The Bible in the Oval Office

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  • #818025
    Ed J

    Hi Marty,

    I don’t believe in the principal of we just disagree
    and that’s that – because of what the bible says in 1Cor 1:10:

    “Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing”

    Since I strive for agreement I must back-up and start on a point of agreement.
    If my efforts to find a stating point of agreement are resisted, then
    that shows me that THEIR belief is contrary to 1Cor 1:10.

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    Hi Ed:

    Whether or not codes verify something or not is dependent upon what codes relative to what things, and so, tell me what you are talking about and I will tell you whether or not I believe that the codes verify what you are saying that they do.

    Hi Marty,

    942767 needs a password to post on this forum,
    That password IS A CODE! A pin number is required
    at ATM’s to make withdrawals from bank accounts;
    that number IS A CODE! therefore I ask again:

    While codes themselves cannot predict anything,
    do you believe that codes can be used to verify?

    “Yes” or “No”



    the only code you will find in scriptures is the wisdom of God ‘s truth ,and this controls all ,and i mean all things

    Ed J

    Hi Pierre,

    YOUR POST IS OFF-TOPIC. But *if* that is something YOU
    want to discuss, I will steer you to an appropriate thread.

    Thank you
    Ed J



    why then do you drive Marty out of topic ?

    you start then you are complaining about your own behavior ,are you a democrat ?

    Ed J

    Hi Pierre,

    No I did not drive Marty off this topic. And it is
    obvious that you don’t pay attention to what people say.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Yes, I am saying that I do not believe that God chose Donald Trump.  I believe that the people who were fed up with status quo politicians chose him, that is how it is done in a democracy.  Did God forsee that this would be the result of the election.  Yes, of course He did.

    Of course people voted him in. This is obvious and not being debated. The question is not “Did people vote Trump or not?” It is also not, “Is Trump a saint?” No. It is “Was Trump chosen by God?”

    Chosen means that God called him to run for this position to give God’s people in America  the choice of a leader who they could vote for. Obviously God’s people pray about such things because we are taught to do so in scripture and God answers prayer right? Now just as America is in decline and being taken over by Political Correctness and liberal ideas on sin, Americans now have a president elect who is pro-life, seeks to allow Christians their rights, and wants to rid the country of corruption in business, media, and politics. Further, Vice president-elect Mike Pence according to himself a Christian first. Of course this is an outrage for many Americans today who were so convinced of a Democrat win which was not only going to bring more of the same, but multiple times more. I think you will find that Trump can thank Christians among others for where he is today.

    I personally do not think you can say that God did not choose him and that the prophecy in the first post is a false prophecy that by chance came true. You are allowed your opinion of course, but people are allowed to not believe in God too. My point being, that we are allowed to be wrong. I am not saying that we should believe that Trump was chosen by God, but at least be open to the possibility because there is a prophecy given well before the time and many, even Atheists will tell you it was a miracle that he was voted as the new president of the USA. Against all the odds it seems, there he is.


    Would you guys at least pray for Trump, the future leader of your country?


    t8s so called prophet

    Terr, you are wrong again. I have never said this prophecy is true or said that the man who gave it is a prophet. What I have done is put this up for consideration and have posted facts to give some light on the subject.

    But it is you who has a definite view on this topic and that view is the man is a false prophet and the prophecy is false. I believe you are being foolish by taking that stance in light of the evidence provided so far. We are told in scripture this:

    Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.

    ‘How may we know the word that the Lord has not spoken?’— when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously.

    “I did not send the prophets, yet they ran; I did not speak to them, yet they prophesied.

    So far these verses do not condemn the prophecy and the man who gave it. But two member here do condemn him without a trial. They condemn him because they feel like it. That is what I am hearing from you guys. You should be ashamed. And God judges us with the same measure. Only a fool brings harsh judgement that is not deserved. Only a wicked person tries a man as guilty even though he has no evidence to prove his case.


    I have never seen an American candidate or president who was attacked as much as Trump has been. It does make me wonder what he is doing right rather than wrong.

    Here is one of the main reasons people said they would not vote for Trump. He supposedly made fun of a disabled man according to the MSM.


