Some scientists believe that the universe came from nothing. Instead of proving there is no creator this hypothesis does the opposite. “For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance, he is about to conquer the highest peak; ...
The author of this site was a devout Atheist for decades. But realized that God existed and that there is indeed an afterlife. Read the testimonies below as to why there is a God or read one of our own writings on the subject.
Fatheism will prove to you 100% that there is a God. This writing offers irrefutable logic if you are willing to see it. Or try Why Atheism is a religion & Who Created God?
One of the biggest questions that many ask about the creation of the universe is where did it come from and how did the Big Bang happen. Many scientists believe that the Big Bang came from nothing around 14 billion years ago, but scientists have little or no idea how the Big Bang actually happened. This does beg the obvio...
Does the Big Bang theory eliminate the need for God? Even asking the most basic questions will tell you the truth. But many people do not ask such questions because the truth matters little to them. What happened before the Big Bang
If God created us then who created God?
, , Bible Doctrine, Atheism, Creation, Creator, God, Video, 50A recurring question that I hear often from Atheists is: “If God Created the Universe Then who Created God?” Another variation of the same question goes like this: “Where did God Come From?” Is it possible to answer this or is the question inherently flawed?
A simple, concise, and logical argument as to why God exists
The probability of a single protein forming by chance
, , Science & God, Atheism, Creation, Creator, Video, 8There are many reasons why there has to be a God. This is one of them. The probability of getting a properly folded chain of one-handed amino acids, joined by peptide bonds, is one chance in 10^74+45+45, or one in 10^164 (Meyer, p. 212). This means that, on average, you would need to construct 10^164 chains of amino acids...
The four greatest discoveries in modern times that prove God exists. The universe had a beginning. Fred Burnham, physicist: “The God hypothesis is now a more persuasive and respectable hypothesis than at any time in the last 100 years.” Space and time also had a beginning. This discovery demands an explanation. It cal...
Scientists have come to the shocking realization that the fundamental constants and quantities of the universe have been carefully tweaked to an astonishingly precise value that falls within the smallest of life-permitting perimeters. If any one of these values were altered by the tiniest of margins, no physical life woul...
The Kalām cosmological argument is a modern cosmological argument for the existence of God. Popularized by William Lane Craig in his The Kalām Cosmological Argument (1979), the argument is a variant of the unmoved mover in Aristotelianism.
How to be an Atheist
, , Viewpoints, Atheism, Humour, Video, 0A humorous but honest look at the Atheist mind.
The Signs of God’s Existence Documentary – Full Length The Signs of God’s Existence is documentary that explains why belief in God is logical and rational. Disclaimer: Heaven Net does not agree with all the information presented especially the information at the end that states that God of the Bible and Alla...
This video explores the latest discoveries from physics, astronomy, & DNA, and how they relate to the existence of God
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