stoner37766 replied to the topic Fallen angels in the forum Scriptural Teachings 16 years, 7 months ago
nick the book of enoch has been like a rosetta stone for me on unlocking the meaning of many deep scriptures pointing out the messiah and the order of the kingdom. for as enoch says at the beginning the visions shown unto were not for the understanding of his generation but for remote or far distance one to come
stoner37766 replied to the topic Fallen angels in the forum Scriptural Teachings 16 years, 7 months ago
the book of enoch explains this and many other fascinating truths that have been concealed. the sons of god in genesis does refer to angels. they were called the watchers and they were led by an angel named semjaza. it even tells us the number being two hundred. they took themselves wives and also taught man kind in many fields such as astrology,…[Read more]