Sceptics claim that the flood story in Genesis was sourced from the Babylonian story, ‘The Epic of Gilgamesh’ (The Epic). Yes, there are similarities, but there are also many differences. The Epic is an evolved text that has changed over the centuries to suit the culture of the day. Further, both Genesis and T...
Is Plato’s mention of Atlantis a record of the Antediluvian age?
, , History & Archaeology, Flood, 1Graham Hancock Explains the Mysteries of Atlantis and Göbekli Tepe. Was there a huge flood on Earth in the past? Does science agree with the biblical flood? Is the myth of Atlantis really about the Antediluvian age? Does our current view of human history and civilizations make sense?
10 reasons why the Bible doesn’t support a young earth. Young Earth Creationists insist that the Bible must be taken literally and because of that, they say it teaches that the Earth is around 6000 years old. While this flies in the face of science, the Bible itself does not guarantee this belief either.
Could the Bible actually be teaching the flood was just a regional event, or are Christians committed to believing the floodwaters covered the whole face of the earth?
Were the pyramids built before the flood?
, , History & Archaeology, Bible, Egypt, Flood, Pyramids, Video, 6Some Egyptologists and Atheists claim that the pyramids were built in a time before the Biblical flood of Noah was suppose to occur. So are the pyramids proof that the Bible is inaccurate? This video investigates this claim and refutes it. In making the case about the pyramids, the video draws upon interesting information...
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