Scientists have come to the shocking realization that the fundamental constants and quantities of the universe have been carefully tweaked to an astonishingly precise value that falls within the smallest of life-permitting perimeters. If any one of these values were altered by the tiniest of margins, no physical life woul...
The Signs of God’s Existence Documentary – Full Length The Signs of God’s Existence is documentary that explains why belief in God is logical and rational. Disclaimer: Heaven Net does not agree with all the information presented especially the information at the end that states that God of the Bible and Alla...
I usually answer this question with an explanation on infinity. The idea that you can get an infinite or almost infinite amount of finite sets from infinity exists such as what we see in the universe. Let me explain. If there was nothing and something sprung from that, then this nothing can not be nothing, but must be som...
Is the universe and life the result of chance. Are we that reality that just happened because our number came up? Justin Brierley explains why a simple dice proves that there must be a creator.
Let me help you Mr Atheist. The universe either formed because of intelligence and design, or non-intelligence which itself is either something non-living but eternal or nothing at all. If it was nothing, then there would be nothing now. If nothing can do something, then it was something all along. The something has to be...
Then God said, “Let the waters below the heavens be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear”; and it was so. God called the dry land earth, and the gathering of the waters He called seas; and God saw that it was good. Photo taken in Kanumera Bay on the Island of Pines, New Caledonia.
Theory of Everything: GOD, Devils, Dimensions, Dragons, Illusion & Reality… A unique look at reality and the universe with intelligent questions and observations.
Richard Dawkins says: “Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is the belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence.” Of course that definition is more suitable for blind faith because real faith is the evidence of things not seen...
Modern science is a poor imitation of nature at best.
Scientists believe that space is something. Even between electrons, there is something. They call it dark matter and dark energy because it cannot be seen. If you took away all that was visible from the universe, except you and you were able to spin around, what would you be spinning around in relation to? Well that would...
Have you ever noticed how the word “evolve” is used in today’s language. It humors me when I hear statements like, “the incredible evolution of mobile phones“, or “contributing to the evolution of the Internet “. Why is this humorous? Because the word “evolve” ...
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