The Holy Spirit is the spirit of the Father

Glory of God

The Trinity Doctrine is so preposterous that it contradicts the most basic and simple truths in scripture and causes much confusion and unnecessary division.

For example, the Holy Spirit came to Mary instead of Mary’s husband Joseph. Thus is the Holy Spirit the Father of Jesus, or is the Father? Explain that one with the confusing dogma of the Trinity.

John 15:26
“But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me.

The Holy Spirit is the spirit of the Father and is not another person, nor an equal partner of a triune God.

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    not conceited David, convinced.

    but thanks.

    and oh by the by, it is not the spirit of god. god is spirit and searches for those in spirit and truth. John 4.24

    Big difference.






    I cannot out my finger on any passage that declares God persons and yet I can put my finger on more than one where Jesus is called a human.



    so…what you’re saying is if I don’t study Greek – I will be deceived by reading the NT..??

    People are deceived if they are fluent in the original languages because they do not want to stop sinning. They instead gather false teachers around who tell them it is ok to keep sinning. A individual who hungers and thirsts to be righteousness as God is righteous does not agree with such teachings.

    As for the fact that Kooine Greek address the gender of the noun and not the gender of the individual I do not really care if you believe me or not. Your choice is yours and it is on your head. It does explain one of the difficulties translators face and where bias can creep in even when the translators are sincere. In matter I gave you an alternate translation for John 1:2 that did not use the English pronoun he to show it is a controversial matter among experts.

    I use the AV of the KJV on a regular basis and have no difficulty understanding just as Wisdom is refereed to as she so can the Word be refereed to as he. There is no way you can use John is saying Jesus is God or Jesus is preexistence in John 1.

    I have no idea why you use human reason anyway as you condemn it. Ethos does not work for you either as you quotes do not come as credible except the corrupt and ignorant. A emotional appeal is your best choice.



    So we have two separate gods that are one in unity?



    agreed – only Christ is one with the Father..

    How many times will it take for you to realise that your predefined man-made doctrine makes you teach false doctrine and err in a myriad of ways. And how many scriptures will it take before you realise that scripture actually rebukes and corrects you time and time again. You lack understanding obviously, and you have been made blind by your own stubbornness by correcting God, Jesus, Peter, Paul, and John with your own doctrines. You have obviously been handed over to that which you have pushed toward. How did it get to this for you?

    John 17:21
    I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me.

    Jesus himself prayed that we would ALSO be one and one with both the Father and the Son.

    Listen to Jesus Christ. He has the words of eternal life. Let go of your own understanding and the traditions of men. You cannot find the words of eternal life in the traditions and doctrines of men.

    If your heart is true, then you would hear the one who is the truth. But if you cannot hear him, then how can you claim to know him. Why ignore the words of the one whom you claim to follow?



    I have no idea why you use human reason anyway as you condemn it.

    reason is how we communicate…

    what I condemn is when reason is used to translate or determine the meaning of Scripture – for this very reason alone, every denomination (and those like yourself who rely on intellect to understand things beyond intellect)… professing to follow the truth of Scripture, have instead created a religion of confusion out of Jesus Christ… simply because they have failed to rely on the Holy Spirit for illumination…

    There is no way you can use John is saying Jesus is God or Jesus is preexistence in John 1.

    I have showed you clearly the verses in Scripture that simply testify to the pre-existence of Jesus Christ – you do not need Greek to comprehend this…but it seems you have come to distrust even the Scriptures themselves, because sadly you believe that God is somehow dependent on human translators to give us correct understanding of His Word.. (sorry, but your god seems quite frail).



    Hi davidl,

    No they speak of the Word.

    The word was made flesh.


    Your god is divided.

    Come to the Lord God of Israel.



    Johns gospel clearly teaches the preexistence of Christ but the synoptics don’t.The Word was with God in the beginning and the Word was God,this denotes two persons since all things were created by him-the Word,which became flesh in vs14.


    Hi Andrew,

    Yes Christ.


    The Spirit of Christ

    The Word that was of God’s Spirit.

    One with God in the one Spirit.

    “We will come to you”


    Hi Andrew,

    CHRIST is not a surname.

