Is the bible and quran saying the same thing?

Religious books compared

Don’t judge a book by its cover and you know a tree by its fruit.

First off, we know that both books talk about God. So in the sense of looking at the cover, both books are about God. Let’s look at the fruit. Christianity is a foundation of Western civilisation – the most tolerant civilisation that the world has ever known. Millions and millions of people flock, both legally and illegally to western countries. Why is no one is flocking to Muslim countries? They come to the west because it is the most tolerant, the most enlightened, the most prosperous civilisation the world has ever seen. Islamic nations are the opposite and the quran has an almost opposite message to the bible. The bible says that God is love and we are not children of God if we do not love. The quran teaches a vastly different message, one devoid of love.

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