoke thought on this subject. Visit a topic on our forum dedicated to the four b...
Interesting video on the state of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. According to this video, It is much worse than we have been led to believe.
Signs of the end

Around 1991 I asked God when the end of the world would take place. Graciously, God gave me a series of dreams that showed me a period of time to look for. These signs were not great events, rather things that exist today, but being different in appearance due to futuristic technology. The following writing describes two ...
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