Jesus is either one or the other, but not both

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    Dr James White – JESUS IS JEHOVAH – Part 2 (10 min)



    Hi davild,

    Do the words of Jesus and the apostles not suffice?


    Hi davidl,

    No passage of scripture teaches any trinity.

    Back to the drawing board.


    Hi davidl,

    Why hide behind the skirts of addled theologians who think Jesus is his own father?

    Many folk agree with your ideas but does God?



    I could pull up a myriad amount of videos on the proof of Evolution.

    The world is under the sway of the Evil One. Believing these teachers over the words of scripture is foolishness.

    DavidL, you have been given enough scriptures on this subject. Rejecting them is not good.


    we’re not talking about evolution t8 – although your arguments seem just as dead..

    The world is under the sway of the Evil One. Believing these teachers over the words of scripture is foolishness.

    This is your way – blindly brush aside (as evil) everything that doesn’t align with your own warped opinion..when in fact this teacher is expounding the very Scriptures you claim to follow..

    DavidL, you have been given enough scriptures on this subject. Rejecting them is not good.

    so, you are the final authority on what Scripture teaches…???

    Sounds very “Pharisaical” t8…!!!



    so, you are the final authority on what Scripture teaches…???

    Not at all. I just need to quote the scriptures to show you are wrong.

    John 17:3
    Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

    See that. The only true God is the Father and Jesus said it. Further this is part of having eternal life.

    Clearly you are ignoring Jesus here because he said it, not me.

    Don’t shoot the messenger as they say. It is Jesus you are really persecuting.


    Dr James White – JESUS IS JEHOVAH

    Oh okay. Who is the son of Jehovah then?

    PLEASE ANSWER. Be ready in season or out of season to give an answer as to what you believe.



    I just need to quote the scriptures to show you are wrong.

    John 17:3
    Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

    Remember that during His ministry Jesus kept His Divine origin closely guarded, so as not to thwart the purpose of His earthly mission, warning the disciples not to speak about His true identity until after the Resurrection..(Mark 9:9 Mark 8:30) so, of course while praying, He acknowledges the Father as the one true God – but in so doing Jesus never excludes His own Oneness with God, as you try and do..

    Think about it – If eternal life is to know the only true God and Jesus Christ… then you yourself are quoting a verse that puts Jesus Christ on equal terms to the one true God…!!!

    The disciples were told to hush up..

    But we should loudly profess His true identity…!!!

    (not deny it like cowards)..



    Hi davidl,

    So he knew what you know but never told anyone?

    And now you have that important role?


    Teaching ONENESS and not trinity now?

    • Yes Nick, they like to believe that the Trinity is not really mentioned because it was taken for granted back in the day. But they need to remind us of this.
    • Or the doctrine was worked out over time making it a new teaching, one that the disciples hadn’t figured out yet.
    • Or maybe it is just one of the deceptions that we were warned about.

    Of course they would never agree it was the third point because if people can be bewitched to go back to the Law, then they can bewitched by that doctrine too.


    Remember that during His ministry Jesus kept His Divine origin closely guarded, so as not to thwart the purpose of His earthly mission, warning the disciples not to speak about His true identity until after the Resurrection..(Mark 9:9 Mark 8:30) so, of course while praying, He acknowledges the Father as the one true God – but in so doing Jesus never excludes His own OnenesswithGod, as you try and do..

    Think about it – If eternal life is to know the only true God and Jesus Christ… then you yourself are quoting a verse that puts Jesus Christ on equal terms to the one true God…!!!

    What Jesus kept hush hush was the truth that he is the son of God and the messiah. Peter confessed this about him in private with the disciples and he commended him and built his Church on this truth.

    And if Jesus is equal to the one true God as you say, then he is not the one true God. Simple as that. When you are equal to anyone or anything, then you are not that person or thing are you. If men and woman are equal, then men are not woman and vice versa.

    David, imagine we walked with the Lord 2000 or so years ago and he asked us who he was.

    I would say that he was the messiah and the son of God because that is what I believe in my heart and mind.

    You would say he was God right.

    Thus Jesus would say to me that this truth came from his Father or at least would find no fault in my answer.

    But what would he make of your answer?

    Regardless, why persecute me for believing the very thing that Jesus commended Peter for.

    What is wrong with you man?  How did it get to this for you? Would you attack Peter too?


    WHO IS JESUS ? – He is the Son of GOD..!!
    (ie Divine in essence and equal to God).. “I and the Father are ONE”..!!


    THE LIE.. perpetrated on the WORLD by Satan is – “Jesus Christ was just a man”..!!

    THE DECEPTION.. is to keep believers preoccupied with anything and everything EXCEPT spending time alone with Him (even debates ABOUT Him) – which alone is HOW we know truth..
    (is debating Scriptural..??)


    UNBELIEF – by definition is…refusing to accept truth when enough evidence has been given to believe..

    t8 – I have presented you with more than enough Scriptural light to show that what you teach concerning the nature of Jesus Christ is wrong – yet you continually prove by your response that you prefer the darkness of your own logical conclusions to the simple revelation of God’s Word..

    The choice is yours, but I can no longer sacrifice my time to the god of your unbelief..
    I guess you’ll portray this as a cop-out – but again, that’s your choice..



    Time is short and the deception REAL..

    We must know HIM in Person – not just endlessly parade intellectual knowledge ABOUT Him.

    Come to the Light..

    Debates ABOUT truth only keep us in the dark.


    don’t get caught out..!!



    Hi davidh,

    ONE does not mean equal.

    It takes two to have equality.


    Hi davidh,

    The traditions of men have not added light.

    light is IN HIM.


    Was Jesus the Christian God manifest in flesh? the Word or Christian God became flesh! So therefore do I worship an image of God or idol? I guess I must if any of it is true. Was Jesus the Son of God? or just a normal man blessed by his god? can anything clean come from a woman? maybe or maybe not?



    Hi Andrew,

    God never leaves heaven where we pray to him.

    But His Spirit manifests throughout creation and is in the sons of God and close to all men[acts 17]

    God’s power shows up best in weak people as Paul says so does that make the vessel of the man Jesus another powerful god?Acts 2.22


    But Jesus real origin was from heaven,whether he be God or an angelic son of God.Jesus even claims his physical flesh is from heaven in St.John 6.Have you ever heard of the heavenly flesh? why should Jesus claim to have all authority in heaven from matt or claim to already have it in his earthly life in John? except he be a man who became a god or God Jr. who really never changed other than becoming man for our sake? isn’t that what Christianity is really all about?


    Hi Andrew,

    Remember is was the Spirit in Jesus, the Word, that was speaking when Jesus preached and taught.

    So what Jesus said about his origins actually applies to the Word that was with God.


    Can anything good come out of Nazareth? who spoke that except an Israelite indeed in whom was no guile said Jesus.

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