The Rise of ISIS

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    Bible says World War 3 starts in Syria – Iraq – Turkey according to this video.


    Artwork by ISIS shows their ambitions.




    White House ISIS


    Fears Islamic State could use Ebola as a weapon

    Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters ‘contract virus’.

    Sources at a hospital in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul say they have seen suspected cases involving two IS fighters.

    They are believed to have unknowingly travelled from their African homelands with Ebola.

    The news will spark fears that the jihadists could use the killer virus to hit Britain with so-called “human-bug bombs”.

    Intelligence experts have already urged authorities to be ready for members of the extremist outfit deliberately trying to spread Ebola in the West.

    Even if a calculated plot does not emerge, experts fear Ebola could be accidentally spread by IS — also known as ISIS and ISIL — should it tear through the group’s ranks.

    The World Health Organisation (WHO) was last night scrambling to uncover more information about the Iraqi infection claims.

    WHO officials have offered to assist the Iraqi government in investigating any potential outbreak.

    However, experts are concerned that the lack of resources and doctors — caused by  IS’s bloody campaign in Syria and Iraq — could make cases impossible to probe and treat.



    I am not sure how virulent Ebola would be in Brittan much less in the lands controlled by ISIS.  As far as I have seen it is not very effective in the West.  They can try but they are more likely to hurt Muslims and those that deal with Muslims.



    That is possible but I think that they are playing legal games with their own Scriptures.  Humans do that.




    At least 12 dead in Islamist terror attack at satirical French publication
    Published January 07, 2015
    FoxNews.comThreats came before attack on French newspaper

    Three black-clad gunmen shouting “Allahu Akbar!” stormed the Paris offices of a satirical publication known for lampooning Islam Wednesday, killing 12, including its editor, three political cartoonists and a police officer whose cold-blooded murder at close range was captured on a disturbing video.

    The masked, Kalashnikov-toting shooters moved with military precision, and then escaped following the 11:30 a.m. attack at Charlie Hebdo, the publication known for challenging Muslim terrorists with a 2011 caricature of Prophet Muhammed on its cover and which recently tweeted a cartoon of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and were being sought.

    “We’ve avenged the honor of the prophet!” the killers shouted, according to witnesses who spoke to Sky News. Other witnesses said the men shouted “Allahu Akbar,” Arabic for “God is great.” The gunmen spoke French without any accent, according to Le Monde.

    “We’ve avenged the honor of the prophet!”

    – Gunmen who stormed Paris satirical newspaper

    As the killers fled, they shot at arriving policemen. Video, believed to be cellphone footage, quickly emerged of the killers men getting out of a car and shooting a prone police officer in the head in cold blood as he begged for his life on the sidewalk. After killing him, they jumped back in the car and resumed their flight.

    French cartoonist Stephane Charbonnier, publishing director of French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, in a photo from 2012. He was reportedly killed in the attack.

    French President Francois Hollande branded the attack an act of terrorism and claimed that several other potential terror attacks had been thwarted “in recent weeks.” Hollande added that the publication had been threatened in the past and was already under police protection and surveillance.

    “This is a terrorist attack, there is no doubt about it,” Hollande told reporters.

    Officials said the men walked into the ground floor of the publication’s offices and began shooting before making their way up to the first floor. Cartoonist Corine Rey, aka “Coco,” told the weekly Humanité that she let the men inside the building of Charlie Hebdo after being ordered at gunpoint.

    “They spoke perfect French,” said Rey, who said the rampage lased about five minutes. “They said they were Al Qaeda.”

    The video still image shows the blurred-out image of a kneeling Paris police officer being shot by the fleeing gunmen. (Sky News)

    Witnesses said the attack was carried out commando-style, with the gunmen demanding the names of those they encountered, indicating that they had specific targets in mind.

    “It was a real butchery,” Rocco Contento, a spokesman for the Unité police union, told The Guardian.

    Benoit Bringer, a journalist from the agency Premieres Lignes Tele, whose offices are next door, told the Telegraph he took refuge on the building’s roof.

    “Three policemen arrived by push bike, but they left naturally as the attackers were armed,” he said.

