The following documentary makes the case that Coronavirus is man-made. Is this the truth or not. You be the judge. It is worth noting that this film is banned on the major tech networks so you will only find it on alternative platforms like BitChute. Note: I have been careful to not mention this documentary by name becaus...
The religious spirit seeks to replace the Holy Spirit as the source of spiritual life. This is every Christian’s battle! When we are truly joined to Christ, unstoppable living waters flow out of our innermost beings. The more that we can get free of the religious spirit, the purer and clearer these waters will be. — R...
Eve beheld the beautiful fruit that was on the Tree of Good and Evil and succumed to its temptation. Similarly, many become enamoured with doctrines that are at first strange to them, but because their hearts are wayward, they entertain them and accept them more over time for reasons other than loving the truth. Photo of...
God hands people over delusions when they push against his truth. He resists them for a time, but if they persist, then he let’s them go their own way in hopes of teaching them a lesson. This leads such a person into a wilderness of their own making. Those that seek will find it. Those that do not seek truth will instea...
Are you a Christian? Do you believe all scripture. Chances are you do not believe all scripture. Think I am wrong, then read the following writing. It will challenge your understanding of things: Scriptures that many Christians do not really believe →
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