Isaiah 41:18

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  • #820125

    Hi T8,

    Then listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches.

    Put logic aside and seek a spiritually renewed mind.


    Jesus said in accordance of the spirit:

    “And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began”

    I believe every word and encourage others to believe too. It is glorious.


    Hi T8,

    Yes The Word was with God and was God.

    The Word became flesh at the Jordan.


    So you teach that the one born messiah was not glorified in God’s presence with the glory he had with God before the world began?


    Hi t8,

    You do not hear the Spirit speaking through him?

    The glorious vessel was born at Bethlehem and later named Jesus.


    The Word was with God and was God.


    Nick, you have trouble answering yes or no to simple yes / no questions. According to scripture, this is because of collusion with the Evil One.

    All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.

    Nick, life is too short to play the pride card. Humble thyself and let God exhalt you. Be honest in every question and situation. If conflicts arise, that is an opportunity to become better and iron out the wrinkles.  You give yourself great opportunity because you would be shining hte light and exposing that which needs to be better.

    But pride will hide your wickedness till Judgement Day or the Day of the LORD, when we all have to stand before him and give an account.

    Think of the time we have left as this day. Except, you have a chance to change the outcome which is grace. If you leave it because of pride, then you will give an account where you cannot change anything, not even add a dot to the letter I can you add. Anyone would be sorry that their heart was so hard if they did that. They forgot that it was themself that they hurt.

    Those who love are born of God, Nick. This is how you know a person who has been born from above. God is love and they will be like God.


    Hi T8,

    Judgement is not your appointed role.

    Look to yourself.



    Great Nick, you do understand about judging others. So why do you judge everyone as lesser than yourself. You act like you are the truth and everyone else needs you. Yet your doctrine is not still but moves. I have no problem with that of course, but you accused people the same back then who had a different view to you of which you also now have a different view. This is the problem I have. Why judge others in this way? Who appointed you the judge? Look at your own post and apply it to yourself. You have the understanding, you just need to judge yourself. When we do that, we lessen judgement from others and God.

    But I give scriptures and you can fight them all you like and you can say I am accusing you of disregarding a pet doctrine of yours,. but the scriptures I quote are true and need to be dealt with. You need to take the full counsel because there in is the true overall picture of reality.

    Of course it is to yourself to be a better man. But pride and arrogance can get in the way if we let it. A righteous man rejoices when he is corrected right?

    What exactly are the scriptures that I quote that you have the most problem with?

    The one’s about love being paramount or the ones about Jesus being born the messiah and son of God?


    Hi T8,

    If you knew that scripture focuses on the work of the Spirit you would not be so keen to indulge in carnal warfare.

    Flesh contributes nothing.


    Hi T8,

    It is unfortunate that you take things personally and take up the cudgels for others who also may feel attacked by scripture.

    It would be better if you could get beyond the human level and hear the words of the Spirit.


    This topic demonstrates cleary one thing, Nick can take a topic which has a photo and a Bible verse and start an argument. Nice one Nick. lol.

    Further, when I address your off topic point with more scripture, the argument grows.

    Why kick against the goads?


    Nick, I remember listening to Ray Comfort preach in the Christchurch Square. While I admired this guy’s bravery, I certainly wasn’t onboard with all his doctrine. Just saying that, so you don’t start an argument about that.

    The point is, he once said to a heckler that he was doing a great job bringing in the crowds so they could hear the gospel. When that heckler left he asked him to come back. Thanks for your service Nick, is what I am saying. lol.


    Hi T8,

    Why do you wage war against the messengers?


    I reproof and correct with the Word of God and use your own words and judgement at you. And is it not you who accuse others of not hearing the Spirit of God just because they differ with your opinion. Even despite changing your own mind over the years with regard to foundational doctrines. So for half or so of the time here on Heaven Net, you didn’t listen to the Spirit because you had a different view on the origin of Jesus? THen suddenly you listen to the Spirit and aligned with Gene’s view whom you resisted for years here on Heaven Net. If you change your mind next year, then what? Just realise how fallible you are and get off everyone else’s case and focus on making yourself better. These servants do not belong to you. Then maybe people will listen to you instead of resisting you.

    Be kind, gentle, humble, and mort of all, let your motivation be love. Love proves that you have indeed been born from above. You will meet him soon as we all will, so this time we have left is God’s grace. Use it wisely. Stop tearing down others please and the accusations need to stop. They are not scriptural and I believe that they are not of God. God doesn’t want people here or there to act like that toward others who genuinely love God and seek him regularly.

    Stick to judging doctrines and teachings. Try not judge people personally as if you are the truth. That is what I do and if I do judge your personally it is with your own judgements that I do this so you can see yourself in a mirror and not forget what you look like.


    Hi T8,

    Are we not here to learn?

    Why would you rebuke those who do?



    I challenge doctrines and teachings and always have. I also reflect judgements to the person who is judging. For example, you accuse or allude to the idea that I am not being led by the Spirit of God and you do this to others regularly. Thus I quote scripture that describes the fruit of those who are led by the Spirit and born from above. You then take that to be an attack, when all along it is you who accuses others and I simply putting a mirror in front if you to help you judge yourself rather than others.

    I encourage people to test all teachings vigorously, but to stay clear from judging others as unworthy etx. Leave judgement of servants that belong to another to the master and instead focus on making you better and continue to test teachings. Additionally, I have trouble with people who cannot answer simple yes/no questions because I know they are hiding something even if they are not consciously aware of it. I know that such are colluding with the evil one. If you and others can let your yes be yes and no be no, then that shows transparency and honesty. That is the quality I like to see in those who post here. Being honest enough to say yes or no is liberating too. Try it and prove me wrong. Even if it leads you to believe you are wrong, then that is good right? You have a chance to become better. But if pride will not allow it, then you will not learn as your heart will be hard and unmoldable.

    Time is short. Run the race like you want to win. Do not sit on the sidelines criticizing other runners. Join the race and get over the finishing line yourself.


    Hi T8,

    Humble yourself in the presence of the Lord and He will exalt you

    Do not speak against one another, brethren. He who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks against the law and judges the law; but if you judge the law you are not a doer of the law but a judge of it. There is one Lawgiver and Judge, the One Who is able to save and to destroy; but who are you who judge your neighbour?

    Jas 4.10f


    Hi T8,

    Why are you so frightened of change?

    You mock those who are learning as if it is a foolish thing to do.

    The wind blows where it will so sooner or later you will realise this and not try to stop it.


    If you cannot say yes or no, then it must be from the evil one according to scripture Nick. If it was me, I certainly would be worried as to why I could not answer yes or no. Life is too short to maintain pride. We all need to be honest with our yes and nos. If they lead us to discover that we are wrong, we should not be afraid. Rather we should rejoice that our honesty helps us to learn truth and cast out our misconceptions.

    Let your yes be yes is a true saying. We do not need to be afraid of change. Change is good because Jesus Christ is coming back for a Church without blemish, thus change is necessary.


    Hi T8,

    You would try to use the words of Jesus against your brothers?

    And you mock those who learn as if it is a failing.


    Why would you boast of your humility and unteachability?


    “ I will open rivers on the bare heights and springs in the midst of the valleys;

    I will make the wilderness a pool of water and the dry land fountains of water”


    I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh..

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