    It means anointed, or anointing.




    what I condemn is when reason is used to translate or determine the meaning of Scripture

    Oh yeah is that right?

    Why do you not believe that there is one true God the Father and another who is his son whom he sent into the world.

    The reason you do not believe it is because you reason it with your doctrines and traditions that you have been taught.

    Read the scriptures without bias David. Read them like a child. Stop twisting the scriptures with your own Trinity reasoning. Do not taint the truth of God. Be innocent like a child and not haughty like a man who thinks he is right. Scripture is right DavidL, not the Roman Catholic faith, and not you. Once you believe that God is one, (not three), then you believe correctly. It is then up to you to know that one true God who is the Father, and to know the one who he sent, the son of God who came to take away the sins of the world.

    If you still insist on believe in three for some kind of magical reason, then believe these three scriptures.

    1. “yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things.”
    2. “And this is the way to have eternal life–to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth.”
    3. “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

    So is the spirit of God actually God then? It was this spirit who impregnated Mary in Luke? If so then is the spirit of Christ a different spirit? Paul speaks in Philippians of the supply of the spirit of Jesus Christ yet in 2 Cor 3:17 Paul says Christ is the spirit.And in 1Cor 15 :45 the last Adam was made a life giving spirit.And in St Johns gospel we are given another Comforter and when he is come……So God is a spirit and Jesus is a spirit and the spirit is a spirit.Is there a spirit of the Spirit too?



    I believe that the Spirit of God is not the Spirit of Jesus, but that  by the spirit they are one.

    Likewise, we can be one in spirit with the Body of Christ and one with God and his son.

    Our spirits even bear witness with God’s spirit that we are sons of God.

    Unity in spirit.

    To understand spirit, think of water. Spirit is life and the River of Life flows like water. What happens when a drop of water falls into the ocean.


    When a drop of water falls in the ocean it remains water.So if the Spirit of God is not the Spirit of Jesus but by the Spirit they are one then how many spirits are they? One,two,or three? doesn’t Ephesians say there is only one Spirit? but if we have the spirit of God and the spirit of Jesus Christ then there are more than one.

    I was in a chatroom one day where a lady made a remark that she felt closer to the Father than to Jesus and another said they felt closer to Jesus than the Father and another went into an outrage over them even saying these things.I didn’t say anything.


    I should’ve chimed in and said I feel closer to the Holy Spirit and made for more religious fun.


    The Father is the Father of spirits as it is written in Hebrews 12:9.

    Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live!

    But all life is alive by the spirit he God gives us. When God breathed into Adam, he became a living soul.

    To me, we are the soul and we have a spirit that gives us life and we have a body that lets us interact with the world that the body is made for. A physical body, then a spiritual body.

    Some people think that Jesus is the shell of a man, and that the Spirit is God that lived inside him. Thus Jesus talking to God is the body talking to the Spirit within.

    But we have a body, soul, and spirit and there is no reason to believe that Jesus lacked a spirit of his own. In fact it is our spirit in communion with God’s spirit that makes us one with him.

    Romans 8:16
    The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.

    Spirit is unusual. At that level that we can all be one. But we retain our identities as persons because God is in the business of saving souls.

    1 Peter 1:9
    for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

    So while all have a spirit, it all came from God originally. And it is our spirit that can have unity with God. When that happens the whole man can be aligned with God’s will.

    Ed J

    The Father is the Father of spirits as it is written in Hebrews 12:9.

    Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live!

    Hi T8, and Everyone else,

    Who is the father of “the spirit of christ”?

    1. the Father of Spirits
    2. No-one
    3. other

    I believe both me and T8 vote #1, what do the others vote?
    Please inform me if I read your post incorrectly T8, OK?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
    ”Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” – JEHOVAH GOD


    Hi ED,

    Does the Spirit need a Father?

    The Word was with God and was God.


    Hi ED,

    The Spirit of Christ was in the prophets.[1peter1]

    Why would the Spirit from God need a father?

    Did the Spirit of God have a father?


    Hi t8


    “And it is our spirit that can have unity with God.”

    No our spirit can be in agreement with the Holy Spirit.

    Our spirit leaves and returns to God at our death as happened with Jesus.

    It is in the sharing of the Holy Spirit with us that we can be united with God and His Son.


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