If you read the Old and New testaments, it seems almost certain that the Jews would reject Jesus as their messiah. Why is that? Because the Bible is full of examples where the Jews persecuted and killed the prophets that were sent to them. Jesus gave a parable to the people about this: And the vinedressers took his servan...
The book explains the origin of the feast of Purim, which is celebrated by Jews to this day. Esther was a beautiful Jewish wife of the Persian king Ahasuerus (Xerxes I). She was an orphan who was raised by her cousin Mordecai. He uncovered a plot to kill him and all the Jews within the empire. Through Esther, the plo...
Surviving Evil
, , Viewpoints, Jews, Persecution, 0In any generation, it just takes enough ignorant fools at any one time to allow evil its course.
According to the message in the billboard above, do you sound like a Nazi? If the answer is NO, then ask yourself the following question below. Q: “Replace the word Muslim with Nazism and ask yourself if you now sound like a Nazi sympathizer.” If you honestly answered no to the first question, then there is a ...
The truth fears no investigation. In this video the speaker claims to expose the lie of the Holocaust. Did it really happen he asks. Pastor Steven L. Anderson has one of the best teachings I have heard for denying the Holocaust. The jury is out for me however and I think it far-fetched that there was no Holocaust even tho...
The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block
, , Bible Doctrine, Jews, Trinity, Video, 907In scripture we never read about people preaching the Trinity or insisting that people believe it in order to have true faith in God. Over the centuries many Christians have diverged and insisted that people believe in the Trinity as the foundation of true faith in God. While this belief indeed is the Roman Catholic Faith...
This video gives an overview of Jewish history and purpose. It shows what a remarkable people the Jews are and have been throughout human history. What are your thoughts on God’s chosen people. We are told way back in Genesis the following: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and ...
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