The difference between truth and perspective

Truth and perspective

Modern physics contends that physical reality is based on perspective. Speed for example changes things drastically. It not only changes your view, but time itself. It changes your NOW moment in relation to other people’s NOW moment.

I remember taking a car ferry between two islands. I parked my car inside the ferry, but all of a sudden the car started moving backward, so I applied the brakes but the car kept moving. I freaked out and was resigned to the fact that my car would ram the one behind me as pumping the breaks did nothing. But the car didn’t ram the one parked behind me and that seemed odd and then I realised the truth. A massive truck next to me was moving forward slowly as it was parking up. From my perspective I was going backward. From the perspective of the truck driver, I was going backward in relation to him. From a stationary observer on that boat, the truck was moving forward because he could see the other objects as stationary. That is, the truck was moving because the chances that everything else was moving was unlikely, and the sides of the boat gave an extra perspective that indeed the truck was moving. So it is all about perspective from the observer. On a related note, the famous and perplexing Double Slit Experiment in physics even alludes to observation being of primary importance before anything becomes physical.

There is not one size fits all here, except I believe that the ultimate true perspective is God’s perspective because he is the only one not moving or travelling or changing. Just think about the following for example. What is the pitch of a police car siren as it drives past you. Of course it changes because as it approaches you it gets higher as the front of the wavelength push forward and thus lessen their distance between each wave, thereby changing the pitch. And the opposite effect as it moves away from you. I guess you could say the moment it reaches you is the real pitch and everything else is altered by movement, but only movement from your perspective because another observer nearby gets a slightly different version of that reality. They hear the pitch go up and down at a slightly different time to me because they are in a slightly different location. Further if he is travelling himself and I am not, then it is even different again because we have to add in his movement into the equation. So what is the truth? All of it is. Perspectives change is the truth.

Now if I walk down the street, the Earth I walk on is essentially flat with contours. So does that mean the Flat Earth is true? Maybe. But if we travel into space and escape the confines of our planet, then we see a huge sphere shape. So which is true? Both. Again, it is all about perspective and perspective changes. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So if I find a certain woman attractive, that may not be true for others. See that. Is she attractive? To some yes, to others, not so much.

Now, if we travelled toward light speed, time would slow down, and if I reached light speed, everything would be frozen in time. If I travelled faster than light, then I go back in time. Do you want proof? Here it is.

Imagine as Einstein did that you are in Vienna and travelling down a street on a tram and you are travelling away from a clock. Imagine the hands on the clock say 12 o’clock. What would happen if you travelled away from the clock at light speed. The clock would be stuck on 12 o’clock because you are always seeing and experiencing the light that records 12 o’clock. If you travelled faster than light, you would catch up to older emitted light and thus you would start to see 5 to 12, 10 to 12 etc as you speed up further. What if you were travelling 90% at the speed of light, then time would slow down until you reached light speed at which time it stops. Remember our experience of reality is waves or frequencies that enter our senses and are converted into electromagnetic waves which our brain uses to give us a picture of reality. Is that light you are seeing? Then how is it your brain resides in pure darkness and you see light?

Reality is subjective. The Earth is flat from one perspective, a circle from another, a sphere from another, and travelling faster than light, then the Earth is going back in time. If I pull out a microscope it is a bunch of atoms and if I look at the galaxy, it is but an atom. If I went beyond the physical would I see code that renders the Earth would it be like the Matrix, a logical program written by an intelligence beyond anything we can imagine. So what is the true perspective then and the true reality? God is. He doesn’t travel, alter, or change. He is eternal. What he sees is the truth. What we see is a perspective of that truth at best.

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    I hear Yanny but cannot hear Laurel no matter what.

    What about you?


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    How to hear both:

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