    The publication’s offices are in the trendy 11th arrondissement of Paris, which includes posh restaurants and retail shops. It is one of the most densely populated districts in all of Europe and is home to a large, mostly Algerian, Muslim community. Schools in the area were closed and newspaper offices, shopping centers, museums and stations were placed under police protection.

    Charlie Hebdo first gained notoriety in 2006, when it reprinted a dozen cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed that appeared in Danish daily Jyllands-Posten, in defiance of Islam’s forbidding of any image attempting to portray its most important prophet. Its offices were firebombed in 2011 after a spoof issue featuring a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad on its cover. Nearly a year later, the magazine published crude Muhammad caricatures, drawing denunciations around the Muslim world. One of the dead in Wednesday’s attack was satirical cartoonist Stephane Charbonnier, the publication’s editorial director and the artist behind the caricatures that offended jihadists. He was the subject of a fatwah, and there is a Facebook page called “Execute Stephane Charbonnier.”

    Injured person is packed into ambulance after terror attack at the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris. (AP Photo/Thibault Camus)

    In a 2012 interview, Charbonnier famously shrugged off the threats on his life.

    “I would rather die standing than live kneeling,” he said.

    Charlie Hebdo’s editor-in-chief, Gérard Biard, escaped the attack because he was in London. He expressed his shock and said the magazine had had no specific threats of violence.

    Agnes Thibault-Lecuivre, spokeswoman for the Paris prosecutor, told The Associated Press another cartoonist named Jean Cabut, known by the pen name Cabu was killed. Other reports said cartoonists Georges Wolinski and Bernard ‘Tignous’ Verlhac were killed.

    A police official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the ongoing investigation, said one of the two police officers killed was one assigned as Charbonnier’s bodyguard after prior death threats against him.

    Swedish artist Lars Vilks, who has faced death threats after several newspapers published his images of Muhammad, recently presented Charlie Hebdo with his “Gold Dog” prize, said the attack, in spite of security for Charlie Hebdo staffers, shows it is “impossible to guard [them] when it comes to attackers armed to the teeth.”

    “The publication [of the Muhammed cartoons] happened a few years back in time and one could imagine that it would have been forgotten, but it is not,” he told Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet. “There are obviously people who take their time and wait for the right moment.”

    President Obama condemned the attack and vowed to help France bring the killers to justice.

    “France is America’s oldest ally, and has stood shoulder to shoulder with the United States in the fight against terrorists who threaten our shared security and the world,” Obama said in a statement. “Time and again, the French people have stood up for the universal values that generations of our people have defended. France, and the great city of Paris where this outrageous attack took place, offer the world a timeless example that will endure well beyond the hateful vision of these killers. We are in touch with French officials and I have directed my Administration to provide any assistance needed to help bring these terrorists to justice.”

    British Prime Minister David Cameron also condemned the attack and vowed solidarity with France.

    “The murders in Paris are sickening,” Cameron said. “We stand with the French people in the fight against terror and defending the freedom of the press.”

    The Associated Press contributed to this report.





    Even if an Islamic Beast rises up to control the Middle East, it could spread its terror to the West. Iranian politicians have said that America is “the Great Satan” Israel “the little Satan”, and Russia as the “Lesser Satan”. That is Shia Islam. Not sure about the Sunnis but imagine it to be similar. I guess that Europe is also part of Satan from their view.

    With advances in technology, it is quite frightening what they could end up subjecting out countries to.


    ISIS ‘plan to destroy the walls of Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire

    • The walls of Nineveh, near the city of Mosul, date back nearly 3,000 years  
    • Islamic State militants say they will destroy them if the Iraqi army attacks
    • The mainly Christian Assyrian ethnic group has suffered greatly under IS

    The so-called Islamic State group is threatening to destroy the walls of Nineveh, the ancient capital of the Assyrian empire, in what would be its latest act of cultural vandalism.

    People living in the Bab Nergal area of Mosul, close to the historic site of Nineveh, said militants told them they would destroy the walls if the Iraqi army attacked, a report claims.

