Support Verses for the Trinity Doctrine?

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  • #791447

    Hi davidl,

    You love the bible.


    Can you please show me where GIVING YOUR LIFE TO JESUS is shown as a door into the Kingdom.

    I know it is a very popular way advised by men but is it of God?


    Hi KW,

    Parables are teaching food for those reborn of the Spirit.

    They are impossible to understand for natural men.

    Spiritual matters need spiritual discernment



    Hi davidl,

    We are called to follow Jesus.

    Did he give his life to Jesus?


    Such private personal decisions that are meant to solve your eternal issues are not the way of God.

    Repent and be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF YOUR SINS and you will receive the promised Holy Spirit.


    No obedience and you die in your sins despite the soothsayers.


    Hi davidl,

    You say you love the bible but you preach what is not taught there.

    What gives?


    Hi davidl,

    “My sheep know my voice. They will not listen to the voice of strangers”

    But strangers told you about a trinity god, not Jesus.

    What gives??



    Hi KW,

    Parables are teaching food for those reborn of the Spirit.

    They are impossible to understand for natural men.

    Spiritual matters need spiritual discernment

    Trinitarians claim the same about their teaching as they do not want it tested. So do others.



    I probably quoted because how I received it than for any other purpose. Now I think about it the evidence was most likely unnecessary as you already knew it.

    My point is the way Colossians 3:10 uses image of God is in the sense of bearing his likeness of true holiness and righteousness. Ephesians 4:24 is a paraphrase of the same idea.


    Hi KW,

    And you just make up your own stuff and throw it in the mix?


    Hi KW.

    Col 3.10

    “..and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One Who created him..”

    Eph 4.22f

    “ lay aside your old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self, which in [the likeness of ] God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth”


    So having been reborn of the Spirit we must submit our minds and hearts and repent that the Spirit can rebuild in us anew according to the Word.


    The light must be allowed to enter and drive the darkness from every corner if we are to walk in the Spirit and become sons of God.


    Can you please show me where GIVING YOUR LIFE TO JESUS is shown as a door into the Kingdom.


    “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for My sake shall find it.” – Matt. 16:25

    This is the door into God’s kingdom.






    Hi davidl,

    And the death and rebirth is shown in Romans 6.

    So what you proclaimed a door is a sham.


    The door is Christ – have you entered yet…?


    Hi davidl,

    For you a door to a manmade trinity?


    Hi davidl,

    Is God the door??



    Do you judge whether you will go to heaven or hell or are you content to let God judge that?

    Do you believe that those humans who learn how to always walk by the Spirit overcome the world and so stop sinning?

    Do you believe you can always do right and never sin, even while in your mortal body?

    The answer to these questions and others tell of the strength of your faith. Many false teaching undermine that strength.


    Hi KW,

    When you are led by the Spirit you do not sin.

    The Spirit does not lead men to sin.


    don’t let your logic deceive you, or your knowledge puff you up…

    Christ is the door – if you have Christ, you have the Father and the Spirit…


    We must surrender our life to Jesus Christ – make Him Lord (not just call Him Lord)…

    The question still remains Nick – are you born again..?


    Hi davidl,

    So you following manmade doctrines does not relate to false logic and being puffed up?

    So one door is three??


    Hi davidl,

    Can you show where the apostles preached giving your life to Jesus or is this another manmade idea?




    we must be born again of the Spirit – if we have not this new birth, then all our debating and questioning is pointless and fruitless – have you received Jesus Christ, and experienced this new birth…?


    For me, I was a drunk and drug addicted criminal that despised Christianity…but, over 20 yrs ago, the Spirit got hold of me and led me into the truth – showed me the reality of Jesus Christ and my need to give over control of my life to Him… it definitely wasn’t an easy decision ..but the truth won out, and as a result I was born again of the Holy Spirit – was given a new heart, with new desires…desires for God.


    You don’t have to be a bum like I was to experience Christ, but we each must receive the new birth…because, for one, we will never understand the truth of Scripture without it.

Viewing 20 posts - 441 through 460 (of 699 total)
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