A recurring question that I hear often from Atheists is: “If God Created the Universe Then who Created God?” Another variation of the same question goes like this: “Where did God Come From?” Is it possible to answer this or is the question inherently flawed?
Is there a God? What is God? Has science done away with the need for a God? Can we know God? How do we know we believe in the right God? Who created God? What does scripture say about God? Who is the Most High God?
Sources: Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory – Jerry Walls Mere Christianity – C.S. Lewis The Great Divorce – C.S. Lewis Reflection on the Psalm – C.S. Lewis Handbook of Christian Apologetics – Peter Kreeft, Ronald Tacelli
Scientists have come to the shocking realization that the fundamental constants and quantities of the universe have been carefully tweaked to an astonishingly precise value that falls within the smallest of life-permitting perimeters. If any one of these values were altered by the tiniest of margins, no physical life woul...
The Kalām cosmological argument is a modern cosmological argument for the existence of God. Popularized by William Lane Craig in his The Kalām Cosmological Argument (1979), the argument is a variant of the unmoved mover in Aristotelianism.
Irrefutable logic as to why there is a God.
The Holy Spirit is a spirit, but is the Father also a spirit? Well we know that the Father is God and God is spirit. The Father is the Father of all spirits and life. The Father is also the father of our Lord Jesus Christ? But the gospels tell us that the Holy Spirit came upon Mary and because of this, the child was to b...
Basic logic

Basic logic is this: “If we accept God has a son, that means God is the Father.” & “If the Holy Spirit fathered Jesus, then the Holy Spirit is the Father’s own spirit.”
When God begats, it is from his spirit. He is the Father of spirits. To be born of God is to be born of the spirit. God is love. He is Spirit. He has characteristics or attributes. When God begats from himself, then he gives life to another and if it is from himself, then he draws upon his own nature and character for who...
As time goes by, I see more and more people doubting, questioning, and accusing God of hypocrisy and evil. After all according to the Bible God has had people killed and enslaved and both are not good, right? I hear things like: ‘God says that we shall not kill, yet commands certain people in history to do just that...
Scientists believe that space is something. Even between electrons, there is something. They call it dark matter and dark energy because it cannot be seen. If you took away all that was visible from the universe, except you and you were able to spin around, what would you be spinning around in relation to? Well that would...
Who made God?

The skeptic asks, “If God created the universe, then who created God?” God, by definition, is uncreated, so the question, “Who created God?” is illogical. A better question would be, “If the universe needs a cause, then why doesn’t God need a cause? And if God doesn’t need a cause...
“Infinity or eternity must exist. If it didn’t, then everything must have proceeded from nothing at the earliest point. And if nothing was the earliest point, then there would be nothing now. Thus, infinity/eternity is proven by the very fact that there is something.” This is a quote from a writing calle...
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