Isaiah 41:18

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  • #809018
    Ed J

    In calling him the Christ the angel of God merely demonstrated he was the foreordained to be the Christ. This idea may disturb some free will doctrinalists that think predestination in contrary to there teaching but it is not contrary to Scripture.

    Hi Kerwin,

    You are apparently are ignoring Micah 5:2 as well.
    If you are willing to address this, Here’s a (Link)
    to a Post of mine where I spell out the details.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Right Nick. lol.

    I think I will stick with the meaning clearly conveyed here. I am not into the so-called hidden secrets, but what God has revealed.

    Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord


    Hi t8,

    The infant in his mother’s arms was destined to be the saviour.

    God would work through him


    Lk 1.68f

    Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for He has visited us and accomplished redemption for His people.

    And He has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of David, His servant.

    As He spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from of old-salvation from our enemies

    and from the hand of all who hate us..


    It is the work of God not man.


    Lk 2.34

    ..Behold this child IS APPOINTED for the fall and rise of many in Israel.







    So he was born the Christ, the Lord, and the saviour? Yes/No.


    Hi t8,

    The Saviour was born.

    Later we would see his anointing and ministry.


    Nick, the Christ was born. God made him both Lord and Christ and the angel declared he was born as such. What comes first, a prophecy uttered by a prophet or the prophet.

    Jesus Christ was sent into the world to save sinners. He was born the Christ and acknowledged as the Christ. Also the savior as you say as well as the King of the Jews and the Lord. He has preeminence in all things.


    I wonder if you could do me a favour Nick. Can we let this topic be about Isaiah 41:18? That is what was intended, but we ended up conversing on a subject that spanned over 5 or more topics. I am trying to tidy up a bit and would prefer what we are talking about be continued in the ‘Is Jesus the Logos’ topic or other relevant topic.

    Thanks in advance.


    Hi t8,

    Yes the plan of God is that all living men share His Spirit,

    the waters of eternal life,

    so all can know God

    and be taught by Him.


    Jesus as the second Adam showed the way.





    Actually they are your interpretation of the facts.

    No Kerwin. The scriptures I gave are the facts. Look at the one in the above post. That is fact. And it is also a fact that you are trying to draw me away from what it says. Read it carefully and consider the message that the angel of God delivered. If that angel signed up to Heaven Net and spoke to you, you would be arguing against him too.

    The passages are facts but they are facts written in a natural language.

    It is a known fact that natural languages are ambiguous.

    You are arguing against facts.

    The discussion is not about the written but rather the meaning of the written word.

    If the angels signed up at heaven net then I could cross examine him and discover context that was not written in Scripture. As it is I have to judge according to what is written elsewhere. Thus my introduction of other passages into the conversation.

    Your posts to Nick tells me that you comprehend what I said but you simply do not believe it.


    Hi Kerwin. In an effort to bring this discussion into its own, please repost it in the new topic dedicated to this conversation.

    I will be deleting posts from now on that are about this, but posted in the wrong topic.

    I want to keep things in their assigned place as it makes it easier to follow unique conversation.

    This would also have the added advantage of giving the post a tidy up as it doesn’t quote some of my words, so they look like your wrote it.




    Men are like the dry parched valleys and in need of the waters of Life.

    That is how Jesus Christ speaks of the Holy Spirit

    Jn 7.37-8


    Yes, our life comes from God’s Spirit and through his son Jesus Christ. A river of life proceeds from the throne of God where Jesus Christ is seated next to his Father. He invites us to drink and we will never thirst again.

    John 4:14
    but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”


    Hi T8,

    Yes Jesus was enabled to do miracles and speak the words of God by the anointing given to him.

    But you do not think the Holy Spirit came down on him at the Jordan to do this?


    Nick, you seem to accuse people day and night. If we let the spirit of the accuser in our hearts, then what will become of our soul?


    Hi t8,

    That is one way to avoid answering questions.

    But better to front up.


    Hi t8,
    So you say the words were not from the Spirit but the man?
    You are double minded it seems.

    No. That is what you say that I say. But you are wrong again.


    Hi t8,
    That is one way to avoid answering questions.
    But better to front up.

    It’s called the Hot Seat. I fronted up, but you didn’t. You were not willing to let your yes be yes and no be no. You preferred the detail only where you were able to dodge the real issue.

    I don’t avoid questions. When I come to them, I answer them to the best of my knowledge if I have the time to do so. I am not afraid to answer questions in an honest manner.



    What hope is there for those who cannot hear the voice of God in the mouth of Jesus Christ, or the apostles and prophets?




    Not much hope Nick if we cannot do that.

    Jesus said, “And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began”

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