Have you ever wondered if Islam is mentioned in Bible prophecy. For a religion with about 1.5 billion followers and with its opposition to Israel, the Jews, Christians, and the West, you would think Bible prophecy would have something to say. End-time eschatology as a whole has a number of theories as to how the end-times...
This topic is dedicated to the Antichrist or antichrists. What does it mean to be antichrist? How can we spot an antichrist?
Will we one day breathe life into our own creation? This is an interesting question. In the mid 1990s, I first started using the Web and learning HTML. Back then I was confronted with the fact that www = 666. To test this theory out, I asked a Jewish friend of mine what number www was in Hebrew given that the numerical...
Pre-Trib Hear both sides of the argument. Pre-tribulation rapture or post-tribulation rapture? Post-Trib
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