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Free Will
We cannot doubt of our existence while we doubt. The fact that we doubt proves there is a doubter. “I think therefore I am” as Socrates famously said. In the Old Testament, YHWH says, I AM. I am is a way to say I exist. We also exist because we have free will and can choose independently. While the Universe pr...
Many today say that humans do not have true free will. They argue that free will is an illusion and our choices are dependent on our biology, circumstances, and randomness. This kind of thinking leads to one place. That no one is really responsible for their actions. So if I was to have all my atoms replaced by that ...
Free will is like giving away sovereignty. When this happens, you have self-rule and the giver takes a risk because the choices that the new entity makes may not necessarily line up with the will of the one who gave the free will or self-rule in the first place. But as the saying goes, “if you love something, set it...
Free Will
, , Bible Doctrine, Free Will, 0I have met people who do not believe that we have free will. The thing about this stance is that believing this is self-contradictory. The reason is this. If free will didn’t exist, and we happen to believe that there is free will, then we cannot choose otherwise because our will is not free to choose to believe tha...
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