The Rise of ISIS

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  • #785263

    You gave no reason in your post to believe the conclusion in your post.

    Europe has more than 10 nations, so does, Asia, and the Americas.

    The Middle East has more than 10 nations that are Muslim. They could easily come under the rule of one who is yet to arise. Remember that many of the Kings of the East have been taken out of the way recently and these new kings/leaders may well join or surrender to the Islamic State or some other entity. Also, there are multiple radical Islamic groups in the MIddle East region and one by one they are joining forces with ISIS. Includes Boko Haram for example.

    Actually we are told in scripture that terrible times are coming and so are wars. So what would be the ultimate terrible war? Perhaps the war on terror?

    There are too many possibilities right now to subscribe wholeheartedly to one single view IMO.



    You gave no reason in your post to believe the conclusion in your post.


    In Wakeup’s defence, he actually did give you proof but you missed it.

    The last beast has 10 horns, the one that will last only 3/half years.

    Ezekiel 21:25 And thou, profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when iniquity shall have an end.

    1. He is called prince.
    2. He is profane and wicked.
    3. His day is come.( rev 19:20).HE and the beast will be cast in the fire.
    4. When iniquity shall have an end.(Babylon destroyed). Kingdom set up.
    5. This means that the little horn amongst the 1o horns, is the false prophet; and he is of jewish blood.
    He could be living in Europe right now; or anywhere.


    The beast with the 10 horns is this last empire.
    The beast and the false prophet will emerge out of this same empire.

    Ezekiel 21:25 And thou, profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when iniquity shall have an end.

    This is Satan’s man, his prince. The one he will use. “The Son of Perdition” = “The false prophet”
    He is a Jew.

    This prince’s day will come when he is destroyed,
    and we know The False prophet will be cast into the fire at the Coming.
    They are the same person.

    The false prophet is Jewish, but based outside of Israel. He is the King of the North (A Jew from Europe)
    He has intelligence with Israel, those who forsake the holy covenant.
    He, this prince is with the 10 kings.

    The Zionist Jews are working with Britain in “Inner London”
    The Zionist Jews own the world banks, and therefore run the financial system of the world and a whole lot more.
    Shadow Britain is harbouring them, these Zionists, and working closely with them to bring about their plans for a new one world order.

    Britain produces the beast and it’s leader.


    Hi J42.

    I found out that Isis is hired by the west to do a job; for good pay.
    They were trained by the us; in Jordan. It is obvious that those chosen to be trained,
    are the worst of of human trash on earth.



    Yes that is the official line from those who think the West is evil or is the Beast. I have many Atheist friends who think the same about ISIS. They wouldn’t even for one minute consider that it might be that these Islamists are trying to fulfill the prophecies of their own books (Quran and Hadith) to bring about the Mahdi whose description is uncannily similar to the Bible’s Antichrist. However, we know that Satan has a diet of lies for the world, so that he can sneak his plan past everybody.

    If the enemy is the west and if it is Babylon, then why haven’t you left? lol. I often wonder why these people would never dream of living anywhere but the West, and yet they speak the most evil things about it. Reminds me of these idealists who leave the comforts of home to join ISIS and end up wanting to come back home when they realise what they have traded.

    We are told what the Antichrist is. It is they who deny that Jesus is the Christ and son of God. Islam is a religion based on that and their prophesied leader is said to eventually rule his Kingdom from the Dome of the Rock, the Holy Place. This is the second biggest religion on the planet. One of the fastest growing. And they bow down to a God 5 times a day who says he has no son. Who is that God? Seriously this is so big to dismiss. It is no small thing.

    In short I think the idea that it is a western generated enemy is a poor excuse. The Islamic Empire is the desire of Islam and 1.5 billion Islamists are susceptible to this ideal. But yes, I agree that the West allowed or played a part in allowing it to rise up to where it is now. Further, they are not directly opposing it with an army and everyday the Jihadis gain more territory, money, and influence.

    Like I said. I am open to this being what scripture prophesied. I will keep watching in this late season.


    Ezekiel 21:25 And thou, profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when iniquity shall have an end.

    This eschatological view ticks this box too.

