Isaiah 41:18

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  • #808304

    Hi t8,

    You need to listen to the Spirit in Christ Jesus.

    My words are spirit and life.



    Hi Andrew,

    The confusion of the Pharisees was caused by the same problem.

    They could not discern the voice of the Spirit and attributed the words to the vessel Jesus.


    It caused them to accuse him of blasphemy and to eventually arrange his execution



    Hi T8,

    If you are ruled by logic then you would believe that.

    Scripture is spiritual.

    Get over it.

    So I should ignore the fact that you teach,  Jesus is not the Christ, because I would be engaging in logic?


    Hi t8,

    In you efforts to satisfy logic you are trying to divide the anointed one from the anointing.

    My effort is to agree with Jesus Christ coming in the flesh.


    Hi t8,

    Does 2 Peter 1.21 not apply to the Son of God, the great Prophet spoken of by Moses?

    Jesus and the Father are one. They implore us to be one with one another and with them.

    We are all united with God by his spirit.


    Hi t8,

    You need to listen to the Spirit in Christ Jesus.

    My words are spirit and life.

    Okay. Jesus said: “before Abraham, I am”.


    Hi Andrew,

    The confusion of the Pharisees was caused by the same problem.

    They could not discern the voice of the Spirit and attributed the words to the vessel Jesus.

    It caused them to accuse him of blasphemy and to eventually arrange his execution

    They denied that he was the Christ. They denied the Father and the Son. Do you deny that Jesus Christ came in the flesh? You say that Christ came in the flesh. You removed Jesus.


    Hi t8,

    To repeat.

    Jesus is the anointed one, the Christ, the Son of the living God.

    He has the words of eternal life.


    His words are spirit and life.

    But you only hear a man?




    Hi t8,

    Are you aware that your problems derive from your inability to hear the Spirit in Jesus Christ?

    Before Abraham I am.


    Hi T8,

    Do you realise that you deny the work of the Spirit in Jesus Christ?

    Yet you teach and reprove others.


    Hi t8,

    Does 2 Peter 1.21 not apply to the Son of God, the great Prophet spoken of by Moses?


    Hi t8,

    Rom 1.22f

    Professing to be wise they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.


    Get over the flesh.

    Now the Lord is the Spirit.

    The whole work of God is by the Spirit.


    Hi T8,

    Do you realise that you deny the work of the Spirit in Jesus Christ?

    Yet you teach and reprove others.

    That is what you say Nick. But you are not the truth. Jesus is the truth and his words are true. I trust his words, not yours. Hopefully that doesn’t upset you, but if you read what I am saying here, then you have to agree.


    Hi t8,

    To repeat.

    Jesus is the anointed one, the Christ, the Son of the living God.

    He has the words of eternal life.


    His words are spirit and life.

    This is true. But this is not what you were teaching earlier was it. You taught that Jesus is a flesh man only created 2000 or so year ago, and that flesh counts for nothing. Thus the implication here was that Jesus was nothing. Then at his baptism, he received the Spirit/Word and he became the Christ, so he was no longer nothing.

    In essence you were saying that Jesus was not the messiah, but that Jesus Christ was/is. Because Jesus to you was a man without the Spirit until John’s baptism of repentance.

    But I pointed out to you that Jesus Christ was born as a baby and that he was Jesus Christ before the baptism.

    Now you say that Jesus is the anointed one because you realise that you have to say that or you are clearly wrong. However, I doubt you have changed your belief. Do you still believe and teach that Jesus is a created man like us, without the Spirit like us, until water baptism like us?

    Unlike yourself, I trust in the man Jesus because he is the second Adam and all in him shall live. And I know that he only speaks that which is his Father’s will. Yes he speaks, but chooses to speak in the name of his Father only. And for this you condemn me.

    Nick, if you want the job of the religious Pharisee judging those who are offspring of Abraham through faith, then go right ahead. But my recommendation is to reject that job. The wages are poor. It is not too late to change. Be born from above and you will love others and will display humility, a fruit of the spirit.


    Hi T8,

    The Pharisees did not hear the Spirit speaking through Jesus Christ.

    Do you?


    Hi t8,

    You can argue with scripture about Jesus being a man and that flesh contributes nothing.

    I do not want to be caught in the crossfire


    Hi t8,

    You know not to take LITERALLY the instructions of Jesus Christ to eat his flesh.

    For some strange reason you choose to avoid listening to the Spirit in other teachings.


    Hi t8,

    You do realise that to teach what is spiritual as being literal can make you a false teacher?


    Hi t8,

    Of course the further you get from truth the more wrong everyone else seems to be.

    Listen to the Spirit



    You can argue with scripture about Jesus being a man and that flesh contributes nothing.

    This is not an issue for me. You are the one who introduced the idea that Jesus is but a flesh being and Christ is the Spirit, thus Jesus Christ is the combination of the Spirit entering the man Jesus. It is you who is firing that gun, thus any crossfire is from your own hand.

    Jesus Christ came in the flesh. Jesus Christ was born a baby. He was baptised with John’s baptism and this confirmed to John that Jesus was the messiah and the son of God.

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