Man begats man, God begats …?

Is Jesus God himself because he came from the Father and has the same nature?

We know that God’s nature is divine.

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.

We also know that there is only one God and He is the Father. God is a HE, not THEM as the doctrine of the Trinity suggests. Let me explain.

Let’s look at this from a different perspective. Adam was the first man right? But did you know that the word for ‘man’ in Genesis is ‘adam’?

Technically speaking then, Eve is ‘adam’ but not ‘Adam’. It is written that God created man (adam) male and female. This means she is part of mankind, but is not Adam who was the first man. There is only one Adam. Well there are actually two now because Jesus became the new / second / final Adam.

So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit.

Back to divine nature now. Does having divine nature make you God? The answer is no if you look at the next scripture.

Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

Notice how we who are born from God have his nature, but we are obviously not God and never will be. Jesus said the following:

“And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent,”

Jesus acknowledges here indirectly that he is not the one true God. But we do know for sure that he is the son of that one true God though. Notice how he said that this truth is eternal life. It seems imperative then that we believe what he says if those words were eternal life. Further he said the following:

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

So if we listen to Jesus, then we believe that he is the son of the one true God and not the one true God himself.


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  • #792115

    Hi davidl,

    The voice of Jesus includes the words of the Spirit.

    God is Spirit

    But the flesh contributes nothing

    Even if we once did we no longer speak of Christ according to the flesh.[2cor 5.16f]


    yes, but He existed before His incarnation


    Hi davidl,

    Certainly the Word was with God.

    But Jesus was not in the beginning with God.



    is God a Lamb?


    Hi davidl,

    To receive Jesus you must be baptised into him in his name


    For all of you who were baptised into Christ have clothed yourself with him”


    and it requires that he comes to live in us too by the Spirit


    ‘My children, with whom I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you..”


    Hi davidl,

    2 cor 3.17

    ‘Now the Lord is the Spirit..’

    How does this fit with your funny trinity idea??


    Hi davidl,

    Of course the voice of the Spirit is the voice of the Lord.

    The Lord is the Spirit.


    How could anyone imagine the Spirit is a person separate from the Father and the Son?



    Of course the trinity doctrine only exists in the imaginations of men who do not see what is written

    but think they can see something else written between the lines.


    Certainly the Word was with God.

    But Jesus was not in the beginning with God.

    Jesus IS the Word – Revelation 19:13

    He [not it] was with God in the beginning” – John 1:2

    “Now, Father, glorify Me [Jesus speaking] together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.” – John 17:5


    Let Scripture interpret Scripture – then you’ll not be deceived by the teachings of men.



    Hi davidl,

    John was a man of the Spirit.

    He recognised the Word living in Jesus.

    That Word was with God and had glory with God.



    Rev 19 does not say Jesus is the Word, but he did become the Word at the Jordan.

    The Word was made flesh.


    Fleshly men focus only on the flesh and cannot hear the Spirit.


    Even if we once did we know longer speak of Christ according to the flesh.

    Flesh contributes nothing


    Hi davidl,

    Can you hear the voice of the Spirit in the words of Jesus?

    Now the Lord is the Spirit.


    Hi davidl,

    Jesus became a life giving Spirit.

    The Word.


    Hi davidl,

    You do recognise when Jesus is speaking but do not discern the source of those words

    He told you where they come from but you are slow to believe him.


    Even demons spoke through their victims as with the man in the graveyard but you still do not see it.


    Discussion with you is futile if you are not born again.

    This is the starting point in understanding the things of the Spirit.

    “The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.” – 1 Cor. 2:14


    Hi davidl,

    Did the Spirit teach you about the trinity?

    Then it should be written somewhere-but it isn’t.

    Be faithful to God and discard the folly of men. One master.


    Yes davidl,

    You have your god

    but it is not the God of the bible.


    As a Christian, DavidL believes Jesus is the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world!
    You, as a muslim DO NOT – so What are even doing trying to represent what God says when you do not?

    Ed you have no idea what a Muslim is nor do you understand or comprehend the mission of Jesus


    ED, DavidL

    Who was Jesus sent to?


    Hi BD,

    The wonderful thing about the Spirit of Christ is that the work continues by that Spirit in his followers from the time of his death until now. Not that it is highly visible as there are few chosen.

    And the opportunity to be saved is still there

    Acts 2.37-9


    Yes DavidL, Yeshua existed in the form of God as the Word that was with God. The Second Century Father’s taught that he was the first to be with God and that he has first place in all things. They taught this as a result of how they viewed John 1:1 and other scriptures.

    If Jesus was not the first to be with God, then the logical question to ask is who was? And if not him, then the one who was first would be special right. The only begotten. The first-born.

    However, this is very different to him always existing as God as the Catholic Faith states. What is written is that his Father is God and believing this is part of the true faith.

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