    The Hadith prophecies that the Mahdi will rule from Jerusalem. A prince is a ruler and not necessity born there. He is said to make Jerusalem the headquarters of his empire. In the Bible we are told he (Antichrist) will rule for a short time.

    ISIL stands for Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Levant includes the countries bordering the eastern Mediterranean Sea such as Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Palestine etc.

    Pictured is the Levant in dark green with other countries and regions sometimes included.


    Curios. I know that the mainstream view of the Antichrist is that he will be a Jew and perhaps the False Prophet too.

    What are the scriptures that lead people to believe this?

    I don’t think that the Hadith says he will or will not be a Jew. But it describes him as follows:

    He will be of Arab complexion and average height with a large belly, large eyes and a sharp nose. He will have a mole on his cheek, the sign of the prophet on his shoulder. He will rule for seven years. His name will be announced from the sky. He will bring the Ark of the Covenant to light. His banner will be black and unstitched, with a halo. He will be helped by angels and others that will prepare the way for him.


    t8. Slightly off topic, but I believe we need to watch Russia. I believe there will be a Russian invasion, including NZ. I also believe it will start in space. I don’t know what it means, but doubt it has anything to do with “the beast”.

    Latest news:

    Just for your information.


    Yes they are sneaky and I did see that news about the mystery satellite. But I think they will largely remain in their part of the world. They already tried and failed to take over neighbouring countries during the Cold War. Maybe they will have another go starting with parts of Ukraine and certainly I do not trust Putin. That said. I personally am more concerned about China in our part of the world.

    Read why here:

    The rise of China


    A long one;  but good to follow.

    Putin explains isis are trained in Jordan by the U S and hired with good money.
    All weapons supplied by the U S.

    They are just a tool of the west.




    Well I would hardly trust Putin on anything, but in saying that, if that is what he is preaching then there are at least three possible options.

    1) It is true what he says
    2) It is a conspiracy theory designed to detract on the truth of what is going on and he is part of that conspiracy.
    3) He himself is deceived by this conspiracy theory.

    If 2) is right then Putin it could be that Putin plans to get involved in this conflict at some point. I should also mention that countries sell weapons during conflicts for monetary purposes. Often if America funds one side, Russia funds the other.

    But yes, it could be a USA and Israeli conspiracy in order to get Arabs killing each other. That would make it easier for Israel and the West to control or deal with the Middle East in the future. But even if that were the case, it still doesn’t explain away the Quaran and Hadith prophecies regarding their Mahdi, as well as 1.5 billion Muslims, and the Ottoman Empire that conquered the Roman Empire and those that wish to revive the Islamic Caliphate.

    Whatever the truth, you have certainly not provided any proof that ISIS is a western and/or Israeli conspiracy.

    NOTE: You can link to the exact part of the video where Putin makes these supposed statements about ISIS? Right-click on the video at the relevant part of the video and choose, “Copy video URL at current time.




    Vladimir Putin’s Christian Faith – in his own words



    I just can’t get passed what he did to Mikhail_Khodorkovsky.



    It’s hard to know what will happen, but I personally believe that Russia will invade, though I don’t think Russia is bad or Putin is bad. President Putin’s’ body language is interesting…. I also think there is more to it. Example, the plane that was shot down over Ukraine – I was reading today it ‘could have been’ an assassination attempt on Putin?


    Anyway… personally I am prepared for an invasion by Russia. But, that is a different topic than this thread (:



    Hi t8.

    It is good to know the depth of dirty world politics.



    ISIS have said they will attack the West. They can attack any time and anywhere.

    Now the terrorists are asking for an ISIS flag showing their affiliation.

    Also, learn about Rick Joyner’s vision of ISIS.



    Just as the scripture said.

    Isaiah 30:17 One thousand shall flee at the rebuke of one; at the rebuke of five shall ye flee: till ye be left as a beacon upon the top of a mountain, and as an ensign on an hill.

    Because of one person; The whole city block is closed off.



    Yes, one person can create havoc and all the more as we head into the future. It is not hard to imagine powerful weapons getting smaller and cheaper to make.

    Terrorism is also like cancer. If it is spread out enough, you cannot catch it all. ISIS and other Islamic extremists are spread throughout the world.

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