Former Muslim Reveals the Truth About Islam After Personally Studying the Quran
Don’t judge a book by its cover and you know a tree by its fruit. First off, we know that both books talk about God. So in the sense of looking at the cover, both books are about God. Let’s look at the fruit. Christianity is a foundation of Western civilisation – the most tolerant civilisation that the w...
There are two sides to every story.
I have often thought that Islam may not exist if it were not for the Trinity Doctrine. It seems one of the main tenets of Islam is that God is not a Trinity. Thus, if the Trinity Doctrine and other wayward doctrines leading to idol worship didn’t exist, would Islam have had a reason to get started. Regardless, the f...
The Bloody Spread of Islam A review on how Islam spread around the world.
The Beast from the Sea

What is the identity of the Beast from the Sea in Daniel and Revelation? While many debate who or what the Beast of Revelation actually is, it seems that in these last days, it has been revealed to us. What kingdoms make up the seven heads and who are the the seven kings? What is the last kingdom? Who and what is the Anti...
The history of Europe that you are not taught. This is a history based on statistics and facts that explains why many Europeans today are afraid to question Islam.
According to the message in the billboard above, do you sound like a Nazi? If the answer is NO, then ask yourself the following question below. Q: “Replace the word Muslim with Nazism and ask yourself if you now sound like a Nazi sympathizer.” If you honestly answered no to the first question, then there is a ...
They were beheaded for their testimony about Jesus and the word of God

I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came ...
The films of Steve Bannon

Donald Trump’s Chief Strategist Steve Bannon warned in a film 10 years ago that the U.S. could become the Islamic States of America. Steve Bannon is a powerful man in American politics. As one of Trump’s political aides, this former film producer is currently Assistant to the President and White House Chief St...
The Vicious Snake

Donald Trump reads out the lyrics to “The Snake”, a song released by American singer Al Wilson in 1968. The reference for quoting this is obvious. It applies to the Islamification of Europe and gives a moral reason for rejecting the same thing in the US.
Yousef, the son of a Hamas leader West Bank Hamas leader Sheikh Hassan Yousef speaks about the so-called religion of peace. He once spent time on an Israeli prison and worked for Hamas himself. Later he became an Israeli spy. He converted to Christ and fled to the United States where he has political asylum. This his his ...
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