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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 22 2006,21:57)Hi cubes,. Here is what Matthew wrote about Jesus. He recognised the Servant promised and sent by God to be Messiah and saviour.Matt 12.15f”15But Jesus, aware of this, withdrew from there. Many followed Him, and (A)He healed them all, 16and (B)warned them not to tell who He was. 17This was to fulfill what…[Read more]

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    Quote (t8 @ July 22 2006,12:08)Quote (seminarian @ July 22 2006,22:43)See when you tell one lie, you have to keep making up more to support the first one.  That's howI knew what E-maniac was going to write even before HE did.  You know if someone wants to keepbeing deceived, Satan is all too happy to oblige.Yes it is interesting to me that most, n…[Read more]

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    Ah Cubes and T8,You guys are up on it!  Cubes hit the nail on the head by noting that these were Levitical tithes and 10% of produce and livestock brought to the TEMPLE.  Well both were abolished after 70 AD.  This is simply another way preachers today bilk their members into giving them 10% of their paycheck.  If this was done in the first cen…[Read more]

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    Ken,Trust me, you are doing WAY better than most!  What shocked me isthat the Catholic Church even changed the 10 Commandments!  #2is missing because it condemns forming and bowing down to idols.  Theysplit one of the other commandments into two to complete the ten.Like the JW's, if you are never allowed to read any other Christian gr…[Read more]

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    Hey David,Yeah, maybe you posted in the last couple of days after being “gone” for almost a month after my expose.  Well if you were so “present”, why did your email address bounce and why didn'tyou specifically respond to anything I wrote about the JW's?Just seems to me that you've waited for the heat to blow over so that you couldredirect the…[Read more]

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    Kenrch wrote:Amen!  What is going on with all this peverted gospel?Gal 1:6  I marvel that ye are so quickly removing from him that called you in the grace of Christ unto a different gospel; Gal 1:7  which is not another gospel only there are some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. Kenrch, I don't know man!  My Bible pro…[Read more]

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    E-Maniac,You did NOT answer my questions using any scriptures whatsoever, only your own opinion.Razzzz!  Oh, so sorry but you also used a qualifier in your answer which has no scripturalbasis.  Here are your answers again:E-maniac answers:Does our Lord Jesus have a God? As to touching His human nature, yesDoes God the Father have a God?NoAs to t…[Read more]

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    Kenrch you wrote:”Semmy,Are you saying that if a person who gives his heart to Christ and CANNOT get baptized through no fault of his own then he is doomed?” What?  Where did you see me writing or expressing that opinion?  In fact the last consensus on the subject was that only God knows the person's heart and intentions.  I've already weighed in…[Read more]

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    Quote (Cubes @ July 21 2006,21:09)Also, in direct refutation then to your OP, I cite Matt 1:1 to say no human can conceive and give birth to God.  Matt begins by associating the Christ with human birth . We have to agree that it is preposterous and needless for the God of all to become an offspring of his own creation.  The universe and all in i…[Read more]

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    Nick and H,What is this almost fanatical attachment to the KJV Bible?  There is NO perfecttranslation of the Bible and there are even older, more reliable original Hebrew & Greektexts available today than when the KJV was written.  H, did you check out theSacred Name Version of the KJ?  I think I gave you the link.Tradition wise, the KJV was th…[Read more]

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    Hey Nick,Seems like you've been around the block a few times yourself!  That's great because you have insight on what different groups believe and how close they come to or stray from the Bible.It's interesting that many Catholics have gone to the AOG.  What I like about the AOG is full body worship and prayer.  I admire them for that and re…[Read more]

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    Nick,I see Christ in nearly EVERY post you make.  I've been blown away by some of thescriptural insights you've had.  That sort of thing is not from man but from Christ's spirit within you.  Here is one:”Hi H,Does not the man who abides in the Word have both the Father and the Son?It is not a problem that you cannot see Christ in me.” There you go…[Read more]

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    Hey Nick & T8,I'm not sure but I believe David left after I posted intimate details about what really goes onwithin the JW world.  I haven't seen him post anything since, so you may just be talking among yourselves at this point.However, I am seeing similar tactics being employed within the Assembly of God church I serve such as:1.) AOG – Telling…[Read more]

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    seminarian replied to the topic Arius in the forum Truth or Tradition 18 years, 2 months ago

    Hey T8, Nick & Frank,Great posts!  Re Arius, a new book is available on the Arian Controversy entitled:”The Day Jesus Became God”.  It gives the historical background of the two fightingsides of Arius' day.Also really telling are Tertullian's Letters, specifically: Against Praxaes.  Although he is considered the father of the trinity doctrine, wh…[Read more]

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    Quote (t8 @ July 16 2006,13:29)My understanding is that the word 'OR” means that it is one or the other and not necessarily one or both of them. Maybe I missed something here?Anyway the question at hand for Trinitarians:1.)  Does our Lord Jesus have a God?  Yes/No2.)  Does God the Father have a god?  Yes/NoA simple yes or no for each question is…[Read more]

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    Is 1:18,No need to “work” on anything.  Just answer the two questions I posed from the scriptures.If you are in fact admitting your posts are your own original writings, I believe you are only furtherembarrassing yourself.Just my honest opinion.Bless you,Semmy

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    Hi Vanilla,HappyMan laid it out perfectly as to what true water baptism is from the scriptures.  Even though you were with the JW's, after 1985 they made a subtle change in their baptism declaration so that you would then say that your were agreeing to be baptised into THEIR organization.  Prior to that, one would be simply be baptised into C…[Read more]

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    Quote (kenrch @ July 15 2006,00:25)It is a supreme pleasure, blessing, I can't find the words to define the sensation when the Holy Spirit teaches you while he is using you to teach someone else!The Holy Spirit has taught me and the person I was talking to at the same time!!!  All I could say was WOW! I didn't know that. Then He was teaching both…[Read more]

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    Is 1:18,After all you wrote are you saying Yahweh is calling Yeshua Himself?  Does that make any sense?Here's something that does.  Here are two questions that will show who our Lord Jesus is in relationship to his Father.  Hint: Kenrch gave you a clue by quoting 1 Co 15:28.Please Answer these two simple questions from the Holy Scriptures:1.)  D…[Read more]

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    Quote (kenrch @ July 14 2006,04:43)Semmy,How are you going to tell people what they have been taught all their life is wrong?  There is only one way and that's to let the Holy Spirit do he talking.   Luk 12:12  for the Holy Spirit shall teach you in that very hour what ye ought to say.The Holy Spirit knows who is ready and who is not. We know no…[Read more]

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