Support Verses for the Trinity Doctrine?

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  • #791536

    Nick, I show you the Scriptures – but you have a sight problem… or an ego problem (maybe they’re related)…


    Hi davidl,

    The fruit of that tree would include careful adherence to the teachings of God would it not?

    Abhorrence of  manmade doctrines too.

    Thy word is truth



    I show you the Scriptures – but you have a sight problem… or an ego problem (maybe they’re related)…


    Hi davidl,

    Enough of the insults

    You have not shown one verse where scripture TEACHES trinity.


    But you may prefer your more popular stance that that of defending scripture.


    Hi davidl,

    The Holy Spirit is the author of scripture.[2peter]

    But you promote what you agree is MANMADE



    If it cannot be determined by my fruit that I have been born of the Spirit of God then I see no reason to claim it as there is no evidence to support my claim. If it can be seen then it is not necessary for me to claim it.

    Even those individuals who have not yet received the Spirit in its role as Counselor can have Spiritual vision as they those that hunger and thirst for righteousness can perceives the correct meaning of parables and other mysteries and so be drawn to Jesus Christ. On the other hand those love darkness will not come into the light because they cannot understand the mysteries of God.

    I have done drugs and alcohol but I became addicted to neither because their effects scared me. I am not innocent nor am I the man I was in my younger years. I have not yet reached to goal to which all Christians are challenged and that is because I am weak in faith as with faith mountains can be moved and all things are possible.



    Hi KW,

    When you are led by the Spirit you do not sin.

    The Spirit does not lead men to sin.

    Those words are true.


    Hi KW,


    You mean RECEIVED?



    Hi davidl,

    If you have experienced the reality of God – great.

    But the only response is that of obedience

    Otherwise you just have less excuses.

    You must be born again



    I did mean received. Thank you for correcting my word choice.



    The door is Christ – have you entered yet…?

    Jesus is the way to God.

    He is not the destination and the door.

    He is the path/door/way yes, but the path to something.

    You have to argue that Jesus is the door to himself and two others.

    We disagree of course because “No man comes to the Father but by him“.

    If Jesus is the only way to God, then you argue that he is the way and the God.

    Confusing babble again DavidL.

    “No man comes to the Father but by him”. So if he is the only way to God, then it stands to reason that God is the Father as we also read elsewhere.

    “For us, there is one God the Father, and one Lord, the Lord Jesus Christ”.


    You have to argue that Jesus is the door to himself and two others.


    Because you rely on logical conclusions, you put words in my mouth that I have not said – nor is such confusion in my thoughts – this is the result of your own deceptive attempt to define what is essentially indescribable – looking to your own reasoning, instead of trusting God’s Word as it stands, to bring true understanding.


    Hi davidl,

    But you are based on what you agree is a manmade dogma


    This site teaches people to distrust the Scriptures (by questioning the translators) – and to look to the teaching of men instead of the plain Word of God, and the Spirit for understanding..


    This is the exact same principle that the serpent used in the garden with Eve… he brought doubt concerning what God had spoken, then suggested she should partake of the tree of knowledge to become wise..


    This was the religion of the Pharisees, who taught as doctrines the precepts of men…


    “There is a way that SEEMS right unto man, but its end is the way of death.”


    Reason V’s Revelation..


    (“..and on this rock I will build My Church..”)

  comes by hearing, and hearing by the teachings of men Word of God.




    Jesus is God – doesn’t make sense until you’re born again… then you SEE that it is true.


    Hi davidl,

    Fine words.

    But you admitted trinity is manmade.


    What else is there to discuss?



    This site teaches people to distrust the Scriptures (by questioning the translators) – and to look to the teaching of men instead of the plain Word of God, and the Spirit for understanding..

    This statement of yours is nonsense as what do you think translators are, angels? They are human beings. The AV of the KJV was translated by 47 members of the Church of England. These men were biased in their translation, even to translating the name Passover to Easter because it occurred after Jesus’ death and resurrection. They also chose to translate Hades, Tartarus, and Gehenna all to the word Hell because that bias. In short you are putting your trust in human beings when you blindly trust translators instead of listening to God who specifically instructs us to test the spirit of what we hear.

    I have yet to see one man of this time that listens to the Spirit of God. I believe they exist somewhere but what I see is those that bear the fruits of the flesh and those that bear the fruits of the Spirit.



    The only one that translated God’s words is the serpent and Eve would have been wise to test the spirit of what he taught.

    Ed J

    Jesus is God – doesn’t make sense until you’re born again… then you SEE that it is true.

    David L,

    The Bible says that YHVH is Jesus’ father and that Jesus is the Son of God.
    Are you suggesting Jesus’ spirit somehow fathered himself …if not why not? ( Jesus birthing himself ??? )
    Please explain (makes sense) of your logic in regards to this obvious dilemma.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    ”Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” – JEHOVAH GOD

    Ed J


    The only one that translated God’s words is the serpent and Eve would have been wise to test the spirit of what he taught.

    Hi Kerwin,

    By your logic I would suggest that Eve also translated God’s words.
    God said…
    “thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” (Gen 2:17)
    and Eve said…
    “God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.” (Gen 3:3)

    It would seem that the spirit of Christ was working in her, as she mentions merely touching it.
    You might ask “what do you mean?” what I mean is: just like Jesus said (ref. Matt 5:28) “whosoever
    looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” It would seem
    that the spirit of Christ in her knew where the line was crossed that would lead to the sin actually being committed.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    ”Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” – JEHOVAH GOD

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