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    Quote (david @ Mar. 22 2006,03:46)Yes, i know the spuriousness of this verse.Quote David……Is 1:18 is a name? How do you figure that? truebelief4u, you asked: 'What does Is 1:18 got to do with any of this?'I had been mentioning “Is 1:18” a lot, as that is a member's name and I was referring to him. I thought you were confused about that.…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of truebelief4u

    David……Is 1:18 is a name? How do you figure that? ??? The topic is 1st John 5:7….a verse which wasn't even in the text until the 16th century. This verse, along with Matthew 28:19 are the primary verses the “trinitarians” attempt to use to support their defense of the “trinity.” The problem is, BOTH of these verses are deliberate additions…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of truebelief4u

    What has Is 1:18 got to do with any of this? Is 1:18 “Come now, let us reason together,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.How does this relate to 1st John 5:7?

  • Profile picture of truebelief4u

    Hi all……You know, just “asking the question” shows there is confusion over this issue, and that people simpy aren't reading (or paying attention) to Scripture.MANY “believe” they go straight to heaven? WHY do they believe this? Certainly not because they find it in the Bible. They believe it because that's what the(ir) “man-made church” has…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of truebelief4u

    Like the man above said……..tuff to argue with that! :)

  • Profile picture of truebelief4u

    Ramblinrose: OK…..actually we are basically in agreement, because the “spirit” could just as well be described as being the “mind of God,” as being His “active force/will.” Got no problem with that at all! Everyone…….this is a bit off-topic, but what do you all think of the concept that Jesus had no “special powers” until AFTER he was…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of truebelief4u

    Quote (Ramblinrose @ Feb. 11 2006,08:24)I see it as follows:Elohim = YHWH = Holy Spirit = WordThere is only one Elohim – Almighty YHWHDeut 6:4 Hear, O Israel: YHWH our Elohim is one YHWHYAHSHUA = Man = Messiah1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ JesusYahshua is given the title 'Word of Elohim'…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of truebelief4u

    And how the heck do ya change the clock on this infernal machine anyway……it's the 10th, not the 11th!!!!!!!!!! Arrrgggghhhhhh. :p :p

  • Profile picture of truebelief4u

    Addendum……………from mostly Catholic sources.Various sources acknowledge that the Bible does not support the idea that the holy spirit is the third person of a Trinity: Please note the following:The Catholic Encyclopedia: “Nowhere in the Old Testament do we find any clear indication of a Third Person.”Catholic theologian Fortman: “The Jews…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of truebelief4u

    Rough night…… :p OK……Is 1:18; What “hypothesis?” That the “spirit” is a thing rather than a person is not a hypothesis…..that is precisely what the Hebrews and early Christians believed. Whew, there are so many illustrations of this I don't even know where to begin! Here are a few quick links…..if you need more, just…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of truebelief4u

    Well, that's what thousands of years of Hebrew history show, and that is also what the early Christians believed. The Roman Church came up with a lot of new “theological developments,” later on…..doesn't make them correct.They can't even get the day of the crucifixion right….check your Scriptures closely and pay attention to detail…..Christ…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of truebelief4u

    The third is John 1:1, et seq.No, I am not a proponent of the Watchtower.The comments above indicate clearly that those who are commenting are more “believing” of the “church” than the original (or more accurately, the “oldest”) Scriptures. I would say that when the Roman Church itself admits these are later additions, and unknown to the early…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of truebelief4u

    Matthew 28:19 is also not “original” Scripture. (In particular pay attention to what former Cardinal Ratzinger – now the POPE – has to say, and what the Catholic Encyclopedia also admits.)See: http://www.apostolic.net/biblicalstudies/matt2819-willis.htmIn fact, of the three primary passages cited by “trinitarians,” NOT A SINGLE ONE is “original…[Read more]

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