The Bible in the Oval Office

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  • #818170

    Hi Ed:

    And what does this have to do with 1 Co. 10?  We should seek to come into agreement as to what God has said in His Word, so that we not teach something that He did not say, so, show me where God has said anything about codes being used to verify His Word.

    Ed J

    Hi t8:

    So Trump didn’t win the popular vote, thus he shouldn’t be the president? We shouldn’t pray for him?

    I did not vote for him, but even thou he did not win the popular vote, he did win the presidency by virtue of the system that is in place in the United States, and so, yes, I will pray for him, as the scriptures say that I should. The scriptures say that God would have all men to come to the knowledge of the truth and to be saved. The video that you posted says that he, president Trump will be baptized with the Holy Spirit while in the office of President, and I do hope that this comes true.

    It does seem to me that if the majority of the people, that is the popular vote. voted for someone, then that person should be the winner, and so, maybe our system that gives the election to him who won the most electoral college votes needs to be revamped.

    Nevertheless, it is what it is, and Donald Trump is the president elect of the United States.

    Love in Christ,

    Hi Marty,

    Point #1. demographics:

    The framers instituted the electoral collage
    so that large numbers of people gathered in one
    place would not have sway over the rest of the populace. …in this they were Geniuses

    Point #2. Voter fraud:

    A. Illegal aliens voting
    B. Dead people voting
    C. Multiple voting
    D. Felons voting

    When you eliminate all the voter fraud – Donald J. Trump wins the popular vote (as well)

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    Hi Ed:

    Whether or not codes verify something or not is dependent upon what codes relative to what things, and so, tell me what you are talking about and I will tell you whether or not I believe that the codes verify what you are saying that they do.

    Point #1
    942767 needs a password to post on this forum,
    That password IS A CODE!

    Point #2
    A pin number is required
    at ATM’s to make withdrawals from bank accounts;
    that number IS A CODE!

    And so, you showed me (in point #2) that a pin # has to be used at an ATM to make a withdrawl from an account, and so, in this case the code does verify that it the person making the withdrawl unless somehow the information has been stolen by someone.

    Hi Marty,

    OK You agree with point #2.

    Do you also agree with point #1? “Yes” or “No”

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    show me where God has said anything about codes being used to verify His Word.

    Hi Marty

    Not so fast. First address the essence of my question,
    which you appear to be avoiding. So I’m breaking it down
    further and further. Address my last post, and I will begin
    to piece it together for you; OK?

    God bless
    Ed J


    It does seem to me that if the majority of the people, that is the popular vote. voted for someone, then that person should be the winner, and so, maybe our system that gives the election to him who won the most electoral college votes needs to be revamped.

    That is how it is in New Zealand and it works great. However, that system wouldn’t work too well in say Europe where there are a collection of countries. The most populous would reign over the smaller populated countries and thus by reason of that, they may succeed from the union.

    Now look at the US. It is like a collection of small countries and some large ones. For example, Alaska the largest in area is perhaps one of the smaller in population. If their voice was drowned out, then that could lead them to succeed in order to get a voice.

    I think the electoral college is a good system for the US and I don’t see it changing anytime soon.

    As for Trump. I think the US needs a strong man like him to rule. If the US were to continue down its current path, I believe that the vision Rick Joyner saw would be the result. Perhaps it will happen anyway in the future, but Trump is the man that says he is going to build a wall.

    Like a city that is broken into and without walls Is a man who has no control over his spirit.

    Ed J

    Point #2
    A pin number is required
    at ATM’s to make withdrawals from bank accounts;
    that number IS A CODE!

    And so, you showed me (in point #2) that a pin # has to be used at an ATM to make a withdrawl from an account, and so, in this case the code does verify that it the person making the withdrawl unless somehow the information has been stolen by someone.


    Point #1
    942767 needs a password to post on this forum,
    That password IS A CODE!

    OK You agree with point #2.
    Do you also agree with point #1? “Yes” or “No”

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi T8:

    Trump is the president elect, and so, I am praying for him. First, of all, I am praying that he will receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost while in this office, as the prophet said that he would.

    So, he says that he will build a wall, but like El Chappo, they might just tunnel under it.  I do believe that ISIS is already here.

    I disagree that the Electoral College system is good for the US at this time.  Why should some states have more say so than the people at large.  It is a United States, government by the people and for the people,

    What about the current news that Putin helped Donald Trump win the election?


    Yes, Ed, I need a password for this site and for many others, as well, but I don’t need a password to understand the Word of God.  I do need the Holy Ghost to lead me into all truths.  However, there are some things that do have a code in the Word of God such the number of a man, and his number is 666.  I don’t need Gematria to understand the Word of God.  That is ultimately what this is all about, isn’t it?

    Ed J

    Hi Marty,

    OK great, now back to my original question:

    While codes themselves cannot predict anything,
    do you believe that codes can be used to verify?

    “Yes” or “No”



    Ed J

    “Yes”, “No”, or “I don’t know”




    CODES ARE MADE BY MAN /KIDS i use to make them and play by them ,

    but tell me are they codes that suppose to come from out of space ?

    are they codes that are not made by man ?

    just wonder


    It is like I said originally.  It depends upon what you are talking about.  Yes, No, Maybe so.

    Ed J

    Hi Marty,

    Funny how you in defiance of 1Cor 1:10 appear to be unwilling to take any steps towards consensus.

    “Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
    that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you;” (1 Cor 1:10 )

    OK let me ask you this then, in post # 818282 you said:

    942767 – “However, there are some things that do have a code
    in the Word of God such the number of a man, and his number is 666.”

    Would you say that correspondingly the number 777 could have a connection to God?

    “Yes” or “No”?

    God bless
    Ed J



    where in scriptures is the number 777 appear ?

    I don’t remember seeing it ,please refresh my memory ;


    It does seem to me that if the majority of the people, that is the popular vote. voted for someone, then that person should be the winner, and so, maybe our system that gives the election to him who won the most electoral college votes needs to be revamped.


    Jesus letters in Greek add up to 888. Just saying. Anyway, I don’t mind diverging the topic if it relates even remotely to this topic as that is the way people communicate. But just bear in mind to not change the subject of the topic entirely. Cheers guys.


    I still believe that the people have chosen their leader by voting for the one that tickles their ears best

    as for the 888 this again is man made story


    Hi Marty,

    Funny how you in defiance of 1Cor 1:10 appear to be unwilling to take any steps towards consensus.

    No, Ed, I am not defiant in discussing the Word of God with you, and praying that if we disagree that God would bring us into unity so that we can teach His Word in truth.

    But you want me to answer, yes, or no, to something that you are trying to prove, and not telling me what you are talking about relative to the Word of God.

    And yes, I believe that the #777 relates to the people of God, but there is no scripture that I know of that states specifically.  I also believe that the figure 8 relates t a “a new beginning” of or someone who has been born again, but there is no scripture which states this that I know of.

    If you want to agree, that these numbers could have something to do with the  Word of God, then OK we can agree.  If you have some others, talk to me and I will tell you if a I agree of not, but please do not keep trying to answer a question yes, or no without telling me what you are talking about.  I am not going to engage you in this type of conversation any longer.

    Love in Christ,



    The government is by the people and for the people.  Even if Trump won all the counties or however you want to break it down.  The popular vote includes the people of those counties who voted for Clinton.

    Love in Christ,

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