The Bible in the Oval Office

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    Donald Trump has slumped in the polls since that recording of him years ago was made public. It would almost take a miracle for him to win the upcoming election now.


    you did not answer my questions ,


    do you find that those two scriptures tells all of God’s ways ?
    take the first sentence in Daniel 4;17 what does it say ?

    “This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones; to the intent that the living may know that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever He will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.”


    the first part shows to whom the rest of the sentence is addressed “the watchers” but also on the “demand of the word of the holy one ”

    this need understanding and that true understanding is my point


    So because it was addressed to the Watchers it then negates the words ‘that the living may know that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever He will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.’ ?

    Why does something not become true because of who it is being told to?

    We are talking about scripture here remember.


    i know we talking about scriptures ,who are the living ? who are the watchers ?


    Trump is down in the polls due to things he has said, but Clinton is up despite the things she has done.

    However, more dirt will likely be revealed about Clinton that could hurt her chances.

    If Trump were really called by God to lead America, then something drastic would need to happen for Clinton to lose her lead.


    I HAven’t see anything in scriptures on Trump or Clinton, it just seem a fight at the Roman senate over who will be the next emperor


    Not in scripture I agree. We are told to pray for our leaders. I guess that means we should care at least a little.

    -1 Timothy 2:1-3
    “1 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior…” 


    John 17;9 Jesus pray for those that are his not for the world ,i wonder what would be the true interpretation of Paul words and the reason for it ?


    Are we to pray and show concern about our leaders or not?

    Some like the JWs believe you should stay the hell out of politics in all forms. That doesn’t sit right with me for reasons of the verses I have shown so far.


    the jw are a organisation of liars and deception

    Jesus said it will not be easy for his followers for the world has killed him and so they will do with his followers,

    do we have to walk has Christ did or not ?


    A word from Rick Joyner

    THE #1 REASON WHY I WILL VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP: HE IS THE PRO-LIFE CANDIDATE. Life is the most valuable gift we have. Just as the first test of Solomon’s wisdom was to distinguish between the mother that was careless with life, and the one that was careful with life, this is the first, and most important test of leadership. I therefore think the greatest nation on earth will be the one with the greatest culture of respect for life.

    God said in His word that “the shedding of innocent blood brings a curse.” Who could be more innocent than the unborn who have not even had a chance yet to do good or evil? We now know that infants in the womb at just a few months of development have emotions, can feel pain, and even dream. The methods of abortion are an incomprehensibly cruel torture and murder of the most innocent, and helpless living human being.


    The first right our Founding Fathers addressed when declaring the birth of our nation was the right to life, and then liberty and the pursuit of happiness. What good is liberty if we are dead? So life, and the right to life is basic to everything.

    Why do our laws say that if a pregnant woman is killed it is two murders, but an infant in the womb is not a person, and according to Hillary Clinton, has no Constitutional rights?

    How could anyone be for partial birth abortion, when the baby is pulled halfway out of the mother so a needle can be inserted into it’s brain to kill it? Why do a few inches make the difference of whether it has the right to live or not? Now we know that the practice of most is that if the baby slips all the way out it is still killed. Hillary Clinton is for abortion at any time, for any reason.

    Hillary Clinton called Margret Sanger her “role model.” Margret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood with the expressed purpose of using abortion to wipeout the black race in American. Planned Parenthood being caught cutting up the aborted babies to sell their parts!

    We’re told about “gates of hell” in Scripture, which are access points where hell enters a nation or culture. Abortion is the biggest gate of hell through which death and the culture of death and violence enters a land. It was this gate of hell through which the culture of death entered Germany in the 1930’s, when mandatory abortions were used on the “undesirables.” After killing the unborn became acceptable they then began to systematically kill the elderly, who they called “useless eaters.” Then it spread to killing everyone they didn’t like, or felt threatened by. This culture of death is now creeping into our land, and it will put all lives in jeopardy if we do not close this gate.

    Roe v Wade was not just about abortion. It was also about seeing if we would allow the courts to legislate in violation of the Constitution. This is what Thomas Jefferson called “judicial tyranny” where a small number of judges would begin to rule over the will of the people, and he contended that we could not remain a Republic for long if this happened.

    The Constitution is clear that what authority is not specifically given to the federal government in the Constitution remains with the states and with the people. Nowhere does the Constitution give authority to the federal government mandate social issues such as abortion, same-sex marriage. Every time it has ruled on such issues it has done so in violation of the Constitution, and it should not be a surprise that they have always been in exact conflict with the will of God as revealed in His word.

    Now states do have the Constitutional authority to pass laws on social issues, but not ones that are in violation of our basic rights, such as the right to life. That does not make their decisions right, but at least they are doing it according to the law of the land, which is the Constitution. Such ultimate issues were intended to be debated and processed on the state level where the people’s lives would be the most directly affected, and those who passed the legislation would be the most directly accountable to the people. So the way abortion was forced on the entire country did open up a much bigger gate of hell for other evils to also pour through.

    If we do not recover our esteem for the value of life we will ultimately be subjected to death on unprecedented levels, just as history repeatedly affirms. For this reason I start with always voting for pro-life candidates, and those who know and are devoted to complying with the Constitution.


    for whom would Jesus vote ?


    Possibly the one who would be against abortion and the one who was more favorable to his brethren.


    Jesus will not vote for any man made kingdom for if he did he would then minimise his own kingdom,and that my friend impossible


    Jesus said to pay to Caesar what is his and to give God what is his.

    If it was mandatory to vote, then Jesus would break the law?


    do you really know what is God’s ? read the first commandment and see


    I know that Jesus wouldn’t have broken the law because he said to render to Caesar what was his. Would Jesus pay his taxes? If he practiced what he preaches then yes he likely did. If voting was not mandatory, then he may or may not vote because either way wouldn’t be breaking the law. I do not know what Jesus would do, but I know he would follow the law so long as it did not break God’s law. I know this because that is what he taught us.


    Jesus was not part of the world and so were his disciple and so should all those that walk has Christ did ,

    voting for a worldly government make you a part of that world like or not

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