The subject of God’s existence is discussed in a debate between John Lennox & Richard Dawkins. John Lennox makes a great argument about the existence of God and faith. He even stumps Richard Dawkins on the subject of faith at one point. The commentator in this video also provides some pearls of wisdom such as: &...
The author of this site was a devout Atheist for decades. But realized that God existed and that there is indeed an afterlife. Read the testimonies below as to why there is a God or read one of our own writings on the subject.
Fatheism will prove to you 100% that there is a God. This writing offers irrefutable logic if you are willing to see it. Or try Why Atheism is a religion & Who Created God?
Why are the parameters of the universe fine-tuned for life?
, , Science & God, Atheism, Creation, Video, 1The question of a creator of the universe because the parameters of the universe is fine-tuned for life, is a topic of debate among theists and atheists. The concept of fine-tuning refers to the idea that the fundamental physical constants and laws of nature are set in such a way that if they were even slightly different,...
The “problem of evil” has been the primary argument against the existence of God throughout history. The question is, if God is real, why does he permit so much suffering in the world? Recently, atheists have countered the argument from cosmic fine-tuning by suggesting that the properties required for life in ...
Darwin’s Doubt
, , Science & God, Atheism, Creation, Video, 1In this conversation, Ben Shapiro is joined by Stephen C. Meyer, a geophysicist, Vice President of the Discovery Institute, and the author of the best-selling book “Darwin’s Doubt” as they delve into topics such as philosophy, the beginnings of life, the intersection of science and religion, and other re...
The presenter in this video asserts that Christianity played a role in sparking the Scientific Revolution and suggests that the Bible has had a major impact on the fields of literacy, universities, and science. He even asserts that the great scientists up to Newton believed that the study of science itself was a form of w...
Two highly educated and articulate individuals engage in a profound philosophical debate on the existence of God.
If the universe had no beginning, then for many, there is no need to consider the cause of the universe. Thus, they could ignore God or a creator. Hawking, a renown atheist, preferred that there was no singularity or beginning to the universe. Unfortunately for him, the science says otherwise
Intelligent Design and The Return of the God Hypothesis
, , Science & God, Atheism, Creation, Video, 3An interview with Stephen Meyer. He explains why intelligent design is a good explanation as to how and why the universe exists. “Reviewing all relevant evidence from cosmology to molecular biology, Meyer builds an irrefutable ‘case for God.’ The logic throughout is compelling…” His three main lines ...
What happens to society when man forgets God
, , Viewpoints, America, Atheism, Video, Woke Culture, 4A discussion about what is happening in America and the level of foolishness that many cannot explain. The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good. NOTE: Video taken down.
Frank Turek and Christopher Hitchens meet for their second debate. The title is “What Best Explains Reality: Atheism or Theism?”. Turek makes some good points with Hitchens responding by dodging the questions and ridiculing Christian beliefs and Catholicism along with no explanation how the universe can come f...
Atheists are irrational but often come across to people as authoritative because they state things simply and as a matter of fact. However, their simple statements and stance are not enough for anyone who thinks deeply about life. The following video shares why a world leading Atheist changed his mind.
This is a truly powerful testimony from David Wood, a former Atheist. A must watch. The video discusses his conversion and explains why he left atheism and became convinced that Jesus is Lord and that he died on the cross for sins and rose from the dead.
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