Enoch was taken into Heaven and was shown the END from the beginning. He was given instructions for believers living at the end. Listen in.
Is there a judgement. What are we judged for exactly. What happens after judgement. This topic takes a look Judgement Day and other judgements that were and are enacted by God.
“I see a plague coming on the world, and the bars, churches and government will shut down. The plague will hit New York City and shake it like it has never been shaken. The plague is going to force prayerless believers into radical prayer and into their Bibles, and repentance will be the cry from the man of God in t...
Some people think the choice is eternal life in Heaven or Hell, but that is not scriptural. The reality is this. Yes we can have eternal life in the Kingdom of God, this is in fact the promise of God. But the wicked will not have eternal life in Hell. It is written that they lose their soul and are destroyed. They suffer ...
In the nineteenth century a young woman received a vision of the events that would precede the second coming of the Messiah and the end of time. Misunderstood for decades by Believers and not completely understood even by her, the vision was rejected by the vast majority of mainstream Christianity. But as it is written in...
Many today say that humans do not have true free will. They argue that free will is an illusion and our choices are dependent on our biology, circumstances, and randomness. This kind of thinking leads to one place. That no one is really responsible for their actions. So if I was to have all my atoms replaced by that ...
As time goes by, I see more and more people doubting, questioning, and accusing God of hypocrisy and evil. After all according to the Bible God has had people killed and enslaved and both are not good, right? I hear things like: ‘God says that we shall not kill, yet commands certain people in history to do just that...
The definition of a true child of God does not include unrepentant murderers, thieves, liars, etc. The Bible states this clearly. If I called myself a non-racist, but hated everyone but my own race, then surely I would be a hypocrite and children of God cannot be hypocrites. The Bible is packed with words about what a tru...
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