    Nineveh was once the largest city in the world, with a population of as many as 150,000 people in 700BC. Although it now lies ruins, it is still surrounded by a mostly intact 7.5-mile brick rampart.

    The Islamic State threat to destroy what remains of the historic site, reported by the Assyrian International News Agency (AINSA), comes amid a campaign of cultural vandalism by the group.

    Recruitment to the militants’ ranks have been fuelled by ongoing sectarian conflict between Sunni and Shia Muslims in Iraq, and the group has targeted a number of Shiite shrines in areas it controls.

    Over the past month the Islamic State has seized hundreds of Assyrian relics from Mosul’s cultural museum as well as destroyed Assyrian monuments in the city, which it claims ‘distort Islam’, AINSA reported.

    Assyrians believe themselves to be Iraq’s original indigenous people, with a documented history stretching back to 4750BC. They now comprise 95 per cent of the country’s Christian population.

    Nearly 200,000 were forced to flee their homes around the Nineveh plain last summer as Islamic State made its lightning advance across Iraq.

    Most now live as refugees in Iraq’s Kurdish areas.

    Read more:



    Paris Attack – 12 Killed By Gunmen At Charlie Hebdo Magazine


    Anti-terror raid in Belgium foils imminent major attacks.

    (CNN)Belgian authorities thwarted a suspected terror cell that was about to carry out a major terrorist attack, the federal prosecutor’s office said. Group thwarted from major attack got orders from ISIS

    Two suspects were killed Thursday in the anti-terrorism operation at a building in the eastern city of Verviers, prosecutor’s spokesman Eric van der Sypt said. A third suspect was injured and taken into custody.

    A senior Belgian counterterrorism official told CNN that the alleged terror cell received instructions from ISIS.

    Some members of the cell had traveled to Syria and met with ISIS, which plotted the attacks as retaliation for U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria and Iraq, the Belgian source said.

    The federal prosecutor’s office said that at least some of the group members had been in Syria.

    “This was in the framework of an operation looking into an operational cell made up of people, some of whom coming back from Syria,” van der Sypt said. “The investigation made it possible to determine that the group was about to carry out major terrorist attacks in Belgium imminently.”

    The trio had been under surveillance for some time, he said.

    Verviers is about 69 miles (111 kilometers) east-southeast of Brussels and 200 miles (322 kilometers) northeast of Paris.

    Anti-terrorism operations were underway in other cities, the Belgian counterterrorism official said.


    New ISIS executions show the medieval brutality jihadists would bring to the West

    Thrown from a roof, stoned to death and crucified: While the world reacts with horror to terror in Europe, new ISIS executions show the medieval brutality jihadists would bring to the West.

    • ISIS have released photographic evidence of a series of horrific executions
    • They show two men hurled from the top of a tower block for being gay
    • Another shows a woman accused of adultery being brutally stoned to death
    • Two men accused of banditry were shown tied to makeshift metal crosses
    • The crucified men are then shot by IS fighters in front of the baying crowd

    Read more:

    Like the Roman Empire. if these guys get their own empire, they will trample and crush all who oppose them.


    The Great Wall of Saudi Arabia

    The Great Wall of Saudi Arabia: Kingdom plans to build 600-mile barrier from Jordan to Kuwait in response to the threat of an invasion by ISIS

    • The capture of the Holy Mosques at Medina and Mecca is a key IS objective
    • Security fence includes thermal imaging systems and battlefield radar
    • Attack on border post last week said to be first IS attack on kingdom

    The fence and ditch, punctuated with radar surveillance towers, command centres and guard posts, aims to protect the Saudis’ oil-rich territory from invasion by the Islamic State insurgency.

    Last week a suicide bombing and gun attack which killed two Saudi border guards and their commanding officer was styled by one analyst as the Islamic State’s first attack on the kingdom.

    Read more:


    Recommended movie to watch: My name is Khan. Had me crying a lot.


    Looks like a good movie. Will watch out for it.


