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    Bless you T8!

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    Quote (seminarian @ June 28 2006,01:09)Hi Kenrch,I somehow have the impression that Nick does not speak for you.SemmyKenrch,I'm sorry. I was being a wise guy here. Nick, I didn't get the impression that Kenrch hates anybody.Now for the record, I have not joined any organization either. I agree with many unitarian beliefs but am not a Unitarian.…[Read more]

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    Hi Kenrch,Not at all.  No putdown taken.  That's why I wrote “Priceless” after your quote. You said: “I thought what I wrote that Christians are all over the world and not always where they are wanted.  Meaning that you telling the truth in a church that believes in the trinty and then going to a seminary that you said has doctrines you don't be…[Read more]

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    Thaks Nick & He's Coming in the Clouds,Well, Paul surely did exhort with tears, sleepless nights and many prayers didn't he?  I think you both pointed to the importance of not watering down the truth with which I truly agree. Still we need to be mindful of HOW to go about doing that.  Paul again gives us some insight in his Epistle to T…[Read more]

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    Hi Kenrch,I somehow have the impression that Nick does not speak for you.Semmy

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    Hi Nick,Good point. However is it really for us to say who is part of the Body of Christ? If I were to define Christians as only those who have the same understanding of scripture as I do, might I be stumbling the “least of these” of whom our Lord spoke? Something about having a huge millstone tied around my neck does not sound too appealing.I…[Read more]

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    Thanks Cubes,Excellent post. I think we would all agree to not keep company with anyone “called a brother” who willfully does the disgraceful things you've mentioned. (Do not envy wicked men, do not desire their company Proverbs 24:1)My question is regarding those who are teaching a false doctrine or another Christ by tradition.  I know many…[Read more]

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    Kenrch you said: “Amen! God will use a jackass if He wants to get His message across, sometimes He does!”  Priceless!  Now would that be Balaam's donkey?Sometimes we think WE have to do it all and forget the power God has to call His own. One can also be like the Pharisees having all head knowledge but no real heart of compassion for people.  I ca…[Read more]

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    Hey everybody,Thanks for making me feel so welcome. Seeking the Truth, I agree with your point that most seminaries will want to push their dogma instead of allowing your relationship with God through Christ to teach you.  This is even more of a problem in a denominational seminary.  That's why I am attending a ecumenical ministry program m…[Read more]

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    Hi Nick, thanks for the welcome.What I said is that Romans 10:9 is the Biblical confession of faith. Yes the letter was written to the saints but notice the preceding verse: 8 “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,” that is the word of faith we are PROCLAIMING: 9 That if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe…[Read more]

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    Paul was not upset by those who taught Christ out of selfish ambition for he said: “But what does it matter?  The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ, is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice. (Philippians 1:18)Now I do understand he was speaking of untrue…[Read more]

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    Hello All,Kenrch, your reply to beenblake was poetic.  I agree that religiosity will not draw you nearer to God.  We can become “inflated” in our own minds.  Here's the bottom line on the “Jesus is God” topic.  Jesus Christ HAS A GOD (God the Father).  6 “so that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesu…[Read more]

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