Do not fully subscribe to a single end-time theory

End Times theories

Many people preach a variety of end-time views. It is good on one hand that they are trying to know the plan of God, but many errors are made in the process. Often we see teachers basically saying that we need to believe what they believe and sadly, that is precisely why many do not dare venture into prophecy. Who to choose? Who do they follow? Nobody that is who. 99% or more will fail because they cannot all be right can they.

So where do we turn? Turn to God. He will reveal to us his plan in his time. Read the scriptures with an open mind and a heart toward God. Do not subscribe to a particular prophetic view, but be aware of them and watch the signs. Watch, watch, and watch. And be ready.

Proverbs 27:1
Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.

James 4:14
You do not know what will happen tomorrow. Man does not even know he will be alive tomorrow, let alone know what he will do tomorrow.

Isaiah 41:21-23
Jehovah challenged the idols to prove they are gods. God can show us what will happen, declaring things to come hereafter. Man cannot, but God can. If idols cannot, then they are not gods.

Isaiah 42:8,9
God declares new things before they spring forth. This proves He deserves to be honored as God. That honor should go to no one else

Isaiah 46:8-11
God is the true God and there is no other, for He can declare the end from the beginning, even from ancient times things that are not yet done.

Now for a warning.

Deuteronomy 18:21,22
If a man attempts to predict the future and fails, we can know that the Lord did not speak through Him.

Jeremiah 28:9
When a prophet predicts the future and the prediction comes true, this is evidence that the Lord sent him.

Sometimes prophecy is realised after the event

Jesus said in John 13:19
“From now on I am telling you before it comes to pass, so that when it does occur, you may believe that I am He.”

See that. Not all prophecy is given so that we can know in advance the exact details. I believe that people over-reach in prophecy and believe that God wants us to know all the details beforehand. Trying to know every detail beforehand can lead men to craft false theories to fill in the gaps. But maybe God has not revealed it yet.

This is why I say to watch. Look for the signs. Do not subscribe wholeheartedly to any theory and ignore the signs and events going on around us, (that may contradict your view). Be wise and be a watchman not a soothsayer.

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    This is put here in the prophecy section,because it is prophecy left on the back burner.

    The churches are up to less than milk. The covering vail  is still on. I can see it clearly.

    The strong meat is not showing at all. Far from strong meat; not even the full strength of the milk.

    Even the milk is watered down to the max?  Yet, they walk with stretched out necks.

    Speaking great words about God And His Son, and the rest. Walking with crowns on their heads.

    Jesus own Words even, are ignored because of the strong wine; can not even see clear.

    The Words Spoken is not more important than the one speaking it. Where have they got this from?

    Just worship the speaker, but ignore his words.

    They rather go for the watered down words, because it makes them feel good.

    They don’t even understand why they have become Christians, Just by  following the crowd I suppose.

    It is not because of the true doctrine of God; but because of the doctrines of the world; by just follow the crowd.

    Because it is so easy to follow; no sacrifices needed. Just do as thou will, and praise the Lord, and all the blessings will come.

    To walk in spiritual nakedness is not heard of, what is that all about? strange words indeed. We are not naked; we have nice clothes on.

    Yes; animal skin; to cover your nakedness.

    There is no shame; because they don’t see their nakedness. They have some clothing on; but full see through.

    Yes; very harsh words for the Christians by label only. And there are many of them.

    Just follow the crowd; if they bow;  all bow. If they jump;  all jump.

    Regarding the written word; well, lets see what the scribes  say; and then follow.

    Comparing scriptures; no need to,  it is all done by the learned scribes.  Just listen and follow, and repeat after the scribes; and say amen.

    About eating the flesh of Christ? Don’t worry; it is  all just symbolic. Just drink what is given by the scribes, watered down milk.

    We are not eaters of man’s flesh? We are not cannibals? We don’t drink man’s blood or any blood?

    Are you crazy? Lets walk away from here, this is presposterous.

    What about seeking the prophesies?  No need; it’s not for us to understand; all full of crazy symbols anyway.

    Just see what the learned scribes have to say, and then just follow. Prophesies are for the scribes only.

    No need to stand up, just stay seated, it is just to stirrup the wine on the lees.

    Isaiah 28:10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:

    Isaiah 28:13 But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.

    All are snared and taken.




    Hi WU,

    Why do you judge the world?

    You have got your own stuff to deal with.


    The spiritual desolation is unbelievable
    2000years of false doctrines swallowed up with pride. The oppressors have put them all in bondage.
    and dont’t even know it. The coming great delusion will make it even much worse. Very sad to see.



