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    Good point Kenrch,I was not aware that Goliath was actually descended from the Nephillum who as rotten as they were, did not have angels as their forefathers.  In fact as you posted, wasn't the main purpose of the flood in Noah's time to erase the Nephillum from the earth?  Now that's an awful lot of water to waste if the job didn't get done.  …[Read more]

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    Hey Nick,FANTASTIC posts regarding BU theology!  I never could agree with their limited views of Christ only having his beginning in the womb of Mary.  There are so many scriptures they would have to ignore such as John 17:5, “Glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.”They claim Christ existed in God's f…[Read more]

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    Nick,In my Minister Certification class tonight we discussed how Jesus was not affected by Mary's imperfection as his mother. The premise was that in O.T. law, the SEED was what carried the curse or blessing. God would pronounce a blessing on the man and his seed.Now we also notice in Genesis God speaking about emnity between the serpent and the…[Read more]

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    Kenrch,Excellent post and use of scripture. Your calling our Lord Jesus God as meaning placer or disposer is correct. The Father GAVE Christ that office and PLACED all things under his feet. Here's the gem in your post:” However Jesus has a God, His and” our ” Father. The over all picture is that The God of the New Kingdom will turn…[Read more]

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    Pastor Adam,I'm sorry if I struck a nerve.  Nice smoke screen but obviously what I said about the Way and Wierwille applies to you.  After all I had to say, all you could only come up with is the Bible doesn't speak of Jesus returning to the Father?  Is that a fact?  Christ speaks of himself as the bread who came down from heaven. “For the bre…[Read more]

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    Hi Guys,I believe Bullinger's Companion Bible illucidates the fact that the word that is translatedinto English as “eternal” is from the Greek “anion” which means eon. This is a set period of time.That is why many Bibles translate the prophecy in Isaiah 9:6 regarding of Christ as being “Eternal Father” and trinitarians are quick to jump on this as…[Read more]

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    Adam Pastor,I've heard people in the Way use the same misguided logic and interpretation.  They too say Jesus' “beginning” was in the womb of Mary. They say he was simply in God's “foreknowledge” just like us. I don't think so. I have asked them to then explain all the verses which clearly have Christ saying he has come down from heaven, is…[Read more]

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    Hi Nick & H,I've discussed John 1:1 with the Pastor of Education at the church I serve, with the following comments:There are no capitals or lower case in the original Greek manuscripts, (codices).  Therefore capitalization was placed there by the translators.  Here is the proper sequence or order of the Greek words in: John 1:1- “In the b…[Read more]

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    Excellent use of scriptures T8:”So it is unbelief that leads to condemnation, not the lack of water baptism. However if you truly believe you will be baptised. If not, the likely cause is unbelief which brings condemnation. So belief and baptism go hand in hand. If a person neglects baptism then where is their belief? If someone is killed by a…[Read more]

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    Well everybody,Wish me well! I just completed orientation and am now officially enrolled in seminary.I will have my license to preach which allows me to perform marriages, baptismsand other pastoral duties LEGALLY in my state. I should be ordained in a year. Praise the Father of All, this has been a long process.Didn't mean to hyjack the…[Read more]

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    Hi H,You wrote:”I believe that if you love the Lord, you will have it done. But I believe if a man is born again and is not water baptized, if he died before being water baptized, and the man had every intention of getting baptized, God would not take away his salvation.”Yes, I agree with that! That's good you haven't bought into that trinity…[Read more]

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    Good scripture Woutlaw,The trinitarians tried to hyjack this scripture and put in a phoney trinity scripture.It's called the Johannine Comma and was found to be a fraud.Anyway, yes, what does the water represent? Hmmmm (Jeopardy Music Plays in background)S

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    H,Reread my post.  I never said anything about losing one's salvation and also have citied the thief on the cross as being saved without having been baptised. We have no way of knowing who IS saved as only Christ knows who belongs to him.  Therefore the discussion of losing something intangible like salvation when we are not sure someone has in t…[Read more]

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    Hey Ronald,Welcome and thanks for sharing that gem of a paper. I likeyour citations of scriptures to back up your thoughts. Nick and mebasically made similar points that even though Yah is quoted in firstperson singular, it was always an angel or messenger speaking for Him. That does NOT of course make the angel, Yahweh in humanflesh or an…[Read more]

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    heiscomingintheclouds,I hear what you are saying and I've heard this argument before. I don'tthink anyone here is adding to the scriptures.  Nick & Woutlaw havedone a phenominal job of showing you just what the scriptures actually say.In fact I haven't seen you post one scripture proving we should NOT bebaptised.  If you ignore what the Bible s…[Read more]

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    Right CUbes!”Hosanna to the Son of David. Hosanna to the Son of God.Need we say more?”Sometimes we've got to leave the chief priests and scribes in the city and go lodge in Bethany where friends and brethren can be found! Yeah Cubes,Even nursing infants knew who Jesus was! Hosanna is translated as “Save Us!”Thats right. The chief priests and…[Read more]

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    Very true Nick,I always think of how I am going to face my Father when I hit my knees knowing I DIDN'Tspeak out when I should have. I know I've made many people think at thechurch I serve. Some can't understand how God is blessing my ministry even thoughI don't believe in any holy trinity! One of the secrets is that I am always…[Read more]

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    Woulaw, you are absolutely right.That's why I pointed out in my posts that the pastors saying this crack pot stuff have advancedseminary degrees. It obviously hasn't helped them! My 80 year old grandmother knewwho Jesus was and NEVER set foot in a seminary! People get puffed up in their mindsand begin to believe that THEY can't ever be wrong…[Read more]

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    Absolutely Cubes!So they are saying members of the holy Trinity are actually angels?You know it just keeps getting more and more absurd. I don't eventhink they really believe all this stuff. They just keep up these liesto keep their positions as pastors. Most of the members are getting wise and leaving after having theirintelligence insulted…[Read more]

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    Woutlaw your post was priceless!!!:————————————————————————Amen seminarian,When you stand up and tell the truth about the Trinity and other heresy's, the fangs come out in full force. Ya see before I was involved with the Oneness Pentecostals, I was with the Mainline Church of Christ which is from…[Read more]

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