    Half of ISIS command wiped out by allied airstrikes

    The Kill List: Half of ISIS top commanders believed to be dead… but executioner-in-chief Jihadi John is still free to commit barbaric slaughter

    • Allied airstrikes decimate ISIS’ leadership, leaving terror group in chaos
    • Terror chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi left isolated and in hiding amid chaos
    • Nine out the 18 members of Baghdadi’s ruling council have been killed
    • These include number two Abu Muslim al-Turkmani, who had previously served as a lieutenant colonel in Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi army
    • But prominent killers such as Jihadi John are still free to commit atrocities

    The Islamic State’s leadership in Syria and Iraq has been decimated by months of sustained air strikes, leaving the terror group in chaos and isolating leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, it is claimed.

    Allied airstrikes, including those carried out by British warplanes, have killed more than 6,000 fighters since September, including more than half the militants serving on ISIS’ ruling council.

    Among the dead jihadis is Abu Muslim al-Turkmani, a former Iraqi army lieutenant colonel considered Baghdadi’s number two and ISIS’ most senior militant in Iraq.

    His death and that of as many as nine others on ISIS’ 18-man leadership council have forced Baghdadi to promote local warlords to the status of regional commanders, as his inner circle of trusted advisers and battle-hardened loyalists becomes increasingly small.

    Read more:


    I heard some say they would conquer the world , the only thing those guys are (isis) are devoted people to commit voluntary suicide

    but by taken as many others with them at the same time ,

    this could be seen in their stupidity to attack the entire world ; and believe that all will sit down and wait to surrender to them ,sick


    Whatever happens to them, it is a good bet that the outcome will be significant. If they can prosper in their style of war against the rest of the world, then they could get very powerful. Or perhaps a leader will rise up and make them prosper in war through his cunning. But if they end up destroying their own kind, (sunnis) it could lead Iran and other Shia majority areas to become the new threat. At the moment, both Sunni and Shia are fighting one another. If there is a victor, they could consolidate what is left into one Islamic religion.

    I think a similar thing happened to the Hums who nearly destroyed or perhaps contributed in the destruction of the Western Roman Empire. Initially they were small but subjugated other small tribes and consolidated them into a great army that nearly felled Rome.

    While ISIS are killing Christians and Jews, and ultimately want to conquer the holy land, they are also at war with the Shias. This part of the world features heavily in bible prophecy, so it will be interesting to see how it all plays out.


    it took centuries for the mongols to come to the point of the time of Atilla but those were nomades ,

    sisis are but only a few compere thos the amount of enemies they have made for themselves ,what they are really after is to push the western world into a islam holy war ;the devil will,

    destroy and kill as many you can ,

    the big question to me is does the western world really want to destroy them or just keep them in check ;?


    Yeah, I cannot see what is happening over there being diffused anytime soon. It will draw people to one side or the other and an all out war could ensue.


    ISIS are fighting Islam

    (CNN)King Abdullah vowed a severe response for the murder of a captured Jordanian fighter pilot, saying ISIS isn’t just fighting his nation but is warring against “noble Islam” itself, according to a statement read on state TV.
    The country wants to step up the airstrikes it conducts on ISIS, said a source with direct knowledge of the situation.

    Earlier, the King announced the executions of two jihadist prisoners who were aligned with the terror group in retaliation for ISIS’ burning the pilot, 27-year-oldLt. Moath al-Kasasbeh, to death.

    One of the convicts hanged was Sajida al-Rishawi, a would-be suicide bomber whose release ISIS had previously demanded as part of a prisoner exchange, the Jordanian government said.

    The other was Ziad Karbouli, a former top aide to the deceased leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

    CNN is not showing images of al-Kasasbeh’s killing, which drew global condemnation and prompted protests and vows of retaliation in Jordan.

    “Those criminals cannot be compared to Moath,” said al-Kasasbeh’s father, Safi, referring to the prisoners’ execution. “Moath’s blood is much more valued than these two prisoners.”

    He called on the Jordanian government to execute all prisoners with links toISIS. “Annihilate this organization,” he said.

    His sentiments found voice on the streets of Amman, the capital, and in the pilot’s hometown.

    One demonstrator held a poster that read: “They burned our hearts, so let’s burn their dens, and their prisoners in our prisons.”

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