Physicist I am a physicist and it comes naturally to me that all planets are spheres mainly because of gravity. The gravity of a planet is directly proportional to the planet’s mass and inversely proportional to the planet’s radius. Gravity can be calculated 6.67*10^-11(planet mass/planet radius^2). This also means th...
To imagine the fifth dimension, it helps to ignore it for a moment and look for paradoxes in Spacetime, the four dimensional universe. Then think about how a higher dimension solves these paradoxes. Read my theory which attempts to solve not only what the fifth dimension is, but what time is. Note: The article is on anoth...
Scientists used a global network of telescopes to see and capture the first-ever picture of a black hole. They captured an image of the super-massive black hole and its shadow at the center of a galaxy known as M87. This is the first direct visual evidence that black holes exist, the researchers said. In the image, a cent...
This video brings together a number of scientific experiments and quotes from scientists regarding Quantum Physics and what it tells us about the physical universe that we observe as our reality.
“When an animal or plant kind comes from another the mutant has no one to reproduce with, so end of the line. In other words, when a being belonging to a species can no longer mate with its parent species, then it has to be lucky enough to come across a mate that mutated in the same way in the same location, and at ...
Are We Real?

An interesting video that looks at our perception of reality and looks at discoveries that could point to a creator. However, what is also interesting is science’s pursuit to disprove God in any way. Every time the evidence suggests that there is a creator, they try to rationalise it away with mathematics and laws. ...
Scientists believe that space is something. Even between electrons, there is something. They call it dark matter and dark energy because it cannot be seen. If you took away all that was visible from the universe, except you and you were able to spin around, what would you be spinning around in relation to? Well that would...
Spacial dimensions We are told that the universe began from a singularity and it created time-space. In other words it started in 0 dimension and from what we observe now, 4 or more dimensions. Given that, is it logical to assume that the singularity first expanded in a 1 dimensional space to 2-dimensional, then created 3...
If travelling along the circumference of an eternal circle is the same as travelling in a straight line, then my question is: Does an infinite shape become finite when viewed in a higher dimension? For example: An infinite two dimensional plane can host an infinite number of one dimensional lines, but can only host one in...
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