Isaiah 41:18

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  • #808000

    Hi t8,

    Did the Spirit ever speak directly through the anointed man Jesus?

    Does God not speak through the prophets?

    Peter said he was the Great Prophet

    Do you say he was less than the prophets because he spoke his own words?

    Jesus Christ said he could do nothing by his own initiative.

    But you call him a liar and attribute his words to him personally.

    Are you not denying the Spirit.

    This post is a load of cobblers.

    I do not call him a liar and I am not denying the spirit. Let’s take one of you accusations in this post.

    Do you say he was less than the prophets because he spoke his own words?

    Jesus Christ said he could do nothing by his own initiative.

    But you call him a liar and attribute his words to him personally.

    If you go back, what I said is that Jesus always said what the Father said. He chose to say what the Father says and chose to do what the Father does. Once he said, “take this cup from me”, but then he finished with, “not my will but yours be done”. You can see clearly from this that indeed as scripture states many times, ‘Jesus said’.

    Clearly what is going on here and as I have said before, yes Jesus spoke. But he did not speak in his own name, but that of his Father. He came not to glorify himself, rather his Father. I have said it before and will say it again. Jesus chose his words to be the words of his Father. He was a real person with a will who could have spoken for himself, but he chose to speak for God and to do the will of God always.

    If you understood what I was saying, then these silly questions would not be asked by you.

    You should instead concentrate on why you deny that Jesus was the Christ.


    Hi t8,

    Where have I said that Jesus Christ is not the anointed one of God?

    Why is public recognition relevant?

    Flesh contributes nothing.


    Hi t8,

    So you also believe he was born anointed and was anointed again at the Jordan.

    I fail to see any anointing prior to his birth or spiritual evidence it had happened.


    Hi T8,

    He chose his words to be those of the Father?

    Man in control.


    Then he was not like the prophets to you?

    He used his own initiative?




    Hi t8,

    It is you who judges as if you know better.

    But you offer a religion of human origin.



    Jn 3:13 No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man.

    Jn 3:12 I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?

    you are lost for you do not believe scriptures but only your own voice


    Hi t,

    Did you not know the Spirit of Christ came from heaven?


    Where have I said that Jesus Christ is not the anointed one of God?

    Nick, you teach that Jesus was not the Christ, until he was called Jesus Christ by reason of his baptism. In other words Jesus of Nazareth was not the Christ, but a vessel awaiting the anointing. A mere flesh man with no history to speak of accept ancestral.

    Jesus to you is a vessel that has nothing to do with Christ. But, later the vessel became Christ according to you.

    Thus, Jesus (without the Christ) is a mere man who was not the Christ according to you. This is what you teach right? Essentially you are teaching the antithesis of 1 John 4:2. I wish you wouldn’t do that, but you do. So it has to be dealt with. Notice it says, “Jesus Christ has come in the flesh”. It is not what you teach is it? How can Jesus Christ come in the flesh according to your teaching. He cannot can he?

    This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God,


    Hi t8,

    It is you who judges as if you know better.

    But you offer a religion of human origin.

    I do not judge you Nick by my own standard. This scripture does. If not, explain why. I am not interested in winning this argument, rather I wish the best for you Nick. If you can explain how your teaching agrees with 1 John 4:2 and it is a fair explanation, then that makes me happy, not sad.



    Hi t,

    Did you not know the Spirit of Christ came from heaven?

    Jn 3:5 Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.
    Jn 3:6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.
    Jn 3:7 You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’
    Jn 3:8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”
    Jn 3:9 “How can this be?” Nicodemus asked.
    Jn 3:10 “You are Israel’s teacher,” said Jesus, “and do you not understand these things?

    Jn 3:12 I have spoken to you of “earthly things” and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of” heavenly things”?

    Christ spoke from both but all his knowledge came from the father either through scriptures or from the time he was with the father in heaven for Jesus had experience in both world then right ? yes


    Hi t8,

    It is you who judges as if you know better.

    But you offer a religion of human origin.

    Nick, if the scriptures about Jesus origins are a religion of human origin only, then we have no hope in Jesus Christ. Human origin would tend to put Jesus as a man like us only. The Pharisees did not have trouble with Jesus being a man, but with the other stuff such as him being the Christ and saying: ‘before Abraham, I am’. You seem to have the same problem with Jesus as they did.


    Hi T8,

    It is all about the Spirit changing a man just like us.

    Or do you think the works were his own?

    That contradicts what he said.


    Hi t8,

    The Word was made flesh.

    Jesus was not the word but now has become the Word.

    In so doing he has united mankind that are in him to God in the Spirit of God


    Hi t8,

    Jesus was made both Lord and Christ.

    But you do not think this was necessary as he always was.


    Hi t8,

    If it says Jesus Christ has come in the flesh surely you can see it does not mean a flesh man came in the flesh.

    It speaks of the Spirit.


    Modify you rhetoric and listen to the Spirit


    Alright so you are saying that Jesus Christ came in the flesh. But you are actually teaching that Christ came in the flesh, and the union became Jesus Christ. If that were true Nick, then Jesus (flesh) and Christ came in the flesh, but you deny that Jesus came in the flesh, and say that only Christ did. But Jesus Christ came in the flesh.

    Further, if we deny that Jesus is the Christ, then you are Antichrist right? Yet you deny that Jesus was the Christ because Jesus is but flesh to you and not Christ. What you are actually teaching here is Jesus Christ is the Christ. Not Jesus as he is a flesh man only to you.

    Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?


    Hi T8,

    If you are ruled by logic then you would believe that.

    Scripture is spiritual.

    Get over it.


    Hi t8,

    In you efforts to satisfy logic you are trying to divide the anointed one from the anointing.

    What God has joined together let no man put asunder.


    Hi t8,

    Does 2 Peter 1.21 not apply to the Son of God, the great Prophet spoken of by Moses?


    Dear Nick,

    You say “In you efforts to satisfy logic you are trying to divide the anointed one from the anointing.” How is it that you are able to stand every topic on it’s head and not see what it is you are doing? are you blinded by your your own”spirit” perhaps? for it is clearly you who divide the anointed one from the anointing and that has been your main argument,that Jesus became an anointed man like any other.

    But of course you can’t satisfy your own logic since it’s illogical to do so.Your simple and easy answer is always “the Spirit” even if it contradicts itself and makes no sense at all. Thus is the “true” course of religious discussion and you make your Pharisee fathers proud.

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