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    Nick I thought hard about the testing the spirits scripture you posted here:”Hi S,The spirit is antichrist and that is why it causes them to oppose us.1 Jn 4.2 gives us this test and they fail it.They say God Himself came in the flesh.” I'm thinking JW's flunk the test too because they believe Jesus wasthe archangel Micheal before coming to earth.…[Read more]

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    Amen T8 & Nick,I really think people, even those with advanced theological degrees, fail to grasp the awsomeness of our Heavenly Father.  They mistakenly see his as being humbled, beaten, spit upon and crucified when he “became a man” as Jesus. Hello. God is not a man nor the son of man as quoted in Hosea 11:9 and Numbers 23:19.  They c…[Read more]

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    Hey Nick & k4c,I know some members of the Way, (Biblical unitarians), also believe water baptism is obsolete.  Theyalso don't believe Christ pre-existed with his Father in heaven but only had his “beginning” in the womb of Mary.  Just like when I tell people I don't believe in the trinity, they accuse me of being a JW as if they are the only g…[Read more]

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    Yes T8, Someone did, didn't they?  It pained me to write all of thatbecause even though I don't know David, I care about hisfeelings and destiny as someone seeking to serve God and Christ.HOWEVER, if someone had told me HALF of the historyof JW's, I would have NEVER wasted my time.  See,they are forbidden to read any books, articles ormaterials w…[Read more]

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    Very true T8:”Trusting in man says that we need to set out that which is truth and compile this into a creed, otherwise the Church will just fall apart. They ignore the fact that it is Christ who builds his Church and that the Church is HIS. But they think they need to build it and when they start building they become full of self-importance.…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 04 2006,00:06)Hi S,The spirit is antichrist and that is why it causes them to oppose us. 1 Jn 4.2 gives us this test and they fail it. They say God Himself came in the flesh.Nick, the hairs are standing up on the back of my neck from what you wrote above here. This is scary.One of my Greek studies showed that “anti” can…[Read more]

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    Thanks Nick!Excellent, yes I did see that in your post after I wrote my question. Yeah, HE SAID THAT TOO!  Were you there somehow Nick?  “Well, I believe it was the appearance of the Holy Trinity” he says smugly.  Oh brother.  He knew I wasn't going to believe what he said so that's why he prefaced it with, “Well, I believe…” (like I really car…[Read more]

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    Here, here Nick & T8!!!The point is as T8 saw, you can not be the ORIGINAL and the image at the same time.  Image means copy or even reflection that mirrors the original.  Guys, I'm more and more convinced every day that the trinity is Satan's biggest lie and the deception is so blinding that people will need to be delivered from it.Satan knows h…[Read more]

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    Really excellent posts guys!  Nick, I agree with your analysis regarding Christ not being an angel.Monogenes means what is says, one of a kind, only begotton.  No angel can claim that.I have a question:  I got into a discussion with the “Pastor of Education” at the church where I serve. I really never cease to be amazed at the wierdness of tr…[Read more]

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    Excellent post Brakah,You wrote in conclusion: This same figurative meaning applies to Acts 20:28. God purchased the church with his own kindred (SON). John 3:16 tells us that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son (kindred) so that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.The scriptures back you up…[Read more]

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    Wow Cubes,What a testimony!  You really have a heart for people and the Word so for that alone, God will honor what you do.  It sounds like you've been serving the Body of Christ for quite some time.  May God continue to bless your faithfulness, Cubes.  I think it is important to realize that sometimes all we are called to do is step up to the pla…[Read more]

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    Wow Cubes,What a testimony!  You really have a heart for people and the Word so for that alone, God will honor what you do.  It sounds like you've been serving the Body of Christ for quite some time.  May God continue to bless your faithfulness, Cubes.  I think it is important to realize that sometimes all we are called to do is step up to the pla…[Read more]

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    David,With all due respect I've seen what JW's really use and read as far as Biblical texts as I have attendedtheir meetings, conventions and even studied with them. We were told to use their anonymously edited New World Translation and the Watchtower magazine and nothing else.  I have NEVER seen or heard them recommend any other Bible or study…[Read more]

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    Thanks Cubes & Nick,I do not belong to any church now. The church I serve clearly admits that the word “trinity” is not in the Bible.  I have not heard them teach the trinity doctrine directly but many believe in a triune God because they just don't know any alternative.  Some even believe this Oneness nonsense which is simply repackaged M…[Read more]

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    Hi Nick,Uh, well then how do WE know that OUR heart is right in all matters of spirtual discernment?  Paul said:”My conscience is clear but that does not make me innocent.  It is the Lord who judges me.”(1 Corinthinas 4:4)Notice it is the Lord who judges us, not we ourselves.  So if we can not even be certain ofour own innocence before God, how ar…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 28 2006,06:08)Hi S, All are not saved. All will not be saved. That is the heresy of universalism. Neither are all brothers except those who are sons of God through their being reborn into the Son. We must not confuse neighbours with brothers as Jesus did not do so.Hey Nick,I agree, absolutely with what you have said.…[Read more]

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    Really solid stuff k4c,You wrote: “1 John 4:20-21  If someone says, “I love God,'' and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? And this commandment we have from Him: that he who loves God must love his brother also.”To add to this, our salvation is…[Read more]

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    Hi Nick, you wrote:”Hi S,Was the good thief saved under the Old Covenant or the New?The New Covenant was begun with the death of the Lamb.The Lamb was not yet dead.” This is not a relevant question.  Under the Law, the Pharisees said only God could forgive sins.Jesus showed them otherwise by healing on the Sabbath, (the Son of Man is Lord of the…[Read more]

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    Quote (Cubes @ June 28 2006,02:29)Quote (seminarian @ June 28 2006,00:58)Thanks Cubes,I know I am not 100% correct on every point of doctrine and God still loves and uses me. Any thoughts on this? Do you think ministers like this are deliberately deceiving people or are they trapped as victims of false teachings themselves? SemmyHi Semmy:Some…[Read more]

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    Thanks for the heads up Kenrch but I actually enjoy a good debate.  Many of us make the mistake of winning the argument but killing our brother.  That is definitely not me.  These are simply discussions and nobody's word has power enough to deprive one of God's love.Regarding people thinking water baptism is a “prerequisite for salvation”, let me…[Read more]

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