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    Quote (seminarian @ Aug. 03 2006,20:46)Quote (typrsn @ Aug. 03 2006,19:44)Quote (Mercy @ Aug. 03 2006,19:09)typrsn,I attend the church in order to associate with others who confess Jesus is Lord!  I do not want to be an island in isolation to my faith.  I know that I would not be excepted very well because of my “heresies”. But what am I to d…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of typrsn

    Quote (seminarian @ Aug. 03 2006,20:09)Quote (Mercy @ Aug. 03 2006,19:09)typrsn,I attend the church in order to associate with others who confess Jesus is Lord!  I do not want to be an island in isolation to my faith.  I know that I would not be excepted very well because of my “heresies”. But what am I to do?What is your brotherly counsel?I'm n…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of typrsn

    Quote (Cubes @ Aug. 03 2006,19:21)Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Aug. 03 2006,21:14)Quote (Cubes @ Aug. 03 2006,03:32)Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Aug. 02 2006,21:45)When we are born again, we have Christ in our hearts. Col. 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: neverthless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of typrsn

    Quote (Mercy @ Aug. 03 2006,19:09)typrsn,I attend the church in order to associate with others who confess Jesus is Lord!  I do not want to be an island in isolation to my faith.  I know that I would not be excepted very well because of my “heresies”. But what am I to do?What is your brotherly counsel?Mercy,First of all, thank you for your godly n…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of typrsn

    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Aug. 03 2006,18:45)Dear typrsn,I have heard of your religion and it has scarred a brother that comes to this forum. Let me make sure before I slice and dice your doctrine with the Word of God. Does one have to speak in tongues to have the Holy Spirit? If one does not do this, are they still baptized? And when they…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of typrsn

    Quote (Mercy @ Aug. 03 2006,18:20)I agree this isn't church, however, the spirit is not limited by space. When two are more are gathered it is present. Yes, I think that means physically present.  I just don't think that the spirit can't also be present if two or more are not physically together. I think God's presence can transcend spacial…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of typrsn

    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Aug. 03 2006,16:28)Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 02 2006,18:16)Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Aug. 02 2006,16:00)I rebuke any for abandoning the church or the thought of it. To do such a thing is not of God. The Lord established the church and no man will put it assunder. It is the works of satan that has corrupted the faith…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of typrsn

    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Aug. 03 2006,16:22)Quote (typrsn @ Aug. 02 2006,18:27)Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Aug. 02 2006,16:31)Dear What do you think happens when a man is saved, born again? Don't you believe that Jesus comes and lives in the heart of that man? Can you say if Christ is in that man, that the spirit is not in him? God…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of typrsn

    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Aug. 02 2006,16:31)Dear typrsn, What do you think happens when a man is saved, born again? Don't you believe that Jesus comes and lives in the heart of that man? Can you say if Christ is in that man, that the spirit is not in him? God forbid.H,What are you talking about? When did I say Christ doesn't come and live in…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of typrsn

    Quote (Cubes @ Aug. 01 2006,22:27)Hi typ:I have only read what's posted on this page and agree with what you had to say in response to H on the KJV translation (as well as to Kenrch), and HOW you said it, about not isolating verses to the exclusion of others.  Very helpful, and in fact, I believe it is what Jesus did when he told the Pharisees…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of typrsn

    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 01 2006,21:53)Quote (typrsn @ Aug. 01 2006,19:20)Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 01 2006,18:52)Quote (typrsn @ Aug. 01 2006,17:17)Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ June 12 2006,23:46)Dear rclamb,Do you agree with John 3. To be born again, one must first be born once. Jesus was not speaking of being born again in the flesh, but being born…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of typrsn

    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 01 2006,18:52)Quote (typrsn @ Aug. 01 2006,17:17)Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ June 12 2006,23:46)Dear rclamb,Do you agree with John 3. To be born again, one must first be born once. Jesus was not speaking of being born again in the flesh, but being born again in the spirit.For all men are born dead in spirit because of…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of typrsn

    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ June 15 2006,03:21)Until you are born again, your questions will go unanswered Nick. With all of your heart, ask Jesus into your heart. Confess your sins. Don't hold anything back. He loves you Nick. He does not want you to perish. Unless you believe with all of your heart, you will not be saved.H,Are you implying…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of typrsn

    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ June 13 2006,02:48)Nick, I have posted scriptures before to you. Acts 16:30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.Nick, when a man realizes he is a sinner and believes that Jesus died on the cross for…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of typrsn

    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ June 12 2006,23:46)Dear rclamb,Do you agree with John 3. To be born again, one must first be born once. Jesus was not speaking of being born again in the flesh, but being born again in the spirit.For all men are born dead in spirit because of Adam's sin. Unless they are born again, they cannot enter the kingdom of…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of typrsn

    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ June 11 2006,18:43)The bible tells us that God is the same yesterday, today andforever.The same should be of his church. The apostles set the churches upand though there were several, they all subscribed to the samedoctrine. Jesus gave a discription of what a believer would looklike by signs that follow them. If you…[Read more]

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