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    Hey Cubes, T8 & Kenrch,Wonderful posts and reasonings guys.  This is such an oasis of sanity! One of the reason why people are so confused and the scriptures have no effect on them is that they have built on the wrong foundation.  The trinity. They worship Jesus as God and forget that God the Father has placed everything under our Lord's feet. T…[Read more]

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    Excellent T8,People are often oblivious to the fact that Hebrew has several meanings for the word “god”.They focus on diety when speaking of Christ but ignore his own words when he quoted Psalm 82:6 IN CONTEXT to what was being discussed.  That is the claim by the Pharisees that he was making himself equal to God.Cool stuff Aton & T8,Semmy   :cool:

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    Sorry Whatistrue but MY question proceeds yours.Answer mine first as that is the topic of the question I FIRST POSEDregarding John 17:5 and not the other that you are trying toinsert and deflect attention to.  It is only YOUR personal assumption that the scripture below is figurativeand not literal.  You've provided no Biblical proof that it is m…[Read more]

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    WhatisTrue?,Neither RR or Adam DENIED adhering to Dr. Paul Wierwille's teachings when confronted did they?  So whyare you speaking for them?  Let them speak for themselves. Let them complain if they don't like what I say.I happen to KNOW Sir Anthony Buzzard and he knew and agreed with most of Weirwille's work. Also, you are WAY off the topic r…[Read more]

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    Kenrch,Regarding Adam Pastor's cut and paste “answer”, I rest my case.Blessings!Semmy

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    BLESS YOU CUBES!Whew!  Nothing gets by you.  This is just what I tried to explain to the pastor o' education at the church I serve.  He still appears bummed out that he lost the debate as I showed him IN SCRIPTURE that Jesus has a God.  :( Excellent clarification on Psalm 82:6.  I am reviewing the Apostles Bible which are the same Greek scri…[Read more]

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    Kenrch,I asked Adam from the Pasture the SAME THING three times regarding this same scripture and reasoning you mentioned here:”If Jesus didn't exist with Jehovah before He was begotten then what was He speaking of in Joh 17:5  And now, Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with “the glory which I had with thee before the world was”. I…[Read more]

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    Hey Nick,Agreed.  However when trinitarians made up the term, the Eternal Son of God,they are specifically referring to the co-equal, co-eternal portion of the trinitydoctrine.  They are saying that Christ, retrospectively, is co-eternal with theFather.  As the begetter, the Father had to be there FIRST tobeget our Lord.That was the point I was ad…[Read more]

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    Truth Seeker,First off, there is no scripture which calls our Lord Jesus the “eternal” Son.  This is a term added to scriptures and I see it was slipped into your post as well. What the scriptures DO say, more than 49 times in fact, is the Jesus Christ is the Son of God.  Read Roman's 16:26.  Only the Father is eternal.  Our Lord Jesus was beg…[Read more]

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    Hi T8, Nick, Cubes , Ronald & everybody else!I think David has left the building.  I tried emailing him through HN and his email bounced.  So I don't think he's going to answer.  I recognize his material from the convoluted JW books and articles that its members are told to read exclusively.  No one is ever encouraged to go anywhere else to ver…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 08 2006,06:00)Hi semmy, Vent away. We do not label ourselves as unitarian or anything else. We belong to God in Jesus. Labels isolate some people from us, and if they draw people to us they are not seeking the Lord but a denomination. Again you can find yourself trying to build on someone else's false foundation. Walk in…[Read more]

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    Hey Nick,Absolutely! We know the God whom we worship but tell me, how intimate can you become with a multiple Godhead or trinity of gods? Really this is no god at all. This is too why the true power for living righteously is so diminished among those who do not know the One true God and His Son Christ Jesus.Yours posts are like a healing balm…[Read more]

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    Here, here Nick & T8!We do what we can but I know God puts us in places to let the light shine.  If we are going to be cowards and not speak the truth, what good are we to God and His Son Jesus?You can put the truth out there but pride which is Satan's blindfold, will keep people from seeing it.  Remember I asked the Pastor of Education if Jesus h…[Read more]

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    Quote (Cubes @ July 08 2006,02:44)Just thought to throw this scripture in for good measure as relates to appearances of Christ in the OT, before he came in the flesh.  Dan 3:25 He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.Hey Cubes!I…[Read more]

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    Good question Kenrch and even better reasonings Nick,Nick said:”So my guess is that there was yet another prison as part of Sheol in the depths of earth for those back beyond Noah not under law and ignorant of Jesus where Jesus went and preached the message of salvation. But that is only my view..” That sounds plausible but remember what the OT…[Read more]

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    Hey Nick, I agree the Roman Catholic Church has added so many terms that are NOT in the Bible.You said:”The word is “sacrament” and it appears nowhere in the bible having been brought in by catholicism like trinity, incarnation, God the Son and God the Spirit etc. Sacramentalisation is the elevation of ritual ahead of faith, to the extent that…[Read more]

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    Hi H,I found the link to the Restored Sacred Name KJV Bible for you. You can look at it on line first. This is what I did myself before I purchased my versions. I have both the Word of Yahweh and the Restoration of the Sacred Name Scriptures Rotherham Edition. Both clearly identify Yahweh from Yahshua which some will even say was a second…[Read more]

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    Woutlaw and Nick, GREAT stuff here again,This part had me blowing out of my computer chair laughing!:”I don't care if you're a trinitarian, binitarian, Oneness, heck I don't care if you believe bobo the chimp is your God, where you go after you die is between you and the Lord.”Now ain't that the truth! American Baptists call this “soul competency”…[Read more]

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    Ah Adam, You caught my little play on your name :;): Sorry but I just couldn't resist. I think theothers got it too!Still not going to answer my question, eh?  You know this is the same diversionary tactic the pastor of education at my church used.  Don't answer the question but throw a stack of inane definitions and articles at the person.  Or try to…[Read more]

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    What's up Nick,Taking a break here. Nick, this was brilliant: We also know from Rev 19.10″For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” thus tying together the Spirit of Christ in the prophets as in 1Cor 10.4 and 1Peter 1.11Speaking of the nation of Israel, “…for they drank from the same spiritual rock that accompanied them and that…[Read more]

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