    Your observation is right Wakeup. However your answer is to believe what you believe. Sadly, that is precisely why many do not dare venture into prophecy. Who to choose? Who do they follow? Nobody that is who. 99% or more will fail because they cannot all be right.

    So where do we turn? Turn to God. He will reveal to us his plan in his time. Read the scriptures with an open mind and a heart toward God. Do not subscribe to a particular prophetic view, but be aware of them and watch the signs. Watch, watch, and watch. And be ready.

    Proverbs 27:1
    Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.

    James 4:14
    You do not know what will happen tomorrow. Man does not even know he will be alive tomorrow, let alone know what he will do tomorrow.

    Isaiah 41:21-23
    Jehovah challenged the idols to prove they are gods. God can show us what will happen, declaring things to come hereafter. Man cannot, but God can. If idols cannot, then they are not gods.

    Isaiah 42:8,9
    God declares new things before they spring forth. This proves He deserves to be honored as God. That honor should go to no one else

    Isaiah 46:8-11
    God is the true God and there is no other, for He can declare the end from the beginning, even from ancient times things that are not yet done.

    Now for a warning.

    Deuteronomy 18:21,22
    If a man attempts to predict the future and fails, we can know that the Lord did not speak through Him.

    Jeremiah 28:9
    When a prophet predicts the future and the prediction comes true, this is evidence that the Lord sent him.

    Sometimes prophecy is realised after the event

    Jesus said in John 13:19
    “From now on I am telling you before it comes to pass, so that when it does occur, you may believe that I am He.”

    See that. Not all prophecy is given so that we can know in advance the exact details. I believe that people over-reach in prophecy and believe that God wants us to know all the details beforehand. Trying to know every detail beforehand can lead men to craft false theories to fill in the gaps. But maybe God has not revealed it yet.

    This is why I say to watch. Look for the signs. Do not subscribe wholeheartedly to any theory and ignore the signs and events going on around us, (that may contradict your view). Be wise and be a watchman not a soothsayer.


    Just you; the Word of God, and the Holy spirit.
    Do not depend on any man. Me included.

    John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

    Physically speaking we don’t know if we die tomorrow.



    Just you; the Word of God, and the Holy spirit.
    Do not depend on any man. Me included.

    John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

    Physically speaking we don’t know if we die tomorrow.



    Hi WU,

    First you must be born again.


    Otherwise you are of the world and so are your teachings

    No strong meat in the teachings of deceived men.


    t8, Good post, I agree!

    (Do not fully subscribe to a single end time theory).


    Do not fully subscribe to a single end time theory;
    except it is in full harmony with the prophesies.
    If in harmony; and still ignored, only means that the spirit does not have any connection. Wrong channel, wrong frequency.



    Shouldn’t throw stones in glass houses right. You rejected a whole eschatology that ticks all the boxes. But even if it ticks all the boxes, it may not be true. This is why I do not subscribe to one theory. I do not wish to be like all those people out there who have the truth, yet all disagree. lol. And they all believe as hard as you do. Stand where we are standing. The view is clear that all these men are right, but they all differ.

    While knowledge is very good it must be handled with wisdom. You would do well to read this wise saying.

    Take my instruction and not silver, And knowledge rather than choicest gold. For wisdom is better than jewels; And all desirable things cannot compare with her.I, wisdom, dwell with prudence.

    Knowledge in the hands of the foolish or unwise can do more damage than good Wakeup.

    Do not reject wisdom.

    Think about a job interview. The candidate has all the requirements and experience and has good referees. Yet when it comes to the job, he is no good.


    My advice Wakeup, read the Book of Proverbs. I am serious. I think it will help you a lot.


    If a good prophecy in harmony with all prophesies is still rejected. (For this he must know all prophesies).
    He is rejecting the Word of God; not the prophet.
    Or it is because he does not know the prophesies; and just reject or ignore before comparing the prophesies to see if it match.
    All prophesies must form the big picture, without gaps.
    If the big picture is put forth, a true seeker must connect.
    If not; than he is still under the oppressor.
    He is still in the chain of bondage.
    Prophesies are written for the true seekers to see the big picture.
    Can not say that all interpretations of prophesies are not to be accepted. This will include all that is put forward. Therefore will never discover the big picture. One should have the Word of God as foundation of all interpretations.
    There must be one basic foundation in use.
    Or one can be blowing with the wind of doctrine for ever.



    Hi WU,

    Are you a true seeker?

    I think you stopped seeking years ago.

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