    More harsh criticism of Trump from a non-thinker.



    could please go to youtube and find the video where Trump is interrogated by Larry king and others as far back as 1979  as to become president of the usa

    for it seem to me that you looking for prove and yet don’t ask the right questions in scriptures ,

    I give you the link above


    I did not know that this is the way to do it , good please look at those videos


    and one more thing is not Jesus the head of all authority included  is own church ?

    look at the history of empires /rules since Jesus died ;some came to be good some came and are despots and persecuted Christians for all their life in power

    having no mercy for righteousness at all /they are some still in power today doing the same thing and yet most don’t seem to care ,



    “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.”


    here the word “spirit” means the idea of a composition of words that expresses a opinion ,

    so it is up to us to use our knowledge of God’s word and the spirit of his word to judge what we hear ,being from God ,would mean that it aligns with God’s words old and new (since Christ) for God does not change ,

    for the very reason that false prophets /false leaders/wolves/false shepherd have come into the house of God and take away the crown of life of those that have faith in God ,

    the reason why the apostles said they have gone into the world means they have become a part of the world (the devil world)but claim to be christ followers ,this is the deception talked about by Christ when he said ‘LET NO ONE DECEIVE YOU ”

    so based on my knowledge of God’s truth i say those prophet are liars and deceivers .and I mean it



    could please go to youtube and find the video where Trump is interrogated by Larry king and others as far back as 1979  as to become president of the usa

    I thought I already posted this video in this topic terr (your first video), but a quick look and I cannot find it. It shows that he didn’t entertain the idea of running for president because he likes his business too much. It shows that he has concerns about how the country is run and the question only popped up because Oprah asked it. But not sure of your point though as doesn’t disprove anything from what I can tell. Or are you somehow suggesting that the prophecy is bull because the person just watched this video and took this as a lead? If Trump was called by God, then he would probably have this concern in his heart. When a man has a calling, it is a seed that is planted inside him and eventually it grows to fruition if the person allows it. The video shows his heart on the matter, even way back then. In the video, he denied he was interested in being the president and no one up till recently thought he had a shot at being the president. Show me one person in the world that believed that, except for the man who gave this prophecy and those who believed that.

    Now he is the president elect. The video supports the topic at hand, it doesn’t deny at all that he could have been called of God. If you have no proof, then do not condemn because you don’t like something. You need to have a good reason before condemning something, otherwise you are being foolish. And we would be foolish to follow your advice to condemn this without evidence of any kind. Do you agree?


    This is what happens when arrogance takes over. Just when you think you have it in the bag, you lose. As the saying goes:

    don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched


    don’t count your money at the table

    While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape.



    calling me arrogant will not make you a true dispenser of the light ,

    first the fact that I understand mr Trump is because I spend 50 years in construction from apprentice to president position ,

    what construction teach you is that even before you start construction you have to consider the entire building for if not you will find your self in trouble during the finishing ,for the entire foundation have to match the finish roof ,

    I strongly believe that you cannot look at God’s plan for humanity in one detail and assume that the rest falls into place through it ,

    when you ask a question to God ,it incompases all of his plan all has to match ,this is to my knowledge the plan will be a truth to that plan ,

    so if you can show me that the conclusion of the sermon on the mountain is the same viewed through only that sermon without further account of other scriptures then you would be right ,but if you look at the sermon through the entire bible it takes a little different view /spirit ,

    seeking the truth of God is not have one truth and make it the all truth ,

    I am not wrong and I am not arrogant ,I am just committed to the truth of God  for i know that it saves those that seek it and follow it .



    your topic title has to encompass all derivatives if not the outcome will be a lie ,

    I don’t have to prove that God did not chose Trump to be president for I know by common sense he did not  according to all the scriptures ,

    it does not matter how difficult the way to the presidency was/is ,

    it all a matter do you believe it if yes under what scriptures would that be ? the one you showed is related to the purpose of God ,so please prove what would be the purpose of God in the presidency of Trump,but then you have also to prove that Obama  was chosen by God for it was the failure of Obama policies that really pushed Trump to win ,and so on ,

    I believe you should read a little more in scriptures about all the kings that came to rule in Israel ,some very wicked ones and they lived longer than the good ones ,

    when we deal with God in scriptures we cannot answer a question without asking other questions to the original question  to obtain the truth


    We hear you Terr. You say the prophecy is false and the man a false prophet. You can have that opinion as it is your life. No one can take your opinion off you. We each choose and we each are responsible for what we believe and say. There is nothing else for you to say on this subject as you have made up your own mind even without any evidence except your opinion that this is common sense to not believe. I am entitled to think you are being foolish too, because before I condemn, I like to see real evidence. You have concluded this thread for yourself, so please move on now if you can. I don’t think it is constructive for you to argue against this with no evidence for the rest of your life. Life is too short and important to waste our time.

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