wildfire007 replied to the topic Revelation 2:23 in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 8 months ago
I disagree, Nick. There is no home for the soul in sheol. You must look at the original manuscript in Hebrew and you will see that Sheol is the place of the dead, the grave. All who have died from Abraham to David to those of this present day are there awaiting the trumpet of God which will announce the resurrection. The died with the hope of…[Read more]
wildfire007 replied to the topic Revelation 2:23 in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 8 months ago
No, No, No, Jesus not God or as you say, YHWH. Remember the verse where Jesus is asked about the time of the end and he explicitly told his followers that no one knows the time of the end, not even the angels in heaven nor the himsel, but only God. There is only one God, not three. There is only one Son of God. Many have claimed to be the Son…[Read more]
wildfire007 replied to the topic Revelation 2:23 in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 8 months ago
I agree with Greg from earlier post. The present teaching of the soul in churches today is wrong. God breathed into man and he became a living soul (ie being) At death, the breath, the spirit which gives life, returns to God and man returns to dust. Our hope as was the hope of the patriarchs, was the coming of the messiah and the hope of the…[Read more]